Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 207 Clean up the door!

"Luo Shen Order?"

Everyone around was shocked when they saw Zhou Chen saluting Su Chen without hesitation.

The three words "Luo Shen Ling" shocked them even more.

Who in Tianhai City doesn't know that the nine peaks of Tiandao Sect and the Luo Shen Order represent the head of Luo Shen Peak, the goddess named Luo Xuan!

Who would have thought that Su Chen would have the Luoshen Token in his hand?

"Luo Shen Ling? How come he has Luo Shen Ling? What is his relationship with Luo Xuan?"

Qin Muying was also shocked.

Luoshen Peak is a very special existence among the nine peaks of Tiandao Sect.

Because there is only Luo Xuan in Luoshen Peak and no other disciples.

Luo Xuan could not easily hand over the Luo Shen Order to others, so Qin Muying had to doubt the relationship between Su Chen and Luo Xuan.

"Luo Shen Order?"

Zhang Quan was agitated, and suddenly looked at the token in Su Chen's hand. The two simple characters on it were not Luo Shen, or what?

"No! This is impossible! Senior Brother Zhou Chen, the Luo Shen Token is the first symbol of Luo Shen Peak, how could it appear in his hands? He must have forged it!"

Zhang Quan roared angrily, his eyes full of panic and fear.

A look of fear.


Zhou Chen's expression changed, and he slapped Zhang Quan on the face, sending him flying away.

Who dares to forge the Luo Shen Order?

This is Tianhai City, and the first symbol of the Luo Shen Order is the face of the Tiandao Sect. Anyone who dares to forge it can be said to be impatient.

More importantly, the Luoshen Token is a rare treasure. As long as you are a disciple of the Tiandao Sect and practice the core skills of the Tiandao Sect, you can feel the authenticity of the Luoshen Token.

Zhou Chen clearly felt that the Luo Shen Token in Su Chen's hand was real!

"Get up!"

Su Chen said calmly.

Zhou Chen then stood up as if he had been granted amnesty.

"I am a disciple of Luoshen Peak, Su Chen, Master Luo Xuan's new disciple! Senior Brother Zhou doesn't need to give this big gift!"

Su Chen said.

"Don't dare. It turns out that Junior Brother Su Chen is the disciple of Uncle Luo Xuan. It's really disrespectful! I wonder what kind of grudges Junior Brother Su Chen has with Zhang Quan?"

Zhou Quan said he didn't dare and asked cautiously.

Although he is the patrol commander of Tianhai City, he is just an inner disciple among Tiandao Sect.

But Su Chen was able to be valued by Luo Xuan and was given the Luo Shen Order, so he must be a true disciple.

"It starts with Senior Brother Zhang trying to steal my white fox..."

Su Chen said calmly.

He recounted what happened on the Void Treasure Ship without adding any exaggeration.

After hearing what Su Chen said, Zhang Quan and Jiang Rongrong's faces were ashen.

They understood that this time they really hit the iron plate.

He originally thought that Su Chen was powerless and that even if he had some background, he could not be bigger than Tiandao Sect. However, he never thought that Su Chen actually had the Luo Shen Order and was Luo Xuan's personal disciple.

Now, they are really finished!

After hearing Su Chen's story, Zhou Chen was shocked and angry.

The Tiandao Sect has strict rules and strict requirements for its disciples, so its reputation is very good. No disciple would ever dare to do anything to bully others.

Although this Zhang Quan is an outer disciple of Tiandao Sect, this has completely ruined the reputation of Tiandao Sect.

If Su Chen hadn't been here, Zhou Chen would have wanted to kill Zhang Quan directly!

"Su Chen...Senior Brother Su Chen, I was wrong! I shouldn't use my power to bully others.

, I shouldn’t cause trouble for you, I will never dare to trouble you again, please forgive me..."

Zhang Quan plopped down and knelt down in front of Su Chen, crying and begging for mercy.

"Master Su Chen, this little girl is too blind to recognize Taishan. I bumped into you. I hope you will forgive me! As long as you don't remember the villain's fault, Rongrong is willing to be your maid to make amends. No matter what you want to do to me, you can do it." …”

Jiang Rongrong also knelt in front of Su Chen, twisted her waist, and said half pleading and half charming.


Su Chen's face turned cold and he waved his sleeves.

A vast burst of true energy surged out, directly sweeping Zhang Quan and Jiang Rongrong away.

"Senior Brother Zhou, Zhang Quan bullied others with his power and seriously violated the Tiandao Sect's precepts. Today I abolished his cultivation and cleaned up the family. Do you have any objections?"

Su Chen stared at Zhou Chen and said calmly.

"Junior Brother Su is laughing, of course I have no objection! You have the Luo Shen Order, and if the leader comes in person, you can clear the door for Tiandao Sect, it is just and legitimate!"

Zhou Chen said quickly.

"very good!"

Su Chen nodded, and then ignored Zhang Quan's begging for mercy and slapped his pill with one palm.

Tian position directly shattered his Dantian Qi sea and destroyed his cultivation.

Su Chen didn't kill him, but destroying his cultivation would be worse than killing him, and without his cultivation, he wouldn't be able to live long at all.

Zhang Quan's extremely miserable cry came out, making everyone around him turn pale.

The disciples of Tiandao Sect are willing to give up whatever they say. This Su Chen is really decisive!

"As for you, you can escape the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living crime! Zhou Chen, abolish her cultivation and send her back to the Jiang family in Jianghan City. At the same time, let the Jiang family give an explanation to our Tiandao Sect!"

Su Chen glanced at Jiang Rongrong and said slowly.


Zhou Chen felt a chill in his heart and quickly agreed.

He knew that Su Chen was beating him.

Therefore, no matter how much Jiang Rongrong cried and cried, he still shattered Jiang Rongrong's Dantian Qi sea with one palm, and then asked his men to drag the unconscious Zhang Quan and Jiang Rongrong, preparing to send them back to Jianghan City.

After deposing the legitimate daughter of the Jiang family, the Jiang family must give an explanation.

This is the confidence of Tiandao Sect, and this is the majesty of the ruler of Tianhai Territory!

Everyone looked at Su Chen with expressions full of awe.

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