Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 251 Mocheng Mountain, Shen Qianxun!

Mocheng Mountain.

This is an ancient mountain range located on the edge of the Tianhai Territory. It is usually haunted by monsters and rarely visited by humans.

But at this moment, in a valley in Mocheng Mountain, there were two figures surrounded by a group of uninvited guests.

The two figures were a man and a woman. The man was tall and tall, with a mane of hair. His bronze muscles were filled with powerful power fluctuations, and his whole body was full of energy and blood.

It's King Kong!

The girl next to King Kong is wearing a red dress, tall and has a beautiful face without makeup, especially a pair of big watery eyes, as bright and bright as stars.

She is Linglong’s first direct disciple, Shen Qianxun!

However, King Kong and Shen Qianxun's condition looked very bad at this moment. There was a black arrow on King Kong's back, piercing his chest. There was a strange demonic energy lingering around the wound, and it kept moving towards him. Spread inside the body.

Shen Qianxun was holding an ancient sword. The sword intent around her body was extremely sharp, but there were many wounds on her body. The blood dyed her clothes red, making her face look extremely pale and her breath sluggish.

The two of them no longer have the strength to fight anymore. At this moment, they are sitting cross-legged, receiving

suffered unimaginable damage.

And a bead like a full moon floated above Shen Qianxun's head, shining bright light, as bright as the moonlight, forming a barrier that enveloped King Kong and Shen Qianxun.


There were more than a dozen figures around them wearing black armor, with demonic aura all over their bodies, and cruel and bloodthirsty eyes. They were holding swords, guns, swords and halberds, and they were attacking the barrier crazily.

The auras of those dozen figures have suddenly reached the realm of the Martial King.

The barrier trembled violently, and the light became darker and darker.

It seems that before long, the barrier will be completely shattered!

Not far away, there was a young man with a feminine temperament holding a folding fan, his eyes full of evil colors, looking at the scene in front of him with interest.

Behind him, an old man in black robes stood there, carrying a black long bow and arrows. The aura around him was extremely cold, and the evil aura was overwhelming. He was a powerful Martial Emperor!

"King Kong, Qianxun, I advise you to surrender obediently! What's the good of staying in that hellish place of Tiandao Sect? How about joining me, Jiuyang Shenzong?"

The feminine man smiled calmly.

He looked at the elegant and refined Shen Qianxun in the barrier with extremely fiery eyes. The thought of being able to conquer this woman soon made his whole body tremble with excitement.

He just likes to see this kind of trapped beast still fighting.

In his opinion, King Kong and Shen Qianxun were already at the end of their game. As long as the barrier of the strange magic weapon was broken, they would all be prisoners.

"Huadu, don't even think about it!"

King Kong roared angrily.

His eyes were breathing fire.

If Huadu hadn't been despicable and suddenly launched a sneak attack, how could he and Shen Qianxun have been severely injured, so much so that they could only rely on magic weapons and couldn't even escape.

"Huadu, you Jiuyang Shenzong actually dares to collude with evil demons from outside the territory and cultivate the power of evil demons. By then, the entire Eastern Wasteland, and even the entire Xuantian Realm, will not be able to tolerate you!"

Shen Qianxun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

She and King Kong found an opportunity to break through in an ancient cave. As soon as they left, they were attacked by Huadu's men, causing them to be seriously injured.

After escaping for tens of thousands of miles, he finally fell into a state of exhaustion. He could only rely on the power of the Taiyin Pearl for defense, but it could not sustain it.

how long.

The dozens of figures wearing armor were originally human beings, but now they have become demon puppets exuding evil power and only know how to kill.

The Jiuyang Divine Sect actually used human warriors to refine demon puppets, infuse them with the power of demons, and collude with demons from outside the territory. Now they are hunting them down openly.

There is no cover-up at all.

King Kong and Shen Qianxun were extremely worried. The Jiuyang Divine Sect was probably planning something big.

"Hahaha... How childish! If I kill you, who knows that our Jiuyang Divine Sect is related to evil spirits outside the territory? Are you still counting on Tiandao Sect to save you? Just the three melons and two dates of Tiandao Sect are too busy to take care of themselves now. People will come to save you, give up!”

Huadu sneered, his eyes full of mockery.


Both King Kong and Shen Qianxun's expressions changed greatly.

A heart sank.

The most worrying thing has indeed happened. Jiuyang Divine Sect is so unscrupulous, Huadu even chases them to Mocheng Mountain, which is already the territory of Tianhai Territory, without any concern for Tiandao Sect.

What happened to Tiandaozong?

"I advise you to be obedient.

Surrender! King Kong, your body is extraordinary and you can be my bodyguard from now on. As for Qianxun, don’t worry, I will pamper you well. When the time comes, you will know what the ultimate happiness on earth is! "

Huadu said with a smile, his eyes always staring at Shen Qianxun, extremely hot.

"I, a disciple of the Tiandao Sect, would rather die than surrender! Huadu, let me be your bodyguard, are you worthy?"

King Kong said in a cold voice.

"The toad wants to eat swan meat. You are a waste in Huadu. You can't even compare to Li Yunfei, but you dare to take my idea? I don't like you!"

Shen Qianxun also sneered and responded rather aggressively.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine! If that's the case, then you all go to hell!"

Huadu's eyes flashed with cold light, filled with cold murderous intent.

Shen Qianxun's words stung him completely.

He waved his hand, and the old man in black robes behind him stood up. His eyes were extremely cold and filled with evil aura, and he slowly took out the black long bow behind him.

Then, take a bow and shoot an arrow.

The arrow pointed at King Kong and Shen Qianxun, and a cold murderous intention immediately locked the two of them, making their faces change involuntarily.

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