Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 253 Like a god coming to earth!


The dazzling golden clouds enveloped the sky like Wang Yang, and the golden fist seal was like an ancient divine mountain, suppressing it in a mighty manner, containing the power to destroy everything.

Faintly, on the bright sky in the distance, a figure stepped forward, exuding the ancient and mysterious power of a dragon, surrounded by wisps of chaotic light.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, his eyes were extremely dazzling.

Like a god coming to earth!

"Is it...little junior brother?!"

King Kong was shaken all over, his eyes full of surprise and joy.

In the void, the figure covered in golden clouds, surrounded by chaotic light, and entwined with dragon-shaped true energy, who else could it be if it wasn't Su Chen?

"Is he Su Chen?"

Shen Qianxun also had an incredible look in his eyes.

Originally, both of them were completely desperate, and even planned to die to make sure that they would not fall into the hands of Huadu.

But he didn't expect that at the critical moment, Su Chen would come!


Huadu's expression suddenly changed and he shouted angrily.

He was shocked and angry, that terrifying fist mark

, making his scalp feel numb, as if his whole body was about to be swallowed up by the golden clouds in the sky.

But the golden fist seal was too fast, and it was in front of Huadu in an instant.

"Bliss Palm!"

The majestic zhenqi around Huadu exploded, and he directly displayed his most powerful holy-level martial arts, pushing out two unparalleled palm prints.

In an instant, fists and palms met.


The void trembled violently, and divine light spurted out.

The invisible air wave exploded directly, and the scene looked very terrifying.

A crisp sound was heard, blood mist filled the void, and Huadu let out an extremely miserable cry and suddenly flew out!


Huadu was blasted to the mountain wall in the distance, leaving a huge fist mark.

Huadu was in extremely miserable condition. The flesh and blood on his arms had been completely shattered, revealing broken bones. His chest was collapsed and his face was pale.

It was obvious that he had suffered an unimaginable blow!


King Kong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Shen Qianxun also has beautiful eyes, full of color

A look of shock.

Huadu is a true disciple of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, and his master is a martial saint with extraordinary combat power. He has fought against King Kong many times before, and his combat power is almost the same as King Kong's.

However, he was as vulnerable as paper in Su Chen's hands.

It's incredible.

You must know that King Kong fought against Su Chen not long ago. Su Chen at that time was far less terrifying than he is today.

"Junior brother has broken through King Wu? His combat power has increased dramatically, and it is so terrifying. Could it be that... he has condensed the ninth-grade soul?"

King Kong guessed in his heart.

"Su Chen, be careful!"

At this moment, Shen Qianxun shouted anxiously.


A black arrow shot at extremely fast speed from behind Su Chen, trying to pierce his chest directly.

The black-robed Martial Emperor takes action!

Just now, Su Chen's attack was too fast, severely damaging Huadu with one blow, and he had no time to rescue him.

However, he was also extremely decisive and ruthless and shot an arrow directly at Su Chen!

This arrow is silent, as if hidden in the void

There was no trace of killing intent in it, and it was the same arrow that severely injured King Kong before.

As soon as Shen Qianxun's voice fell, the arrow light came behind Su Chen.

However, Su Chen didn't seem to notice it at all and allowed the arrow to hit his back.


Su Chen's body was filled with sparks, a faint haze of chaos lingered, golden clouds flickered, and his body was like a cast of divine gold. He actually resisted the arrow directly.

"Too weak! You can also take an arrow from me!"

Su Chen reached out and grabbed the black magic arrow, then looked at the black-robed old man lightly and threw it out.


The black magic arrows shot towards the black-robed old man at a faster speed, causing a rapid sound of breaking through the air. The black-robed old man's face changed greatly and he moved away instantly.


A hilltop in the distance was directly exploded by arrows!

"You...who are you?"

Huadu was also shocked.

He stared at Su Chen with a look of extreme fear in his eyes.

Not only did Su Chen seriously hurt him with one punch, his body was actually able to withstand the black-robed weapon.

The emperor's arrow was unscathed. What kind of terrifying physical power is this?

I'm afraid the physical body of a strong Martial Saint is nothing more than this, right?

It seems that Su Chen has just broken through King Wu, so why does he have such terrifying combat power?

"Second senior brother, Qianxun, are you okay?"

Su Chen ignored Huadu at all, and did not continue to kill people. Instead, he turned into a stream of light and came to the front of the two King Kongs in an instant, his eyes full of concern.

He checked the injuries of King Kong and Qianxun and found that their injuries were extremely serious, and their spirits showed signs of dissipating.

At the same time, there is still evil power in their bodies that is constantly eroding their vitality.

No wonder their life cards all had cracks. If Su Chen wasn't here, they might really die here.

Su Chen didn't hesitate at all, and instantly took out two good luck elixirs, fed them to King Kong and Shen Qianxun, and hung up their lives.

In order for them to recover, although the elixir of creation was mysterious, it was ineffective against the power of evil spirits. Su Chen also needed to find a way to expel the power of evil spirits from their bodies.

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