Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2854 The Lord of Beasts Appears!

The Monument of Ten Thousand Beasts shines brightly and is extremely dazzling. The phantoms of the beasts emerge, roaring and roaring, manifesting various mysterious and unpredictable phenomena.

The word Su Chen appeared on the top of the list, exuding immortal light and suppressing it for eternity.

Even Ye Feng, who was originally stunningly talented, was overpowered by Su Chen and could only settle for second place.

"Topping the list of beasts, how is this possible?"

Even Ma Risheng's eyes were full of incredulity.

He knows better than anyone how difficult it is to wait for the Ten Thousand Beasts Monument, and he also knows better than anyone how terrifying the eight monsters in front are.

Especially Night Breeze.

Ye Feng is known as the number one genius in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts. According to legend, he is a fellow Yin-Yang practitioner who possesses both the Taiyang Avenue and the Taiyin Avenue, and condenses a supreme Yin-Yang Dao Fruit. When he breaks through the realm of Dao Fruit, even purple energy comes from the east. , causing shock in the Hongmeng world.

Nowadays, Ye Feng is a strong man at the peak of the Sixth Realm, the peak of Tao King, whose strength is unfathomable, and he can step into the Seventh Realm at any time.

But he suppressed his cultivation and wanted to enter the legendary secret realm of chaos to find the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor.

Therefore, Ye Feng participated in the test of the Lord of Beasts with ease

It climbed to the top of the list.

No one has ever shaken it.

But today, the top spot on the Ten Thousand Beasts Ranking changed hands and became Su Chen, and it was Su Chen who only had four realms.

This shows that Su Chen has been recognized by the Lord of Beasts, and his potential and talent exceed Ye Feng.

But how is this possible?

The Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts has never heard of the name Su Chen. If he was really such a monster, he would have already become famous in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts!

"Check, find out the origin of this Su Chen! I don't believe that such a monster has an unknown membership before. I'm afraid he is probably a spy from other ancient cities!"

Gu Changgeng said in a cold voice, his eyes full of seriousness.

Su Chen topped the list of beasts, which made him shocked and angry. This not only meant that his bet with Ma Risheng was completely lost, but also meant that his path was completely cut off.

There was no hope of entering the secret realm of chaos, which made him crazy with jealousy, and his murderous intention towards Su Chen reached the extreme.

He also thought about this and thought that there might be something wrong with Su Chen's origin, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have never heard of the name Su Chen before.


On the five-color altar, a powerful force

A powerful aura spurted out, and Su Chen's cultivation finally stabilized at the peak of the Four Realms.

In his body, the three-color Tao seed, shimmering with bright light, had taken root deeply in the soil of life, took root, sprouted, and grew into a small sapling.

That small sapling was intertwined with the three-color origin of chaos, reincarnation and Tianxin. It was shrouded in a strange light and looked very extraordinary.

That's Su Chen's Tree of Tao!

As the tree of Tao grows, Tao fruits will gradually grow on it, illuminating the world and nourishing itself.

That was also the time when Su Chen broke through the fifth realm!

However, Su Chen understood that although his current cultivation had reached the peak of the fourth realm, he still had a long way to go before he could reach the fifth realm.

There are ten realms of the Great Dao, one realm, one heaven and one earth. The breakthrough in each realm requires great opportunities.

If Su Chen hadn't received the supreme creation from the Lord of Reincarnation before, and integrated many treasures into his body, which was all the foundation of a Lord of Rules, this would have given Su Chen the strength to leapfrog and fight.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for an ordinary strong person from the fourth realm to defeat a strong person from the fifth realm.

Between the two, the Tao they control is vastly different, and their strength is naturally vastly different.


However, even so, Su Chen's strength has still increased a lot.

Su Chen stood up from the five-color altar.

He saw the shock, awe, jealousy and disbelief in the eyes of everyone around him, and also saw Gu Changgeng's gloomy face and eyes full of murderous intent.

However, Su Chen didn't even look at him, his expression was extremely calm, and he was about to walk off the five-color altar.

He has obtained a quota to enter the legendary secret realm of chaos. Whether it is the ninth level of the chaotic sea or not, he has the upper hand.

As for Gu Changgeng's provocation, he was just a dandy, so he didn't take it seriously.


But at this moment, on the Ten Thousand Beasts Monument, the divine light was shining brightly, and the beasts were galloping and roaring. A huge and immortal pressure enveloped the world, making everyone feel their scalps numb and their whole bodies trembling.

On top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Monument, a big man wearing animal skins appeared, with wild beard and hair, and sharp eyes. He fell on Su Chen, as if he was carrying billions of dollars of terrifying pressure.

"Lord City Lord?!"

Someone exclaimed, his voice trembling.

"Greetings to the Lord of the City!"


It was the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, and they all saluted towards the figure, their eyes full of awe.

They recognized the wild beast-skin man, who was the controller of the Ancient City of Beasts, the Lord of Beasts!

No one expected that the Lord of Beasts would appear.

"You actually topped the list of beasts, beating Ye Feng? Su Chen? That's interesting!"

The Lord of Beasts looked at Su Chen in front of him and said calmly.

"Lord City Lord, kill him quickly, kill him!"

Gu Changgeng was roaring secretly in his heart, his eyes full of sneers. He knew better than anyone else that the reason why Ye Feng was the number one genius in the Ancient City of Beasts was because Ye Feng's master was the Lord of Beasts.

Su Chen dared to overpower Ye Feng. This was simply not giving the Lord of Beasts face. Maybe the Lord of Beasts would kill Su Chen directly in his anger.

"I have met the Lord of the City!"

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat, but on the surface he remained calm and bowed.

The eyes of the Lord of Beasts were so terrifying, that cold and ruthless gaze, as if a divine dragon was looking down at all living beings, making him feel like he was being seen through.

He secretly thought something was wrong, how could the Lord of Beasts be alarmed?

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