Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 227 Jiuyang Divine Sect, murderous intention arises!

Jiuyang Shenzong.

This is a beautiful place.

The spiritual light is dense, the auspicious energy is steaming, and the bright sun above the nine heavens is pouring down the boundless and blazing Zhiyang spiritual energy, making this mountain range look like a fairyland.

In an ancient palace.

"Tiandao Sect is getting more and more arrogant!"

Sun Qiyang slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of cold murderous intention in his eyes.

He was practicing in seclusion, so he had no time to be distracted. He just sent a Martial Saint incarnation to Tianhai City, but he did not expect that Luo Xuan would not give him any face and directly chopped his Martial Saint incarnation.

The Fengji Martial Emperor is probably in danger.

"Deputy Sect Master, Tiandao Sect has become more and more powerful in recent years! Especially after Cangyuan became a Martial Saint, Tiandao Sect is very likely to regain its strength as it was thousands of years ago! However, they are always against me, Jiuyang Divine Sect. This time It has also affected the plan of the Sea of ​​Abyss, and it seems that we can’t stay!”

Below, a figure has a majestic face, an indifferent expression, and his eyes are full of cold evil aura.

The figure said slowly.

It is the Thunderous Martial Emperor!

This time, it was the arrangement of Emperor Lei Dongwu and Sun Qiyang that made Anzi Wang Sheng take action to kill Su Chen. However, they did not expect such a sophisticated plan and failed.

Moreover, the Fengji Martial Emperor and the three great Martial Kings were also lost in Tianhai City.

Emperor Lei Dongwu's heart boiled with murderous intent, and he couldn't swallow this breath at all.

"Tiandao Sect, we really can't stay! But we can't touch them yet, our plan is the most important! However, the plan for the Sea of ​​Abyss will take at least another year!"

Sun Qiyang said slowly.

"One year, I'm afraid something will happen in this year! Su Chen has obtained the Devouring True Fire and has entered the Tiandao Sect. If he is not eliminated, he will become a serious trouble!"

Martial Emperor Lei Dong frowned.

"Su Chen, of course, is going to die! However, although he is strong in combat, he will not pose any threat to us within ten years. I will find a way to deal with him. You don't have to worry! On the other hand, Tiandao Sect, Cang Yuan Sophisticated

, you can’t help but be on guard! "

Sun Qiyang said slowly.

"What's the deputy sect master's plan?"

Emperor Lei Dongwu was shocked.

"Cang Yuan's eyes have been fixed on the Sea of ​​Abyss! However, if Tiandao Sect is on fire everywhere and has no time to take care of itself, can he still keep staring at the Sea of ​​Abyss?"

Sun Qiyang sneered.

"Too busy to take care of yourself?"

Emperor Lei Dongwu asked.

"That's right! Tiandao Sect has a total of three spiritual stone mines. Let's activate our hidden backhand. It would be best if we can destroy the three major spiritual stone mines. Even if we cannot destroy them, we must kill and injure the disciples of Tiandao Sect as much as possible!"

Sun Qiyang's eyes flashed with sharpness.


Emperor Lei Dongwu bowed and accepted the order.

He was extremely excited, finally going to take action against Tiandao Sect.

Sun Qiyang and the sect leader were still a little worried about Tiandao Sect before, but as the plan unfolds, the existence of the Sea of ​​Abyss is about to be born.

There is no need for Tiandao Sect to exist anymore.

Touching Tiandao Sect's spirit stone mine is the first step to attack Tiandao Sect.

After destroying the Tiandao Sect's spirit stone mine, the Tiandao Sect, which was originally a bunch of poor people, may be really worried!

Luoshen Peak.

After Su Chen and Jingang discussed the details of opening a shop in Tianhai City, Jingang, Shui Wan'er and Tu Yuan left with great excitement.

They were going to make preparations for opening a shop, and at the same time they were also looking for various elixirs for Su Chen and preparing to refine the first batch of elixirs for sale.

Su Chen returned to the quiet room again.

After he comprehended the supreme secret of the Nine Dragons War Technique and received the baptism of the true dragon, his body became extremely powerful, as if he had been reborn, and his whole body exuded an extremely powerful dragon power.

Although he has not yet broken through to the realm of Martial King, with Su Chen's current powerful combat power, even a strong Martial King can easily suppress him!

"I have now arrived at Tiandao Sect. Although I am much stronger than in my previous life, I have also been targeted by Jiuyang Shenzong! Whether they will target Tiandao Sect in advance is hard to say. I must improve my strength as soon as possible! The Sea of ​​Abyss ……nine Sun

Shenzong really deserves to die! "

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

When I think of the destruction of Tiandao Sect in the previous life, the overwhelming foreign demons turned the entire Tiandao Sect into ruins.

And the Jiuyang Divine Sect has long since surrendered to the evil spirits outside the territory.

The entire Eastern Wasteland was shocked!

Now that he knows this, Su Chen cannot let the tragedy of his previous life happen again.

"Now that I have accumulated so much money, I can break through to the realm of the Martial King in a few days or a few months!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

Although he joined the Tiandao Sect and became a disciple of the Tiandao Sect, and had a powerful strength that far exceeded his previous life, Su Chen always had a sense of urgency in his heart.

This sense of urgency made him dare not relax at all, and wanted to continuously improve his strength and become stronger and stronger.

"Su Chen!"

At this moment, a voice came into Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen's heart moved, and he immediately left the quiet room and came outside the quiet room.

Luo Xuan, dressed in white, emerged from the dust and appeared in front of Su Chen.

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