Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 267 The Heart of Emperor Wu!


In the eighth heavenly tribulation, the golden clouds were bright and mysterious, like a golden beam of light penetrating the heaven and earth, suppressing it in a mighty manner.


The sound of the sword resounded through the void, Luo Xuan's eyes were fierce, and a bright sword light rose into the sky, heading towards the eighth heavenly tribulation.

Her eyes were solemn, and she could feel the horror of the eighth heavenly tribulation, which was like a divine punishment that wanted to destroy all life, making her feel fatal danger.

But at this moment, she has no choice but to cope with the disaster!


Luo Xuan's sword was so dazzling that even the void trembled, and a crack was torn apart. It was like a god-slaying sword raised by a mortal, with unparalleled power.

The sword light and thunder calamity collided instantly, and the heaven and earth were eclipsed.

In the end, thunder tribulations filled the sky with a bang, and Luo Xuan's sword also turned from prosperous to weak, gradually dimming, and then collapsed into pieces.


But at this moment, the blood-colored thunder spear from the Lei Dong Martial Emperor came across the void at an extremely fast speed and directly pierced Luo Xuan's chest.

A flash of blood flashed.

Luo Xuanhun

His body was shaken violently, a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and he fell down from the void!

The timing of Lei Dongwu Huang's choice was very good. It was when Luo Xuan was competing with the eighth heavenly tribulation and was unable to resist Lei Dong Wu Huang's attack.

As a result, she was hit hard instantly.


In the Six-Gand Sealing Heaven Formation, Su Chen's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he let out an extremely sad roar.

That bloody thunder spear pierced Luo Xuan's chest, seriously injuring Luo Xuan, and effectively cutting off Luo Xuan's path to becoming a saint.

Now that Luo Xuan is seriously injured, how will she survive the ninth heavenly tribulation?


Su Chen's eyes were filled with monstrous murderous intent, his black hair was flying, and his energy and blood were surging. His heart was filled with hatred. Facing Sun Qiyang's Hunyuan Soul-Destroying Finger, he suddenly punched out!

At this moment, his whole body was covered with golden clouds, and the shadows of nine real dragons appeared behind him. The chaotic light was lingering, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

The Nine Dragons Fighting Technique and the Eternal Chaos Body were pushed to the extreme by Su Chen, causing a burst of energy in his body that made Sun Qiyang even...

The power of color change.


That punch was terrifying to the extreme.

Although Sun Qiyang's Hunyuan Soul-Destroying Finger was extremely powerful, it was exploded by Su Chen's punch.

Then, the powerful six-pointed sky-sealing formation around them trembled violently, and then cracks appeared one after another, breaking inch by inch, and finally collapsed suddenly.

"Lei Dong, go to hell!!"

Su Chen roared angrily, and the murderous intent in his eyes was as real as he madly attacked the Leidong Martial Emperor.


Lei Dong was also shocked.

That was the Six-ray Sealing Heaven Formation that could trap the Martial Saint, and was it broken by Su Chen like that?

How can this be?

Moreover, the terrifying aura erupting from Su Chen's body at this moment was like a god, making Lei Dong feel extremely palpitated.


Almost instantly, Su Chen appeared in front of the Lei Dong Martial Emperor, and the golden cloud's brilliant Chaos Fist Seal was blasting towards Lei Dong as if it was about to shatter the sky.

"Su Chen, do you dare?!"

Sun Qiyang shouted loudly.

He was shocked and angry. What surprised him was that the power that Su Chen exploded at that moment was so terrifying.

It was terrifying, it was no less than a full blow from a Martial Saint.

What makes him angry is that if Su Chen kills the Lei Dong Martial Emperor in front of his eyes, then he, a powerful Martial Saint and the deputy sect leader of the Nine Suns Sect, will be humiliated.


Without any hesitation, he struck Su Chen with a palm across the air, empowering the power of Nine Suns. The flames rose fiercely and vastly, as if they were going to burn everything.


Su Chen's tongue was filled with thunder and his eyes were like iron.

He didn't seem to care about Sun Qiyang's attack behind him, and was determined to kill Emperor Lei Dongwu completely.

"Su Chen, you..."

Martial Emperor Lei Dong roared angrily and was about to say something.

But Su Chen's punch had already broken through the Martial Emperor's Domain around him, blasted away his resisting arms, and hit his chest!


A crisp sound sounded, and Emperor Lei Dong's chest collapsed instantly, and he didn't know how many bones exploded completely.

Blood spurted out, and Emperor Lei Dong's eyes were full of disbelief, and blood spurted out from his mouth!


Su Chen's punch

, actually penetrated his chest directly, then grabbed the heart of Emperor Lei Dongwu and suddenly took it out.

In front of Lei Dong's horrified eyes, he crushed it!

Although the Martial Emperor is powerful, he has not yet reached the stage of being reborn with blood. His heart was destroyed, and it is also difficult for gods to save him.

Lei Dong's eyes were full of unwillingness, fear, regret and anger. Finally, the light dimmed and he fell directly from the void.

Die from anger!


At the same time, Sun Qiyang's palm was also stamped hard on Su Chen's back. Even though Su Chen's body was extremely strong, he could resist the full blow of the Martial Saint, but his internal organs were injured and his body was cracked. , a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

"Hahaha... Jiuyang Divine Sect, I, Su Chen, will destroy it in this lifetime!"

Regardless of the fact that he was seriously injured, Su Chen spurted blood from his mouth and let out an extremely hearty laugh, which also contained a monstrous murderous intention.

"Su Chen, I will kill you today!!"

Behind him, Sun Qiyang's furious roar sounded.

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