Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2822 The road ahead!

The woman in the white dress has fluttering clothes, jade-like skin, and a very hot figure. She exudes all kinds of charm with every smile.

She is naturally charming, with a pair of big watery eyes that seem to be able to enchant people.

She is a nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox had been sleeping in the Demon Suppression Tower before, but Su Chen later placed it and the demon dragon in the heaven.

Unexpectedly, in ten thousand years, the nine-tailed fox would also return to its peak cultivation level and reach the realm of Nine Tribulations Quasi-Emperor.

But the woman in the red dress surprised Su Chen.

She is the Demon Emperor, an immortal divine phoenix. Like the ancient ancestral dragon, she is the most evil and powerful person in ancient times, and her strength is unfathomable.

She once fought fiercely with the Dragon King, trying to unify the demon clan, but was eventually suppressed by the Dragon King, and her body was suppressed in the Demon Suppression Tower.

The Demon Suppressing Tower had helped Su Chen a lot before, and Su Chen had felt the Demon Emperor's aura in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

But what Su Chen didn't expect was that the Demon Emperor was resurrected, and his cultivation was also at the quasi-emperor level. It seemed that he had broken and then stood up, destroying the principles he had cultivated.

"Master, this is the Demon Emperor. It is precisely because you defeated the culprit of Heaven that her true spirit imprisoned in Heaven returned, integrated into the Demon Suppression Tower, and was reborn!"

The magic dragon quickly explained


"Your Majesty Su Chen, thank you for helping me out of trouble!"

The Demon King also smiled slightly at Su Chen.

She has an extraordinary temperament, graceful and luxurious, like a peerless queen. Every move she makes exudes a powerful aura.

"Senior Demon King, are you cutting off your own Tao? What a great courage!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

He could see that the Demon Emperor had re-cultivated to the current level, and her previous cultivation had been abandoned by her.

"Your Majesty Su Chen is now transcendent. You should know that the way of heaven is lacking. The Nirvana Way that I cultivated before is also illusory and difficult to perfect!"

The Demon King sighed softly.

She looked at Su Chen with gratitude, shock, and admiration.

Who would have thought that such a descendant of the human race could actually reach this point. Not only did he kill the culprits of heaven, reshape heaven, and reverse the destruction of the heavens and the universe, but he also took an unprecedented step and became completely transcendent.

This is a realm that even the Demon Emperor can hardly imagine.

In fact, she, Nine-Tailed Fox and others came not only to meet Su Chen and express their gratitude, but also to seek confirmation on how to proceed next.

Both the Demon Dragon and the Demon Emperor expressed their expectations.

"The way forward is decided!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, glanced at Feizhu, and continued: "Originally, the heavenly way of the universe was stolen by the culprit, causing the heavenly way to be deficient. Even if you step into the realm of enlightenment, the great way you have cultivated is still there. Defects cannot be perfected!

But things are different now. Now in the heavens and the universe, the Way of Heaven is perfect, and the Great Way of Heaven's Heart runs through heaven and earth. You can realize the Great Way of Heaven's Heart. This is the perfect principle of the Great Way, which is enough for you to find the way forward and step into a higher realm! "

Su Chen bluntly said that Tianxin Avenue has been completed.

Moreover, in Hongmeng Realm, countless creatures have stepped into the realm of enlightenment, and they have also chosen to realize the path of Tianxin and master the principles of Tianxin.

This is the most reliable path, which is enough to build a supreme foundation and cultivate to a higher realm.

At the same time, Su Chen also told them the true origin of Flying Pig, as well as some news about the Hongmeng world.

Including the ten realms of the avenue.

After everyone heard this, including the Demon Emperor, Nine-tailed Fox and others, they were extremely shocked, and their eyes were full of yearning.

The Ten Realms of the Great Dao, the Lord of Rules, the Ancient God Emperor...

What kind of supreme state is that?

The creatures in the universe refer to the realm of enlightenment as the God Emperor. If it were introduced to the Hongmeng Realm, they would probably be laughed at and even considered an insult to the ancient God Emperor.


It's just the realm of enlightenment. It's just the first realm of the ten realms of the Great Dao, and it's also the beginning of cultivation. It's far away from the realm of the ancient God Emperor.

Even worse than ants.

"Is the Enlightenment Realm just the beginning of cultivation? The Hongmeng Realm is indeed the birthplace of the heavens and the universe, and the origin of billions of living beings. I really want to visit the Hongmeng Realm!"

The Demon King sighed softly, his eyes full of expectation.

After Su Chen solved his doubts, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

They are all preparing to go into seclusion to practice and participate in Tianxin Dao, striving to enter the realm of enlightenment as soon as possible.

As long as you can control the perfect Tianxin Avenue, even if it is still not easy to transcend, there is hope, and the way forward is no longer cut off.

In front of the Lingxiao Palace, the mist is thick and the divine light is misty.

Those who can come here are all Su Chen's old friends and the most important core figures in Heaven.

The stone table is filled with all kinds of delicacies, rare and exotic fruits, and fine wines.

Everyone drank and drank, and at the same time they were listening to Su Chen's story about Zhan Tian.

Su Chen did not describe the complicated relationship between Su Yuanzong and him. He only said that he was the first emperor of heaven who tried to devour all the emperors and wanted to achieve ultimate sublimation and complete detachment.

After hearing the brutality of that battle, everyone also

He looked solemn. Who would have thought that tens of thousands of emperors would take action at the same time, and together with the six war giants, the group would eventually be wiped out?

In fact, even Su Chen was imprisoned and almost had his body taken away completely.

When they heard that Lin Ruowei appeared at the last moment and died together with the first Emperor of Heaven at the cost of his own destruction, many people showed admiration, grief and emotion in their eyes.

Especially Shui Liuli, her eyes were red and seemed to be filled with tears.

"Sister Ruowei, is this your choice? Sacrifice yourself and fulfill Su Chen's wish!"

Shui Liuli sighed in her heart, feeling more and more sorry for Lin Ruowei.

And when they heard that Su Chen had collected Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments in these ten thousand years, they felt extremely relieved and excited.

"Sister Ruowei, is there any chance of resurrection? Su Chen, are you leaving the universe?"

Shui Liuli looked directly at Su Chen and asked, with an uncertain light in her eyes.

"That's right! It won't be long before I leave here and go to Hongmeng Realm. Only by finding the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond can Ruowei be reborn. Even if I have to break through the reincarnation of the heavens and travel through billions of universes, I must save her. Live like a small thing!"

Su Chen said seriously, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

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