Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2859 The third sword, the Conferred God Style!

These three great arts are all seventh-level arts.

The Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword comes from the original Taoist bones of Xuantian Divine Crane, a chaotic ferocious beast. It is also the original Taoist art of Xuantian Divine Crane. Once activated, it can form a Xuantian Sword Domain, imprisoning everything, and making it difficult for living beings to cross and escape.

And it is unparalleled in killing and extremely powerful!

This Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword made Su Chen very excited.

The Infinite Mountains and Seas Technique can form three thousand heavy sword energy mountains and seas to suppress everything, and it is extremely suitable for the chaos law to activate, so it is also a good choice.

The Great Brahma Sword Sutra is a combination of Taoist scriptures and Taoism. It comes from ancient Buddhism. It can also manifest the Brahma Sword Domain. It can physically transcend everything and practice to the extreme. It can even condense the Great Brahma Golden Body. It is also suspected to be related to some kind of The ten levels of Taoism come from the same origin.

These three seventh-level Taoist techniques each have their own merits, making it difficult for Su Chen to choose.

However, after pondering for a moment, he decided to choose the Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword. This seventh-grade Taoist technique is the most powerful. When combined with the Heaven-Destroying Style, it can increase Su Chen's combat power several times.


"The Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword may not be the most suitable for you. I suggest you take a look at Sealing Heaven Dao Technique!"

At this moment, Hei Yan's old voice entered Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen's heart moved. Is this Hei Yan's instruction?

However, what made him a little confused was that he had also checked the Sealing Heaven Taoist Technique and it was a sixth-grade Taoist Technique. Why did Black Flame ask him to choose a sixth-grade Taoist Technique?

Is there something fishy?

Su Chen put down the Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword, returned to the Sealing Heaven Taoist Technique, and then began to investigate carefully.

It was a simple jade slip, with a dark golden color, neither gold nor jade. There was a black mist on it, as if it was a whirlpool that imprisoned everything. At first glance, it was difficult to tell what was true or false.

But something moved in Su Chen's heart. As he was running the Tao-Slashing Technique, a ray of golden sword light appeared on his fingertips, and the jade slip in front of him reacted.


In the jade slip, there was a faint black sword light emerging, which complemented Su Chen's Tao-Slaying Technique, and an aura of the same sect emerged.

"Could it be

... Could it be that... this Sealing Heaven Dao Technique is one of the Dao Killing Techniques? ! "

Su Chen's whole body was shaken, as if he had thought of some possibility, and his eyes showed a look of great excitement and excitement.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it became. Then he held the jade slip in his palm and continued to activate the Tao-killing Technique.

Sure enough, that reaction became stronger and stronger, making him understand immediately.

No wonder Hei Yan would let him choose this Heaven-Sealing Dao Technique. Is it really one of the Dao-Slaying Techniques?

"Why would this Black Flame help me?"

Su Chen's heart was full of doubts.

Since it was a Tao-Slaying Technique, Su Chen naturally chose this Heaven-Sealing Tao Technique without any hesitation.

When he opened the restriction and put the jade slip between his eyebrows, a black torrent suddenly poured into his sea of ​​consciousness and turned into a black sword light, which seemed to cut through everything, forming an extremely terrifying The sword domain imprisons everything.

God-conferring style!

Su Chen immediately understood that this Heaven Sealing Dao Technique was just a disguise, and what was passed down in it was actually

It's the third sword of Dao-Zhan Jue, the Conferred God Style!

The Conferring God Style can form the Conferring God Sword Domain, imprison the soul, tear apart everything, and has unparalleled power.

In terms of power alone, the Conferred God Style may be almost the same as the Xuantian Forbidden Divine Sword.

But if the Conferred God Style is combined with the Heaven-Destroying Style, it will definitely be able to explode several times more powerfully, which is extremely terrifying.

This is the Taoist technique that is most suitable for Su Chen!

With the Conferring God Style, combined with the Heaven-Destroying Style, Su Chen was confident that he could sweep through the six realms and be invincible.

After entering the Secret Realm of Chaos, Su Chen also gained enough strength to compete for fortune and opportunities.

"I wonder if this God-Sealing Style can deal with the incarnation of the Lord of Beasts?"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

However, I'm afraid the chance is still slim.

We can only look for opportunities in the secret realm of chaos.

After obtaining the Conferred God Style, Su Chen was satisfied and continued to select Dao Pills.

There are hundreds of kinds of Tao elixirs here, ranging from Tao elixirs for healing to Tao elixirs for improving cultivation.

Su Chen finally chose a seventh-grade Taoist elixir named

Get the Tao Enlightenment Pill for Hunyuan!

This Hunyuan Dao Enlightenment Pill is rumored to be refined from a divine object of heaven and earth. It can allow people to condense more powerful Dao Fruit when they break through the five realms of Dao Fruit. It is undoubtedly the most suitable Dao Pill for Su Chen today. .

However, he is cautious by nature and will not take it easily. He will only take it after letting Feizhu shine with the regular divine light to confirm that there are no problems.

When Su Chen's cultivation reaches the fifth level of Dao Fruit, he believes that even if he is faced with an incarnation of the Lord of Beasts, he will still not be afraid at all.

"The Lord of Beasts wants to kill me. It depends on whether you have the ability!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

He took the Divine Conferment Style and the Hunyuan Enlightenment Pill and prepared to leave the Ten Thousand Beasts Treasure Pavilion.

But before leaving, he was stopped by Hei Yan.

Moreover, Hei Yan's words made his hair stand on end and his whole body stiffened.

"You come from the ninth level of chaotic sea, right?"

The old voice seems to contain the power to penetrate people's hearts.

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