Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2827 Central Sea Eye, Chaos Yuanling!

Su Chen and Feizhu traveled across the Chaos Sea for several years, and finally found the Central Sea Eye following the mysterious place in Su Chen's perception.

"Is this the Central Eye of the Sea?"

There was a hint of shock in Su Chen's eyes.

He and Feizhu stood in the chaotic sun. A huge chaotic vortex appeared in front of them, covering the sky and the sun, sweeping across the heaven and earth. It was huge and boundless and spread tens of millions of miles.

The torrent of chaos soared into the sky, connecting heaven and earth, like an immortal mountain of chaos, exuding an ancient and majestic aura.

This is the Central Eye of the Sea!

Standing in front of the central sea eye, Su Chen felt an extremely small feeling. He felt a huge and immortal power of chaos, as if it was going to destroy everything.

Although Su Chen controlled the Avenue of Chaos, understood the principles of chaos, and condensed an immortal Tao seed with the three principles, in front of the central sea eye in front of him, the principles of chaos he controlled were like clouds and mud. Don't.

"This is the Central Eye of the Sea,

Look at the power of chaos in the center. It is no longer the law of chaos. It can be called the rule of chaos. It can turn everything into chaos. It is the iron law of chaos. No one can compete with it! "

Feizhu nodded and praised.

Rules are more important than Tao.

The principles of Tao are only a preliminary understanding of the power of the Tao and the control of the power of the Tao, but the rules use the power of the Tao to give birth to its own rules. In the Hongmeng world, it can give birth to its own power of rules. Known as the master of rules.

The central sea eye in front of you is pregnant with extremely powerful power of rules, boundless chaos, suppressing everything.

"Is it the central sea eye formed by the rules of chaos? No wonder it is like a chasm. If I had not understood the avenue of chaos, it would be difficult to pass through the central sea eye, right? I am very curious, how did you and the Lord of the rules pass through the central sea eye? Coming to the ninth level of the Chaos Sea?"

Su Chen sighed with emotion and was a little confused.

After all, the rules of chaos are in the central sea eye, blocking everything.

I'm afraid the Lord of Reincarnation will have to pay a huge price if he wants to pass through the Central Sea Eye, right?

"It's just a coincidence that we did it!"

Feizhu sighed softly and explained: "At the beginning, the Lord of Reincarnation wanted to surrender me, and we rushed into the sea of ​​chaos. In the end, we both suffered losses, our bodies were destroyed, and only the soul and spirit remained!

The true spirits of the two of us were finally struck by a bolt of chaotic lightning, which seemed to have penetrated endless years and billions of time and space. At that time, we almost thought that we had all fallen, but we did not expect that we had arrived at the ninth level of the sea of ​​chaos! "

"Chaos Lightning?"

There was a hint of surprise in Su Chen's eyes.

"That's right! That chaotic lightning is extremely terrifying and contains some kind of power of rules. However, I guess that it is not a real lightning. It is most likely a chaotic spirit!"

Feizhu looked a little solemn and said slowly.

"Chaos Yuanling? What is Chaos Yuanling?"

Su Chen asked.

"Chaos Yuanling is a kind of rare thing in heaven and earth. It is on the same level as Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Another treasure! That should be the thought of the Chaos God Emperor, and it is the purest essence of the soul!

If you can get the Chaos Spirit and refine it into a weapon, you can immediately get a treasure of rules. If you refine it into a pill, you can directly condense the Chaos Dao Fruit!

If you refine the Chaos Spirit, your own spirit will be tempered to form the Chaos Spirit, which can give birth to a wisp of chaos rules and pave the way to become the Lord of Rules!

Chaos Yuanling is the treasure of the soul, Hongmeng Purple Qi is the treasure of the body, and there is also a treasure called the Immortal Heavenly Medicine in the legend. A single plant of the Immortal Heavenly Medicine can directly promote a person to the master of rules!

According to rumors, if you can obtain these three treasures, you will be able to possess the status of a God-Emperor and become the most evil and supreme genius in Hongmeng Realm! "

Feizhu said slowly, with a hint of yearning in his eyes.

"Chaos Yuanling and Immortal Medicine?"

Su Chen nodded and said, Feizhu's words really opened his eyes.

Although he

The knowledge is extraordinary, but it is only for the heavens and the universe. The Hongmeng Realm is the origin of billions of universes and the final destination of endless creatures. It is unknown how many billions of times larger than the heavens and the universe.

Su Chen remembered the Chaos Yuanling and the Immortal Heavenly Medicine in his heart. He had already integrated a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi. Maybe when would he be able to obtain the Chaos Yuanling and the Immortal Heavenly Medicine?

"Su Chen, if you understand the principles of chaos and perceive carefully, you might be able to sense the location of the chaotic soul in this sea of ​​chaos! If you can subdue a chaotic soul, it will be of great benefit to you. It’s enough for you to rise and grow quickly in the Hongmeng world!”

Feizhu also warned Su Chen.

"I understand! Let's go, leave the central sea eye first and go to the eighth level of chaotic sea area!"

Su Chen nodded.

He put the flying pig away, and then the chaotic light intertwined around him, and the Tao rose, and the whole person was like a chaotic divine light, rushing towards the central sea eye!

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