Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 249 Emergency from all directions!

The leader of Linglong is the cultivation of the peak Martial Emperor. He has half-stepped into the realm of Martial Saint. He is extremely powerful. Even if he faces a Martial Saint, he still has the strength to fight.

No one expected that she would be so seriously injured.

"That's...the power of evil?!"

Yuan Ba ​​was shocked, and when he saw the strange demonic energy lingering on Linglong's chest, his expression suddenly changed.

"It is indeed the power of evil! So, Junior Sister Linglong, have you encountered an extraterrestrial evil?"

Headmaster Cang Yuan said with a solemn expression.

"Brother Headmaster, something big has happened!"

Linglong fell in front of Cang Yuan and others, her face was as pale as paper, and she had suffered extremely serious injuries. She had just taken the healing elixir and took a deep breath.

"An extraterritorial evil demon appeared in Tianyuan Mine! Not only did they kill many of my Tiandao Sect disciples, but they also severely injured me. Senior Brother Jin Feng held off the extraterritorial evil demon and asked me to come back to report..."

Linglong explained the cause and effect.


Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Tianyuan Mine is one of the most important spiritual stone mines in Tiandao Sect, which stores massive amounts of

It is not an exaggeration to say that the spiritual stone is the lifeblood of Tiandao Sect.

Although the mining of Tianyuan Mine is very difficult, the quality of the spiritual stones in it is also extremely high.

Jiuyang Shenzong, which is not far from Tianyuan Mine, has always coveted Tianyuan Mine.

Therefore, there will be a peak leader in the Tianyuan Mine who is personally in charge to ensure the safety of the Tianyuan Mine.

This time, if Jin Feng hadn't happened to pass by the Tianyuan Mine, Linglong would have been attacked by an alien demon and seriously injured, and she might not have been able to come back.

What is even more shocking is that three extraterrestrial evil spirits at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm appeared in the Tianyuan Mine at once.

"Damn it! This is definitely not a coincidence. The appearance of three extraterrestrial evil spirits at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm at one time is absolutely inseparable from the Jiuyang Divine Sect!"

Huo Lie, who had the hottest temper, roared angrily.

"That's right! This is definitely the Jiuyang Divine Sect's conspiracy against us. Those bastards dare to collude with extraterritorial evil spirits, damn it!"

"Brother Headmaster, let me rescue Senior Brother Jin Feng!"

"I am coming too!"


The leaders of each peak were filled with indignation, and their eyes were filled with angry looks.

"Three statues

It’s too dangerous for you to go to the extraterritorial evil spirits who are in the peak Martial Emperor Realm, so I’d better go there myself! "

Cang Yuan shook his head and said.

"Brother Headmaster, if you need to take charge of Tiandao Sect, let me go! No matter what the reason is, the Jiuyang Divine Sect's conspiracy cannot succeed. Junior Brother Jin Feng must not let anything happen!"

Yuanba said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Be more careful!"

Cang Yuan nodded slowly.


The terrifying aura around Yuanba rose, and he suddenly punched out, directly shattering the void in front of him, then stepped into it and disappeared on the Tiandao Peak.

After seeing Yuanba disappear, Headmaster Cang Yuan's eyes were still full of deep worry.

"If this matter is really behind the scenes of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, I'm afraid it won't only target one Tianyuan mine!"

At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

Su Chen stepped forward, his eyes full of fierceness.

The collapse of the Tiandao Sect in the previous life was inseparable from the Jiuyang Divine Sect. He did not expect that the Jiuyang Divine Sect's revenge and targeting would come so quickly.

Could it be because he faced the Jiuyang Divine Sect in advance and changed his attitude?

Did something happen?

"Su Chen, what do you think?"

Cang Yuan's eyes lit up, he looked at Su Chen and asked.

"Headmaster, fellow disciples, if I were the Jiuyang Divine Sect and wanted to take revenge on the Tiandao Sect, I could not only target the Tianyuan Mine. The most likely option would be to deal with the five major mines of the Tiandao Sect at the same time. If I could destroy the five major spiritual stone mines, Well, even if you can’t destroy it, you can still take advantage of it after causing chaos!”

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"You are right. Since Jiuyang Shenzong is going to take action, something must have happened to all the five major mines at this moment! However, I still don't know what their purpose is!"

Cang Yuan frowned.

"Brother Headmaster, there is absolutely no room for loss in the five spirit stone mines. It's just a matter of soldiers coming to block it and water coming to cover it up! Brother Yuanba has already gone to Tianyuan Mine. Let's go to the other four mines to guard them!"

At this moment, Huo Lie said quickly.

"Okay! That being the case, it won't be too late. Junior Brother Huo Lie, you go to the Huoyuan Mine, Junior Brother Tu Sheng, you go to the Diyuan Mine, Junior Brother Muyun, you go to the Feng Yuan Mine, and Junior Sister Shuirou, you go to the Shuiyuan Mine! However, you all

Pay attention to safety, even if the mine is destroyed, you must come back alive! "

Cang Yuan said with a serious expression.


Huo Lie and the other four leaders bowed their hands towards Cang Yuan, then instantly rose into the sky and flew towards the direction of the four mines.

At the top of the Tiandao Sect's nine peaks, except for Linglong, who was seriously injured, and Luo Xuan, who was practicing in seclusion, everyone else had left the Tiandao Sect.

"Uncle Headmaster, let me go too!"

Su Chen said seriously.

At this critical moment, he was unwilling to hide among Tiandao Sect. He wanted to fight side by side with Tiandao Sect.

"Yes, Master Headmaster, I will go too!"

"I am coming too!"


Jin Rui, Shui Wan'er and Tu Yuan also said with great excitement.

They also want to see the extraterrestrial evil spirits.

As a disciple of Tiandao Sect, no one is willing to back down at this time!

"No! Your cultivation is too weak. You should practice hard in the sect and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Cang Yuan refused without even thinking.

"Headmaster, something big happened!"

At this moment, an extremely anxious voice came from afar.

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