Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2851 The unknown sword technique!

"Breaking the Dao of the Four Realms, being able to kill a dozen strong men at the peak of the Five Realms with one sword, and knocking back three strong men of the Sixth Realm. This is definitely not an ordinary sword art, it is most likely one of the three supreme sword art!"

"What this person performed was most likely the Dao-Slaying Technique! Because my brother once fell under the Dao-Slaying Technique, and what this kid practiced is very similar to the Dao-Zooming Technique!"

"The Dao-Slaying Technique? This kid doesn't want his life, and he actually dares to practice the Dao-Slaying Technique? This is the most ominous sword technique, and most of the practitioners died unexpectedly!"

Everyone was talking about it. Most of the powerful men in the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts were extremely vicious people. They were famous beings in Hongmeng Realm and had extremely vicious eyes.

Soon someone recognized that the sword technique practiced by Su Chen was none other than the Dao-Zhan Jue, one of the three supreme sword techniques.

But as soon as the three words "Zhan Dao Jue" came out, everyone showed extremely strange expressions.

Because, among the three supreme sword techniques, only the Dao-Slaying Technique is the most special.

According to legend, Dao Zhan Jue was once contaminated by

The blood of the ancient God Emperor was cursed because of this, and most of those who practiced the Tao-Slaying Technique died unexpectedly.

What's more important is that the Tao-Slaying Techniques are scattered across the Hongmeng world, and most of them are incomplete. It has never been heard of anyone who can complete the Tao-Slaying Techniques.

Most of those who are famous in the Hongmeng world for the three supreme sword techniques are practicing the other two sword techniques.

As for the Dao-Slaying Technique, most people would not dare to touch it, and it was something they talked about with disdain.

Even if the Lord of Rules has practiced Dao-Slaying Technique, it will be difficult to resist the curse and will eventually die.

When practicing Dao-Slaying Technique, the initial entry will be very fast and extremely lethal, but it will soon become contaminated with unknown dangers and eventually lead to violent death.

After seeing that Su Chen was practicing the Tao-Slaying Technique, everyone's expressions immediately changed, and many people showed ridicule and sympathy.

"You are so stupid, you dare to practice Dao-Slaying Technique? This person's fate is already doomed!"

"Even if you have extraordinary talents and are unparalleled monsters, you will eventually end up in a violent death."

field! "

"Although the Dao-Slaying Technique is powerful, the Lord of Rules doesn't dare to practice it. That's because he was cursed by the ancient God Emperor. This person is too stupid!"


Everyone was talking among themselves, some shook their heads and sighed, and some sneered and sarcastically said.

"Idiot, you dare to practice Dao-Slaying Technique? It seems that I don't need to take action, you will die violently!"

Gu Changgeng also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, mainly because Su Chen had just killed more than a dozen peak five-level experts with one sword, which really shocked him.

At this moment, when he heard that Su Chen was practicing the Tao-Slaying Technique, he also sneered in his heart.

"Gu Changgeng, regardless of whether he has practiced the Tao-Slaying Technique or not, as long as he passes the three tests, he will be able to ascend the Ten Thousand Beasts Monument. By then, the bet between you and me will be lost!"

Ma Risheng sneered.

Although he felt a little regretful in his heart, he did not expect that what Su Chen practiced was what everyone talked about, and was tainted with curses and unknown Tao-cutting techniques, but he had no feelings for Gu Changgeng.

What a good look.

"That's not necessarily the case! This person is extremely stupid. He has practiced the Tao-Slaying Technique. Maybe his soul has long been contaminated with an unknown aura. It is simply a dream to pass the third test!"

Gu Changgeng snorted coldly.

However, his eyes were always fixed on Su Chen, showing that his heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.


On the five-color altar, in the strange chaotic space, Su Chen and three powerful men at the peak of the six realms started a fierce battle.

Among the three powerful men, there was a woman wearing golden armor with an extremely fiery figure, a young man with a spear in his hand and extremely sharp eyes, and a ferocious beast that was as red as fire and looked like a rhinoceros.

These three puppets all possess the combat power at the peak of the Sixth Realm, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

The woman in golden armor held a long sword, and the light of the sword was like a long golden river. It kept falling down and collided with Su Chen, making a violent roar.

Dark-haired man holding a spear

, the spear in his hand is extremely sharp, lingering with the aura of the Tao of Nirvana. Every time the spear is thrust out, it is like a black hole appears, swallowing everything.

The most terrifying thing is the rhinoceros beast, which spurts out blazing flames and contains the purest principle of fire. It can burn everything. At the same time, the red hair around it flies out like steel needles, forming a field of red arrow light. , sealing Su Chen inside.

These three puppets seemed to know that Su Chen's combat power was extremely terrifying and not easy to mess with, so they used thunderous tactics and started a fierce fight with Su Chen.


Su Chen's eyes were sharp, and his fighting spirit was rising. The three puppets at the top of the six realms in front of him also posed a considerable threat to him, but this only aroused the fighting spirit in his heart.

He pushed the Dao Slash Technique to the extreme, and the chaotic sword light in his palm was divided into three, and he killed the three people in front of him at the same time. The speed was as fast as lightning, and for a moment he showed an anxious posture.

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