Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 270 The Nine-tailed Fox’s Technique of Resurrecting the Dead!

The good fortune elixir refined by Su Chen was a seventh-grade elixir that could bring human flesh and bones to life. Although Shen Qianxun took it, the majestic vitality filled her body and constantly repaired her injuries.

But the power of the sun-shooting arrow was too terrifying. The destructive power kept destroying Shen Qianxun's vitality, and even the power of the good fortune elixir could not stop it.

Once the vitality in Shen Qianxun's body is cut off, she will definitely die!

And Shen Qianxun's words shocked Su Chen's whole body.

Although he was reborn, he only met Shen Qianxun once in this life. Shen Qianxun said that he felt familiar to him, as if he had known him for a long time.

Thinking of Shen Qianxun's special physique, he was even more shocked.

"Why are you so stupid? That arrow can't kill me at all. Why do you rush forward?"

Su Chen's eyes were red and he said tremblingly.

Although the power of the Sun-shooting Arrow is unparalleled, Su Chen's physical body is extremely strong and he has many trump cards. Even if he is forced to withstand the Sun-shooting Arrow, it will not be fatal.

But Shen Qianxun is different, her body is still too weak



Su Chen kept pouring the true energy into Shen Qianxun's body, but he still couldn't stop Shen Qianxun's vitality from constantly collapsing.

Su Chen felt a huge panic in his heart. Is Shen Qianxun really going to die here today?

"Don't... waste your efforts! Su Chen, maybe I am really going to die. You have extraordinary talent, and Tiandao Sect will rely on you in the future..."

Shen Qianxun's eyes were full of reluctance, and his voice was extremely weak.

"I don't allow you to say that, you can't die!!"

Su Chen roared angrily, tears glistening in his eyes, and his face was already filled with tears.

"Sun Qiyang, you deserve to die!!"

At this moment, Luo Xuan, who was in the void, had completely entered the realm of the Martial Saint. Her injuries were completely healed, and her whole body was exuding the overwhelming sword intent.

She suddenly looked at Sun Qiyang, her eyes filled with overwhelming murderous intent.


The bright sword light rose into the sky, containing the wave of aura that would destroy everything. It penetrated the void in an instant and fell towards Sun Qiyang.

That was Luo Xuan's hateful blow, and its power was terrifying.

At its peak, the blazing sword light seemed to cut the world in half instantly.

Sun Qiyang's expression changed. Luo Xuan was indeed a Sword Saint. She had just broken through to the realm of Martial Saint and had such terrifying combat power, which made him feel a great threat.

"Hmph! Luo Xuan, I've given you an advantage today, and we have a long way to go!"

Sun Qiyang's eyes were extremely deep and his face was very ugly. He glanced at Luo Xuan and did not take Luo Xuan's sword forcefully. Instead, he turned around and swept away into the distance.

There is no point in staying here anymore.

Luo Xuan had already survived the catastrophe and attained enlightenment. He could not kill Luo Xuan, let alone Su Chen. Instead, he broke a Thunderous Martial Emperor.

He felt extremely aggrieved and wanted to leave the ancient mysterious realm as soon as possible.

If Tiandao Sect raised its hand and trapped him here, it would be a big trouble.

"Want to escape? Where to go!"

Luo Xuan's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, and in an instant she rose into the air and chased Sun Qiyang with her sword!

At this moment, Su Chen also discovered that the power of the Good Fortune Pill was constantly weakening.

The aura of destruction in Qianxun's body became more and more intense.

And the zhenqi he poured into Shen Qianxun's body no longer had any effect.

Seeing that Shen Qianxun was about to die in front of Su Chen.


An extremely painful roar came out of Su Chen's mouth.

"I can save her!"

At this moment, a child-like voice sounded in Su Chen's mind.

"Are you...Xiaobai?!"

Su Chen was shocked.

He immediately discovered that the one who made the noise was Xiaobai, the nine-tailed fox demon king he had rescued, who was originally sleeping in the chaotic space.

Unexpectedly, he woke up at this moment.

Su Chen quickly released Xiaobai.

"Xiao Bai, can you really save her?"

Su Chen asked.

"it should be OK!"

Xiaobai blinked his lively eyes and spoke in a sweet voice.

Then, a strange and ancient aura emitted from its body, and in an instant, a mysterious source of power gathered in the surrounding void.

The little fox began to bloom with dazzling flowers

In the light, behind it, a shadow of a nine-tailed fox with a height of ten thousand feet and a powerful aura appeared.

Then, the little fox's fluffy tail flicked towards Shen Qianxun.

Its tail seems to contain a strange power, which continuously dissipates the destructive aura in Shen Qianxun's body and continuously injects vitality into Shen Qianxun's body.

In this way, destruction and vitality coexisted in Shen Qianxun's body, and slowly reached a strange balance, until finally, the aura of destruction completely disappeared.

The majestic vitality continued to repair Shen Qianxun's body, connected to her heart veins, and made her heart beat continuously!

Shen Qianxun was rescued!

"She's alive!"

Xiaobai said weakly, his smart eyes dimming a little.

The shadow of the nine-tailed fox behind it slowly dissipated, and as if its vitality was seriously injured, it lay in Su Chen's arms and began to fall asleep again.

"Thank you, Xiaobai!"

Su Chen touched Xiaobai's soft hair and said gratefully.

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