Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2861 What happened to the Black Emperor!

"Beyond the ten realms, with advanced cultivation? That was a long time ago. Now I am just a candle in the wind, and my cultivation is not as good as yours!"

Black Emperor smiled bitterly, his eyes full of desolation.

Dao charm filled his body, the black mist dissipated, and his whole person seemed real.

After seeing the Black Emperor's cultivation, even Su Chen couldn't help but be shocked, his eyes full of disbelief.

The Black Emperor is only at the early stage of the Four Realms. How is this possible? !

"In the early stage of the Fourth Realm, and it seems that the cultivation is still a little unstable, and it will fall below the Fourth Realm at any time. Senior Black Emperor, what is going on?"

Su Chen frowned and asked.

Black Emperor's current state was beyond his expectation, making him a little unbelievable.

"You are right. My current cultivation level will fall below the fourth level at any time. As for the reason for all this, we have to talk about it from a million years ago!"

Black Emperor sighed softly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Millions of years ago, with the help of the Lord of Beasts, the Black Emperor surpassed the ten realms and reached the level of

The realm of the master of half-step rules.

In order to break through to the realm of rules, Black Emperor explored the sea of ​​chaos, looking for opportunities and good luck, and accidentally stumbled into an ancient secret realm.

Entering that ancient secret realm, he was ecstatic, thinking that he had discovered the secret realm of the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor, and wanted to find the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor.

But that ancient secret realm was full of crises. Not only was there the unparalleled King of Ferocious Beasts, but there were also many ancient remnant formations. The Black Emperor experienced countless dangers and came to the depths of the secret realm, where he discovered a sacred tree of rules. The divine fruit of rules produced on the sacred tree can help people break through to the realm of rules.

But at the critical moment, Black Emperor was attacked by someone and was seriously injured. Even the magical fruit of rules was snatched away.

The Black Emperor was severely injured, but a poisonous rule still remained in his body, tormenting him every day, like a tarsal bone, making it difficult for him to get rid of it, and his cultivation level continued to decline.

"Ambush you? Who is the person who ambush you?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed and he asked quickly.

"The person who attacked me is the Lord of the Third Ancient City, the Lord of All Poisons! He passed by me

After years of investigation, I discovered that my whereabouts were leaked to the Lord of All Poisons by the Lord of Beasts!

The Lord of All Poisons, with the help of the Divine Fruit of Rules I obtained, is to build a foundation for his son, cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, and condense the body of rules so that his son can become a supreme evildoer and pave the way to the realm of rules. road!

Although it seems that the Lord of Beasts has treated me well over the years, I know that this is all just his disguise! Moreover, the Ten Thousand Poison Rules are devouring my essence, blood, cultivation and soul in my body, just like cultivating poisons. I want to cultivate a Ten Thousand Poisons Divine Bead so that I can give it to the son of the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons. Improve your cultivation! "

Black Emperor's voice was very calm, and there seemed to be no anger at all.

But Su Chen still sensed a deep hatred and murderous intention in his uncertain eyes.

Su Chen couldn't help but frown deeply.

Isn't the Lord of Poisons too vicious?

Not only did he rob the Black Emperor of his opportunity and destiny, seize the divine fruit of rules, and seriously injured the Black Emperor, he also deliberately left behind the source of the Ten Thousand Poison Rules.

The purpose is to devour the Black Emperor's

Cultivation, Yuan Shen and the origin of Taoism are condensed into the Ten Thousand Poison God Beads, which is simply going to eat up the Black Emperor!

"Why does the Lord of Beasts do this? If you break through to the realm of rules, it will be a great help to him, right? What good will it do to him if he betrays you?"

Su Chen was full of doubts and confusion.

"What's the benefit to him? Hey, the eight ancient cities in the Chaos Sea are just a bunch of demons, traitors, scum and shameless people. How can there be any affection at all? It's all about profit!

As for the Lord of Beasts, he has never truly trusted me. He betrayed me, partly because if I broke through to the realm of rules, he might not be able to control me!

More importantly, the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons gave him a temptation that he couldn't refuse. It is said that the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons gave him a Dao Pill of a prehistoric Dao beast, which was enough for the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts to control the second How could he refuse the opportunity given by the rules? "

Black Emperor sneered.

In fact, he had never completely trusted the Lord of Beasts. He had always been vigilant and defensive, but he never thought that the Lord of Beasts would

Really betray him.

Moreover, even if he knew that if the Lord of Rules took action, he would be unable to compete.

"Senior Black Emperor, you have suffered!"

Su Chen said with some sympathy.

Over the years, it seems that the Black Emperor has been deeply valued by the Lord of Beasts and was sent to guard the Treasure Pavilion of Beasts, but he has suffered unbearable pain for ordinary people, even though the Lord of Beasts gave the Black Emperor many treasures to repair his injuries. , but it’s just to raise Gu.

Su Chen could imagine the hatred and murderous intention in the Black Emperor's heart towards the Lord of Beasts!

"Look, this is the Ten Thousand Poison Divine Beads in my body. It's almost completed. I'm afraid I don't have much time!"

Black Emperor said slowly.

He activated his cultivation, and dense blood-colored tentacles appeared on his chest. A black bead appeared at his heart, emitting an uncertain light that was slowly devouring the Black Emperor's cultivation, essence and blood. and origin.

The poisonous aura made Su Chen's scalp feel like it was exploding and his heart palpitating at the sight of it.

That is the original power that belongs to the Lord of Rules, the supreme rule of all poisons!

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