Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2838 Dao-killing Technique!

Su Chen's speed was extremely fast, and with the cover of the Chaos Principle, his figure was hidden in the Chaos Sea, and he quickly approached the Thousand-Handed Dragon, and then burst out with a fatal blow.

When the Thousand-Handed Dragon noticed Su Chen's trace, Su Chen had already killed it.


The Thousand-Handed Dragon's eyes were blood red, full of cruel killing intent, and in an instant, hundreds of black tentacles were mobilized to wrap around Su Chen.


The Junlin Sword burst out with a blazing sword light, and it cut down instantly, like destroying withered and rotten, and in an instant, it cut off all the tentacles in front of it.

The tentacles that the Thousand-Handed Dragon was proud of were like paper in front of Su Chen.

After all, the Junlin Sword in Su Chen's hand was a treasure of rules. Although Su Chen could not activate the power of rules and burst out its full power, the Junlin Sword was indestructible and sharp, and could tear everything apart.

How could a mere beast of the sixth realm possibly withstand the sharp edge of the Sovereign Sword?


Su Chen continued to charge and killed in front of the Thousand-Handed Flood Dragon. The Sovereign Sword slashed down and instantly tore apart the dark beams that spewed out of the seven heads of the Thousand-Handed Flood Dragon.

At this moment, the Chaos Yuan Eagle was already covered in blood and covered with terrible scars. If Su Chen had been a little later, the Chaos Yuan Eagle would probably have been torn apart by the Thousand-Handed Flood Dragon.

The Chaos Yuan Eagle's eyes were full of doubts. It had the simplest intelligence, but it couldn't figure out why Su Chen wanted to save it, after all, Su Chen had fought with it before.


The Thousand-Handed Flood Dragon was completely furious, with bloodshot eyes, staring at Su Chen.

Especially the Sovereign Sword in Su Chen's hand.

It could feel that the ant in front of it was very weak, but the sword made it extremely afraid.

It was extremely furious. Su Chen had ruined its plans. It spewed out dark beams of light from its mouth, corroding everything. At the same time, its tentacles intertwined with each other, filled with a faint breath of Tao, like a cage, trying to trap Su Chen in the center.


Su Chen's eyes were extremely sharp. He mobilized the power of the Tao seed in his body and used the Junlin Sword to perform the Dragon Slashing Sword. The sword light illuminated the world, as if forming a world of reincarnation, which was extremely dazzling.

This Dragon Slashing Sword was actually called the Dao Slashing Art.

The Dao Slashing Art was known as one of the three most powerful sword arts in the Hongmeng Monarch Realm. The Lord of Reincarnation only cultivated one style, but it had extremely terrifying power.

After Su Chen condensed the Tao seed and broke through to the Dao Breaking Realm, he also successfully cultivated the Dao Slashing Art.

At this moment, he seemed to have merged with the Junlin Sword, turning into a grand and immortal sword light that could tear apart the avenue and destroy the Tao, and no one could stop it.


Even though the tentacles in the sky formed a net of heaven and earth, they could not resist this sword and were directly torn apart by Su Chen.

The dark beam was also shattered by the sword light.

Su Chen continued to move forward, like a brilliant galaxy, and killed in front of the Thousand-Handed Dragon, and the sword light slashed down.

The Thousand-Handed Dragon was shocked and angry. Although he tried his best to resist, the black sun rose around him. It was the sea of ​​power transformed by the Tao, and there were mountains hitting it, which was extremely terrifying.

But in front of the Dao-Slashing Art, it was still not enough!


The mountains were broken, the ocean overturned, and the sword light covered everything.

It fell across the sky and directly cut off six of the seven heads of the Thousand-Handed Dragon.

The power of that sword was so terrible that it scared the Thousand-Handed Dragon!

And Su Chen's figure emerged in the void, his face was a little pale. This sword almost exhausted the power of the Tao Seed, which made Su Chen not expect that the Dao-Slashing Art combined with the King's Sword would burst out with such terrible power.

"My cultivation is still too weak! However, the Zhan Dao Jue and the Junlin Sword can actually kill the six-level beasts? This Zhan Dao Jue is really extraordinary!" Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, his eyes full of great expectation. The more he practiced the Zhan Dao Jue, the more he felt the extraordinaryness of the Zhan Dao Jue, worthy of being one of the three most powerful sword techniques in the Hongmeng Mongolian world. Even though Su Chen only practiced the first move of the Zhan Dao Jue, he still felt the infinite mystery, as if it could accommodate everything and smash the heavens and the myriad ways. The Thousand-Handed Dragon was completely frightened and wanted to escape into the Chaos Sea in an instant. It felt that the ant in front of it was too scary, especially the sword. If it hadn't performed some kind of life-saving secret technique just now, all seven heads would have been chopped off by Su Chen. Chirp! But at this moment, a sound of piercing gold and splitting rocks sounded, and the Chaos Yuan Eagle swooped down from mid-air. It didn't run away, and now it hated the Thousand-Handed Dragon even more. Its wings fluttered, and two intertwined wings and sword lights, filled with a faint chaotic luster, chopped down in an instant.


The last head of the Thousand-Handed Dragon was chopped off by the Chaos Eagle without warning. The Chaos Eagle pecked at it, biting the head of the Thousand-Handed Dragon and soaring into the sky, swallowing its head into its stomach.

"The Dao fruit is mine, the Dao fruit is mine..."

At the same time, Feizhu shouted anxiously, moving like lightning. With a flash of white light, Feizhu used some unknown means to tear the huge body of the Thousand-Handed Dragon directly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed a black Dao fruit, and flew to the side with a smile.

Seeing the Chaos Eagle and Feizhu snatching the fruits of victory one after another, Su Chen was a little helpless.

However, he looked at the Chaos Eagle in the void with some curiosity. How could this guy not run away?

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