Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2848 The Law of Chaos, perfect control!

The first of the three major tests of the Lord of Beasts tests the control of the Tao.

Su Chen sat cross-legged on the five-color altar, with divine radiance intertwined all over his body, Dao Yun rising, and a transcendent and mysterious power of rules enveloped Su Chen.

Vaguely, Su Chen seemed to have arrived in a chaotic void, and a towering ancient tree appeared in front of him.

On the towering ancient tree, the branches and leaves are knotted, and the crown of the tree is like a dome, blocking out the sky and the sun. The green leaves bloom with blazing light, crystal clear, and very extraordinary.

Su Chen's heart moved, and he realized that the towering ancient tree in front of him was the tree of rules, left behind by the Lord of Beasts.

Those who participate in the test need to integrate the Tao principles they have understood into the tree of rules. On the tree of rules, the divine light of Tao will bloom, and the divine light of Tao will rise into the sky, blooming at a height of Represents the degree of control over the Tao.

With a thought in Su Chen's mind, without the slightest hesitation, he directly activated his own chaotic principles and integrated them into the tree of rules.


The tree of rules instantly bloomed with blazing light, mysterious chaotic light, and

Entering the tree of rules, the tree of rules soared directly into the sky as if it had completely revived.

Almost instantly, on the tree of rules, thousands of feet of Tao divine light shone in all directions, majestic and immortal.

In the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, everyone could also see that on the five-color altar, a tree of rules appeared above Su Chen's head, with bright light blooming on it.

The divine light of Qianzhang Daoze instantly shocked everyone.

"The Tree of Rules has appeared, and the thousand-foot-long Dao is the divine light? Hiss... what kind of supreme Dao has this boy condensed?"

"Thousands of feet of Taoist divine light, this person's control of Taoism has definitely reached a state of perfection!"

"That's...the Principle of Chaos? Hiss...this person has actually understood the Principle of Chaos? No wonder he is so recognized by the Tree of Rules! The Lord of the City has said that the Principle of Chaos will be given priority. After all, that person is the God of Chaos. emperor!"

"That's right! The Chaos God Emperor controls the origin of chaos. If you can control the principles of chaos, you are most likely to get the inheritance of the Chaos God Emperor!"

"Above the Monument of Ten Thousand Beasts

Of the nine people, six have understood the principles of chaos, and the one at the top of the list is a fellow practitioner of both paths, who is as bright as ever! "

"This person has understood the principles of chaos. No wonder he is confident that he can get the tenth spot!"

"So what if he has comprehended the principles of chaos? The cultivation level of the Four Realms Breaking the Dao is still too weak. I think even if he passes the first test, it will be difficult for him to pass the second!"


Everyone around was talking a lot, their eyes full of emotion.

Seeing the tree of rules blooming with thousands of meters of divine light, they were all shocked. Who would have thought that Su Chen had comprehended the principles of chaos?

Seeing this scene, even Gu Changgeng's face became extremely gloomy.

As for Ma Risheng, there was a strange look in his eyes.

He glanced at Gu Changgeng and said: "Gu Changgeng, you and I have made an oath and made a bet! But if this person occupies the tenth spot, then you will lose!"

He wanted to laugh in his heart, but he held it back, looking extremely weird.

Who would have thought that Gu Changgeng would actually lift

Shooting yourself in the foot?

"Hmph! He's just broken through all four realms, but he still wants to pass the test of the City Lord? It's simply an idiot's dream, he will definitely fail!

As for the bet between you and me, there is no result yet. What do you have to be proud of? I'm going to order your mount! "

Gu Changgeng's face was cold and he said in a cold voice.

"You want me to be your mount, are you worthy?"

Ma Risheng laughed angrily, his eyes filled with an extremely dangerous look.

"Look, the divine light of Dao Ze rises so fast!"

At this moment, someone exclaimed.

The first test of the Lord of Beasts requires the divine light of the Tao to rise thousands of feet and completely light up the entire tree of rules.

This is undoubtedly an extremely harsh condition. Those who can light up the divine light of the ten thousand feet are all unique geniuses.

At this moment, the tree of rules bloomed with brilliant light, and the divine light of Tao lit up the tree of rules. It rose faster and faster, reaching five thousand feet in an instant.

And it continues to rise, with no signs of slowing down.

Five thousand feet!

Six thousand feet!

Seven thousand feet!

The divine light of Taoism climbs towards the top of the tree of rules. The divine light is bright and the Taoist rhyme rises, becoming more and more mysterious and immortal.

And Su Chen's whole person exuded a transcendent and immortal aura.

"Is this person really going to pass the first test?"

Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

I thought that Su Chen was just an arrogant fool, but who would have thought that Su Chen actually had such a heaven-defying talent?

The Divine Light of the Ten Thousand-foot Dao is a realm that only those in the Seventh Realm can achieve, so it is extremely harsh for those below the Seventh Realm.

But Su Chen is only in the fourth realm and is about to reach the divine light of ten thousand feet. What kind of evil and heaven-defying qualification is this?


Finally, the divine light of Dao soared into the sky, reaching 18,000 feet!

Because, the Tree of Rules is only 18,000 feet long. At this moment, it is completely blooming with dazzling brilliance. It is grand and immortal, and has a strange resonance with the five-color altar!

And Su Chen, under the divine light of Dao Ze, was like a divine emperor coming to the dust, mysterious and immortal!

The first test passed!

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