Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 224: One punch to suppress King Kong!


In the sky above Luoshen Peak, the fist light roared and the divine light boiled.

The two fierce fist seals, like two mountains, containing terrifying power fluctuations, collided in an instant.


Invisible air waves exploded, like thunder roaring, making people's blood boil and their eardrums hurting.

When King Kong punched Su Chen, although he felt that Su Chen was physically very strong, he thought he could fight Su Chen. However, it wasn't until he touched Su Chen's punch that he realized how terrifying Su Chen was.

It is a supreme power that shatters the void and breaks everything.

Facing Su Chen's punch, King Kong seemed to be facing an immortal god. The overwhelming aura made him feel cold all over.

"King Kong Demon-Suppressing Fist! Block it!!"

King Kong's eyes were full of extremely powerful fighting spirit, and with a roar, energy and blood surged throughout his body.

His physical body was pushed to the extreme by him, endless fighting spirit filled the air, veins popped out all over his body, golden divine light rose, making his punch seem to have the power to shake the sky.


However, when Su Chen's punch fell, King Kong's extremely powerful King Kong Fu

The magic fist was torn apart like paper and instantly exploded into powder.

In the extremely shocked eyes of Shui Wan'er and Tu Yuan, a fist seal like a sacred mountain struck King Kong fiercely, knocking him down from the void.


The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

King Kong was punched by Su Chen onto the ground below. In an instant, the ground cracked, rocks shattered, and sand and rocks flew across a thousand-foot radius.

It's like a mortal who provoked the gods was suppressed with one punch!

After a moment, the fist mark dissipated, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. King Kong was lying in the pit, blood spurting from his mouth, and his eyes were full of shock and excitement.


"Junior Brother Su Chen, is he so terrifying?"

Shui Wan'er and Tu Yuan both took a breath of cold air with expressions of disbelief.

They originally thought that even though Su Chen was physically strong and had extremely strong combat power, King Kong was the second-ranked being among the Eight Sons of Heaven. He was born with divine power and had once suppressed Emperor Wu.

There will definitely be an extremely fierce battle between Su Chen and King Kong.

However, they were wrong.

King Kong was so vulnerable in front of Su Chen that he was suppressed by Su Chen with just one punch!

This is a crushing force that can destroy everything!

"Hahaha... so happy! Junior Brother Su Chen, you should be merciful, otherwise, I really think you can kill me with this punch!"

King Kong stood up staggeringly from the pit, his eyes full of excitement and enthusiasm.

Su Chen's overwhelming fist seal made his heart palpitate, as if he felt the threat of death, but it also made his blood boil.

This is the opponent he deserves to surpass!

"Second Senior Brother, I'm sorry!"

There was a hint of apology in Su Chen's eyes.

In the battle with King Kong, he also wanted to test the limits of his current physical body, so he did not hesitate to activate all the physical power and turned it into the supreme fist seal that suppressed everything.

However, he underestimated his own strength. When he realized it, although he withdrew half of his punch, he still seriously injured King Kong.

King Kong noticed that he was holding back, so he said this.

"Are you okay?

It's okay, I recovered quickly, I'll be fine in two days! I really didn't expect it. I originally thought I could fight with you, my junior brother, but now it seems that I have brought humiliation on myself! "

King Kong's eyes were full of emotion.

But there was no trace of embarrassment or anger at being defeated, and he was very magnanimous.

"Junior brother, senior brother has an unkind request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

King Kong looked at Su Chen eagerly and asked.

"Senior brother, please tell me!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly in his heart, having already guessed what King Kong was going to say.

"Ahem... Little junior brother, you see, senior brother, you and I practice physical training techniques. I can't beat senior brother. The other junior brothers and sisters are too useless to dare to fight with me! In the future, I can Do I come to discuss with you every day?”

King Kong smiled honestly.


Su Chen sighed in his heart. He defeated the second senior brother, but King Kong turned into brown sugar and directly entangled him.

You know, this is how senior brother Xiao Fan was entangled by King Kong at the beginning. It was not until the honest man, senior brother, was cornered that he beat King Kong severely several times before beating him to be honest.

"This...Second Senior Brother

, you know that my breakthrough is about to happen, how about we wait until I break through to King Wu and then we can discuss it? "

Su Chen said with some numbness.

"I almost forgot!"

King Kong slapped his head, and suddenly another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "No problem, as long as you don't find me annoying, little junior brother! Then I'll wait for you to break through, then I'll spar with you." !”

"Okay! Senior brother, this is a good fortune elixir. Take it quickly to heal your wounds!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly, and then with a flick of his finger, a spiritual elixir the size of a dragon's eye, exuding the majestic breath of life, flew towards King Kong.

"The elixir of good fortune? This is the seventh-grade elixir. It's so luxurious! Junior brother, senior brother, I'm thick-skinned and thick-skinned. I'll be fine in two days. There's no need to waste such a treasure!"

King Kong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and returned the elixir of creation to Su Chen.

"Second Senior Brother, you'd better take it quickly! I refined this elixir of creation myself, so it's not precious!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

"You made it yourself...what?!"

King Kong was shocked, with an incredible look in his eyes.

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