Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2833 Forbidden Treasure Bracelet, Zixiao Mirror!

The man in gray robe jumped down from Chaos Yuan Ying's body, and a dark golden bracelet appeared in his palm. The bracelet was spinning around, with strange light blooming, and it seemed that there was an illusory world contained in the bracelet.


The dark golden bracelet flew out from his palm, bursting with bright light, and headed directly towards the Junlin Sword Sheath.

That dark golden bracelet, called the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet, is a top-grade Taoist artifact and the most powerful treasure on the gray-robed man's body.

This forbidden treasure bracelet is said to be able to suppress billions of weapons in the world and imprison everything. It is magical and unpredictable.

Seeing the extremely sharp Junlin Sword in Su Chen's hand, the man in gray robe also developed a strong greed and wanted to take it for himself.


The Forbidden Treasure Bracelet exudes a strange fluctuation, as if a realm of confinement has unfolded, and a powerful devouring force is coming.

Su Chen felt that the Junlin Sword in his hand was buzzing and trembling, and he actually wanted to fly away, towards the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet.

"You want my sword? Let's see if you have the ability!"

Su Chen's eyes were extremely cold, the three-color Tao seeds in his body burst out with blazing light, and the mysterious power of Tao continued to pour into

In the Junlin Sword, let the Junlin Sword shine brightly.

Then, Su Chen held the Junlin Sword and struck down the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet with his sword.

The bright sword light was like a river hanging in the sky, so dazzling that the gray-robed man couldn't help but change his expression.

Su Chen's Junlin Sword actually broke the confining domain of the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet. How is this possible?

Even though Su Chen's Junlin Sword is a top-grade Taoist weapon, after all, he is only at the Dao-breaking realm, so it is difficult to completely refine it and exert the full power of a top-grade Taoist weapon.

The kid in front of me who is in the Dao-Breaking Realm is so evil!


The Junlin Sword struck the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet, sparks suddenly shot out, and the light was blazing.

The devouring field emanating from the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet was instantly torn apart, and the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet also buzzed and trembled, and flew out!

The man in gray robe took the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet back and saw a sword mark on the Forbidden Treasure Bracelet. The light became a little dim, which immediately made him feel extremely distressed.

This is a high-grade Taoist forbidden treasure bracelet, and it was actually injured by Su Chen. How is it possible?

He became more and more certain that the Junlin Sword in Su Chen's hand was definitely a top-quality Taoist weapon!

"This sword is definitely

The best Taoist weapon, Tao Master, I want to order it! "

The man in gray robe was shaking with excitement. Without any hesitation, he bit the tip of his tongue to draw blood, and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the small mirror in his hand.

The small mirror was covered with cracks and looked extremely primitive, intertwined with strange lines. But after absorbing the blood essence of the gray-robed man, the cracks on it slowly dissipated, and a blazing thunder light bloomed from it. .

"Die to Master Dao!"

The man in gray robe gritted his teeth and then raised the small mirror with great difficulty.

In the small mirror, water-like lightning spurted out, pouring down toward Su Chen like a catastrophe.

This is Zixiao Thunder Light!

The small mirror is called Zixiao Mirror. It is a treasure obtained by the gray-robed man from an ancient ruins. It is extremely mysterious. Although it is full of cracks, if it is activated by burning Dao Fruit or activated by blood essence, it can burst into flames. The purple sky thunder light kills everything.

The purple sky thunder light erupted from the small mirror can directly kill even the ferocious beasts of the Sixth Realm.

Originally, Chaos Yuan Ying wanted to kill Su Chen, but when Chaos Yuan Ying saw the purple sky thunder light all over the sky, he immediately

He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, feeling that his soul was trembling deep inside.

Even Su Chen felt the threat of death at this moment.

The purple sky thunder light above the nine heavens locked him up, and the destructive power contained in it seemed to be able to destroy everything.

It was definitely something Su Chen could compete with at this moment.

Without thinking, Su Chen sacrificed the golden fragment, and the power of Tao surged into it, constantly pouring into it.

On top of the golden fragments, a bright brilliance bloomed, and a mysterious phantom of scales emerged, covering Su Chen like a barrier.


The next moment, the purple sky thunder light filled the sky, like the Milky Way, hitting the phantom of the scales.

The terrifying thunder light fell, causing a huge wave to explode in the Chaos Sea, surging and sweeping across all directions.

Su Chen's whole body seemed to be completely submerged.

"Is it time to die now?"

The man in gray robe turned a little pale and thought to himself.

This purple sky thunder light is comparable to the full blow of a ferocious beast in the seventh realm. The man in gray robe used the purple sky thunder light to kill a strong man in the Tao King realm.

It's just a broken Tao state, but it's just a matter of condensing the Tao seeds.

That's all, how can you resist Zixiao's thunder?

Soon, the blazing lightning in front of his eyes dissipated.

The gray-robed man was looking forward to seeing Su Chen reduced to ashes, and he even wanted to collect the Junlin Sword.

But at this moment, a blazing sword light came towards him at extremely fast speed.

The gray-robed man's scalp was numb and his eyes were full of disbelief. Su Chen didn't die under Zixiao's thunder. How could this be possible?

However, before he had time to think about it, Su Chen's sword was already coming towards him, making him feel cold all over and feeling a fatal threat.

Without thinking, he activated Zixiao Mirror again and blocked the Junlin Sword.


The Junlin Sword struck the Zixiao Mirror, and the two treasures roared and trembled, making a thunderous explosion sound, and their aura was extremely terrifying.

The Purple Sky Mirror was not a defensive treasure. Although it blocked the fatal blow of the Junlin Sword, it was still chopped away by the Junlin Sword!

Su Chen rushed forward, his eyes were extremely cold, and he chopped down his head with another sword.


Blood was everywhere, and the gray-robed man was unable to resist. His eyes were full of extreme fear, and he was directly chopped in half by the Junlin Sword!

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