Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2830 Chaos Longevity Cauldron!

"Chaos Wanshou Cauldron? What is that?"

Su Chen asked.

"The Chaos Ten Thousand Life Cauldron is a treasure that is famous in the Hongmeng world. It ranks among the top ten on the Hongmeng Treasure List because it is the treasure of the Chaos God Emperor!

The Chaos Ten Thousand Life Cauldron is also known as the Chaos Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron. It is rumored that in order to refine this treasure, the Chaos God Emperor suppressed tens of thousands of powerful beasts comparable to the Lord of Rules, and integrated countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Strong fetish.

He wants to use the Chaos Longevity Cauldron to simulate the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues, perfect his chaotic universe, and make the chaotic universe sublimate to a higher level! But in the end, with the fall of the Chaos God Emperor, the Chaos Longevity Cauldron also ended up unknown!

Many people speculate that the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron has been completely destroyed. Some people also speculate that the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron was hidden in the Sea of ​​Chaos by the Chaos God Emperor, waiting for a destined person to inherit it!

Although I am not completely sure yet, there is the aura of the Dao beast and the origin of chaos on this golden fragment. It is very likely that it is

The fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron! "

Feizhu explained.

"The fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, what is the origin of this golden fragment?"

Su Chen was also shocked.

The golden fragment in his hand was neither gold nor jade. It was only the size of a palm. It was flowing with a faint chaotic thunder light and had strange scales engraved on it. It was indeed extremely extraordinary.

The Junlin Sword could not leave any trace on it, which shows that this golden fragment is extremely extraordinary, at least it is also a fragment of a treasure of rules.

"You instill a little bit of Chaos Principle and see if there is any reaction?"

Flying Pig said.

Su Chen nodded. In the palm of his hand, the power of chaos rose, emitting a strange light and pouring into the golden fragments.


The golden fragment reacted.

A faint light bloomed from it, and the golden scales seemed to emerge from the fragments, swelling in the void, forming a golden light and shadow, exuding ancient and sacred aura fluctuations.


When the flying pig saw this, his eyes

As soon as he turned, he exploded with all his strength, and his hoof hit the light and shadow of the golden scales.

The flying pig seemed to be blocked by an invisible force, and was even blown away.

The light and shadow of the golden scales showed no reaction at all.

"What a powerful defense! These golden scales are probably enough to withstand the full blow of the Tao King!"

Feizhu was not angry but happy, and said in great surprise.

"I can only barely activate the golden scales for a moment, but it can't last long! However, this defense is indeed very strong!"

Su Chen also held the Junlin Sword, and a sword light struck the light and shadow of the golden scales, making a violent roar. Although the golden scales were a little dim, they blocked it.

However, what makes Su Chen regretful is that although the power of chaos can be used to stimulate the light and shadow of golden scales, but other than that, nothing can be achieved.

The origin of this golden fragment is still difficult to know.

"Your current cultivation level is still too low! If this is really a fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, with the chaos you control,

The principles of chaos make it difficult to completely activate it!

Only when you understand the rules of chaos and use the power of the rules of chaos can you find out the secrets! "

Feizhu explained.

Although this is its guess, it may be true.

"No matter what, this golden fragment can be regarded as a rare treasure and can be used as a defensive treasure!"

Su Chen smiled calmly and collected the golden fragments.

"That's right! This golden fragment is quite extraordinary. Maybe we can collect similar golden fragments and explore the secrets inside. If it is really the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, then we will really make a lot of money!"

Feizhu said enthusiastically, extremely excited.

"I hope so! Find the eye of the sea in the eighth sea area first. This eighth sea area may not be so calm, so we'd better be careful!"

Su Chen nodded.

Here you can encounter such a powerful squid beast, which is comparable to the cultivation level of Dao Fruit Realm. I don’t know what dangers there are in the eighth level sea.

Must be extremely careful.

Su Chen activated the principles of chaos, and the music sensed that the sea eye could only vaguely sense one direction in an extremely distant place.

He and Feizhu didn't waste any time, and soared directly into the sky, crossing the Chaos Sea and heading towards the eighth-level sea eye.


Just a few hours after Su Chen and Feizhu left, a gray-robed figure descended on the sea.

When the man in gray robe saw the cuttlefish's body, his eyes suddenly turned red. The evil energy around him was overwhelming, and the anger and murderous intent in his eyes were as real as reality.

"Who is it? You dare to kill my Xiao Hei. I will cut you into pieces!"

A low and hoarse voice sounded, full of murderous intent.

There was a flash of light in his palm, and a broken small mirror appeared. After absorbing a ray of the squid beast's breath, he vaguely saw a young figure, holding the sword and cutting open the squid beast's head.

Then, the man in gray robe flew directly across the sky and chased in the direction of Su Chen and Feizhu.

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