Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2836 The Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts!

However, Su Chen was not willing to give up.

Without the identity card, he could not enter the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, let alone leave the Chaos Sea through the Sea Eye.

He tried to mobilize the Dao Seed in his body. Among the three-color Dao Seed, the three Daos of Chaos, Heart of Heaven and Samsara were entangled, emitting a mysterious and immortal power.

Su Chen used the three Daos to invade the identity card, trying to decompose the wisp of rule power left by the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts, so as to leave his own breath in the identity card.

Although the Chaos Dao is not as powerful as the Supreme Rule, the Chaos Dao is extremely special and can devour everything. Perhaps it can resist that wisp of rule power.

Su Chen's three-color Dao Seed bloomed with a blazing light, and the three major rule powers, like three sword lights, rushed into the identity card and slashed on the rule net, trying to tear a crack.


The rule net roared and trembled, and a grand and majestic breath burst out, almost shattering the three sword lights directly.

However, the Chaos Dao is mysterious and unpredictable. The sword light instantly evolved into an ancient Chaos Bell, which was surrounded by divine light, swallowing everything and competing with the network of rules.


Chaos light burst out from Su Chen's body, as if forming a chaotic vortex.

In the Chaos Sea, the majestic power of chaos seemed to be mobilized by him and continuously poured into his body.

Su Chen even directly drove the three-color Dao Seed and rushed directly into the identity nameplate to confront the network of rules.

"This guy is so bold that he dares to use the power of Dao Seed to challenge the power of rules? If the Dao Seed is broken, all his cultivation will be completely wasted!"

Flying Pig was also shocked when he saw this scene.

It knows the difference between rules and rules. The strong man in the Dao Realm can hardly compete with the Lord of Rules. The two are not creatures on the same level at all, and there is a world of difference.

It is even more of a foolish dream for Dao to compete with rules.

But Su Chen was different. The Chaos Principle he comprehended was the Supreme Dao, and he was in the Chaos Sea, so he could mobilize endless Chaos Power.

Not to mention, this Chaos Sea was the immortal universe fragment of the Chaos God

Emperor, and there was still some Chaos Rule Power left in it, which was also mobilized by Su Chen vaguely.

In addition, the wisp of Rule Power in the identity nameplate was extremely weak, just for identification, not for fighting against the enemy.

What shocked Feizhu was that Su Chen actually shook the Rule Net with the three-color Dao Seed in the end, and the Chaos Ancient Bell shook the Rule Net away for a moment.


Then taking this opportunity, Su Chen quickly wiped out the breath of the Beast Tamer Taoist, and left his own breath in the identity nameplate.

All this happened in just a moment.

Soon, the Rule Net was restored to its original state, and the grand and immortal power shook out Su Chen's three-color Dao Seed.

Fortunately, the three-color Dao Seed was not damaged.

Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief and put the three-color Dao Seed back into his body, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He really made the right bet.

His Chaos Dao and the three-color Dao Seed were extremely extraordinary. In this Chaos Sea, he mobilized the vast Chaos

Power and could actually shake the power of rules.

For other people, this was simply a fantasy.

A mere four-level Dao-breaking was worse than an ant in front of the Lord of Rules, but could actually shake the power of rules?

"Su Chen, your three-color Dao Seed is too extraordinary! Even I can't see through it. If this continues, you will enter the realm of the Lord of Rules with the three Daos, and you will definitely be able to crush your peers and be invincible!"

Feizhu said with great emotion.

"Lord of Rules? That's too far away. I'm only in the fourth realm now! Let's go to the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts first, hoping to find the way to the Great World of Hongmeng!" Su Chen smiled calmly, grabbed the identity badge, and felt a sense of harmony. Then he and Feizhu quickly moved towards the direction of the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts. As for the Chaos Yuan Eagle, it had already escaped after the Taoist Master of Beast Taming was killed, which made Su Chen unable to catch up, which was quite a pity. After all, the Chaos Yuan Eagle is an excellent flying mount, which is enough to move the Chaos Sea, and its speed is extremely fast. Su Chen wondered if he could find the Chaos Yuan Eagle and completely subdue it. ... The Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts. This is a magnificent sky city, floating above a vast chaotic sea eye, with huge waves, unpredictable divine brilliance, interweaving laws, and rising chains of order. There is an ancient and immortal breath. At this moment, in the center of the Ancient City of Ten Thousand Beasts, in a strange space, a burly, wild-looking figure slowly opened his eyes.

Those were a pair of golden eyes, like the eyes of a ferocious beast, full of bloodthirstiness and cruelty.

"Someone actually shook the power of the rules of this seat? Interesting, could it be that those old guys in the Hongmeng Mongols finally couldn't sit still?"

He whispered to himself, his eyes were deep and cold, and there was even a trace of fear and unwillingness, looking at the end of the distant Chaos Sea.

There, the layers of void dispersed, the power of reality intertwined, there was an eternal and immortal breath, and a vast world vaguely emerged.

That was the Hongmeng Mongols!

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