Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 275 Return to Tiandao Sect!

All the golden energy and blood power was swallowed up by the Qiankun Cauldron, and finally turned into that drop of golden blood, which was integrated into Su Chen's body.

Then, in the ancient sacred mountain, as if it had lost that divine power, the surrounding murals began to slowly dissipate.

The seven-star golden ancient god sitting cross-legged in the golden sun seemed to have never existed.

"Su Chen, I feel that I may be about to break through!"

There was a hint of surprise in Shen Qianxun's eyes.


Su Chen's heart moved.

Originally, the golden energy and blood entered the body, causing heavy damage to Shen Qianxun's body. However, after all the golden energy and blood were swept away by Su Chen, Shen Qianxun was lucky enough to refine a trace of the golden energy and blood. force.

Now, her whole body is exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura fluctuation, and she has reached the edge of breakthrough.

You can step into the realm of the Martial Emperor at any time!

"Qianxun, congratulations! However, this is not a good place for a breakthrough. We should leave here first and return to the sect!"

Su Chen said seriously.


Shen Qianxun nodded.

Then, they flew into the sky

He got up, left the center of the Ancient God Mountain, and flew toward the exit of the secret realm.

At the exit of the secret realm, they met Luo Xuan.

"Master? Are you okay?"

Su Chen asked.

Luo Xuan went after Sun Qiyang before, but Sun Qiyang's combat power was superb, and Luo Xuan had just broken through to the realm of martial saint, so Su Chen was still a little worried.

"I'm fine! I cut off the old dog's arm, but in the end I let him escape!"

Luo Xuan said lightly, her eyes filled with evil spirits.

This time she survived the catastrophe, and it could be said that she had a narrow escape from death.

If Su Chen hadn't arrived at the critical moment, I'm afraid she would have fallen to the catastrophe long ago.

"Chihiro, are you okay?"

Luo Xuan asked with concern.

Previously, Shen Qianxun blocked the sun-shooting arrow for Su Chen. She was so anxious to chase Sun Qiyang that she forgot about Shen Qianxun's injury.

"Uncle, I'm fine, it was Su Chen who saved me!"

Shen Qianxun smiled slightly.

"That's good! This guy Su Chen is a saint of alchemy. With the elixir he refined, you can be cured no matter how serious your injury is!"

Luo Xuan said with a smile.

However, she didn't know that Shen Qianxun had arrived at Chui

On the verge of death, with her heart almost cut off, she was finally saved by Xiaobai, the nine-tailed fox.

"Sage of Alchemy?!"

Shen Qianxun opened his mouth in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

She was not in the sect before, so she naturally didn't know about Su Chen refining the Tongtian Pill.

However, Su Chen seemed to be about the same age as her. Not only was he so talented in martial arts, but he was also an alchemy saint?

"It's just a fluke!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's go back quickly. This time our Tiandao Sect will suffer heavy losses! This blood debt must be recovered from the Jiuyang Divine Sect!"

Luo Xuan looked solemn and said in a cold voice.

"Nine Yang Divine Sect, everyone deserves to die!"

Su Chen also nodded with cold eyes.

This time, Jiuyang Divine Sect suddenly took action and showed extremely terrifying strength, causing Tiandao Sect to suffer heavy losses. Luo Xuan almost fell into the ancient mysterious realm.


A bright light bloomed, covering Luo Xuan, Su Chen and Shen Qianxun, and they disappeared into the ancient mysterious realm.

Tiandao Sect, Tiandao Peak.

"Open the ancient mysterious realm immediately!"

Two figures across the sky

As he came, his whole body was exuding terrifying aura fluctuations.

It was none other than Headmaster Cang Yuan and Gu Tongtian.

They were also two Martial Saints guarded by Tiandao Sect, but they were entangled by the two Martial Saints of Jiuyang Divine Sect and could not escape at all. They even fought a battle in the sky above Tiandao Sect.

But for some unknown reason, the two Martial Saints from the Nine Sun Divine Sect quickly left before the war ended.

Cang Yuan was worried that something had happened in the ancient mysterious realm, so he wanted to open the ancient mysterious realm immediately.


But at this moment, a bright light bloomed, and three figures appeared on Tiandao Peak.

It was Su Chen, Luo Xuan and Shen Qianxun!

"Junior Sister Luo Xuan, are you okay? That's great!"

Cang Yuan was shocked, and after seeing Luo Xuan, he showed an expression of great surprise.

He had previously figured out that the Jiuyang Divine Sect's real target was Luo Xuan, and was extremely worried. Now that he saw Luo Xuan's safe return, he was naturally extremely excited.

More importantly, he discovered that Luo Xuan had broken through to the realm of Martial Saint.

Tiandao Sect, adds another martial saint!

"Brother Headmaster, if it weren't for Su Chen this time, I'm afraid I would really die.

In the ancient mysterious realm! Jiuyang Divine Sect is really deceiving others! "

Luo Xuan said slowly.

She recounted what happened in the ancient mysterious realm.

"Nine Yang Divine Sect dispatched Martial Saint Sun Qiyang? And Lei Dong and the three demon emperors? Damn it!"

Headmaster Cang Yuan's expression changed and he became furious.

Just by hearing these people, he knew how dangerous the situation in the ancient mysterious realm was.

However, many powerful men from the Tiandao Sect were trapped and unable to escape, unable to rescue Luo Xuan. Even ordinary elder disciples who entered the ancient mysterious realm would only die.

But fortunately, Su Chen is there.

Cang Yuan looked at Su Chen with eyes filled with admiration.

He didn't expect that Su Chen could compete with Wu Sheng on his own?

This talent is truly incredible to the extreme.

"Junior sister Luo Xuan, maybe you don't know yet, but Su Chen has condensed the ancient and brilliant tenth-level soul, and he has the qualities of a god!"

Cang Yuan said softly.


Luo Xuan was also shocked.

She didn't expect that when Su Chen broke through to the Martial King realm, what he condensed was not the ninth-grade soul, but the heaven-defying tenth-grade soul?

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