Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 193 The dragon recognizes its master!

Fighting Emperor!

These four words were once a legend in Xuantian Realm.

He came from Buddhism, and was proficient in Buddhism. He had traveled around the world and fought with many heroes. No one could defeat him, and he had never lost in his life.

He pushed Buddhism to an extremely powerful level. At that time, Buddhism was the most powerful force in Xuantian Realm, without a doubt.

All this was because of Fighting Emperor!

And Fighting Emperor successfully broke through the void tens of thousands of years ago, survived the divine calamity, and ascended to become a god!

The Fighting Emperor at that time was like Su Chen's previous life, the Nine Dragons Emperor. He was the real number one in the world, sweeping across the world without a single enemy, and was dazzling to the extreme.

This name was naturally well-known to Su Chen.

He did not expect that he could hear the news of Fighting Emperor from the mouth of the demon dragon.

"The secret realm where Fighting Emperor broke through the void and became a god? I must get it!"

Su Chen's eyes were bright.

In his previous life, he was the Nine Dragon Martial Emperor. His cultivation was comparable to that of the creation. He had reached the pinnacle of humanity and was about to ascend to become a god. If he could learn the secret of how the Fighting Martial Emperor broke through the void and became a god, it would definitely be a great fortune for him.

It must not be missed!

Seeing Su Chen's interested expression, the Demon Dragon knew that there was a chance, and hurriedly continued: "As long as you let me go, I will tell you the secret of how the Fighting Martial Emperor broke through the void and became a god!"

He believed that this was definitely a temptation that Su Chen could not resist!

"It's not impossible to spare your life!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he glanced at the Demon Dragon lightly, and continued: "But you have to agree to one condition of mine!"

"What condition? Not to mention one, even if it's ten or a hundred, I will agree to you!"

The Demon Dragon was delighted and said hurriedly.

It was already calculating in its mind that it would first be insincere with Su Chen, and after escaping the predicament, it must make this human kid look good.

Therefore, it showed an extremely flattering look on its face, trying to make its eyes become extremely sincere.

"It's very simple! You should be a demon, right? You should be very clear about the master-servant contract among the demons, so if you recognize me as your master, I will spare you!" Su Chen said with a faint smile. How could he not know what the demon dragon was thinking? He wanted to find trouble with him after escaping the predicament, how could Su Chen let the demon dragon get what he wanted? The smile on the demon dragon's face froze, and then he jumped up as if his tail was stepped on, and said angrily: "Master-servant contract? Don't even think about it! Great Demon Dragon, your uncle Dragon can't recognize a tiny human as his master, absolutely impossible!" "In that case, there's nothing to say!" Su Chen said faintly. Boom! The Devouring True Fire surged around him and went towards the demon dragon. The demon dragon's face froze, which was uglier than crying. Although it said no, when the Devouring True Fire enveloped it and the pain of burning the soul came again, it finally couldn't bear it. "Stop, stop, stop! I surrender. I can sign a master-servant contract with you and recognize you as my master..." The dragon said with a sad face. It's over! If it recognizes this cunning human boy as its master, it will probably never be able to turn over! However... the great dragon can bend and stretch. It is important to save his life first. One day, this human boy will be paid back with interest. "Congratulations, you saved your life!" Su Chen smiled indifferently. Then, under Su Chen's gaze, the dragon reluctantly stretched out its dragon claws, tore off a small piece of dragon soul, and then continued to seal. Su Chen also flicked his fingers slightly, and a drop of blood flew out, merging with the small piece of dragon soul, and then runes lingered, and the void roared. It seemed that the heaven and earth had some kind of induction, and the ancient rune hummed and trembled, and flew into Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows. Suddenly, Su Chen felt that as long as he had a thought, he could control the life and death of the dragon! The master-servant contract is concluded!

"Molong, what's your name? But seeing that you are all black, why don't I call you Xiaohei?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile.


Molong resisted the urge to swear, and hurriedly said: "Master, I have a name, my name is Lu Mingfei Alex Wuhu Lavsky..."

Molong uttered a series of obscure names.

"...It's settled, you'll be called Xiaohei!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

Molong's name is really long!

Xiaohei sounds better!

After hearing Su Chen's words, Molong wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Since you have already recognized me as your master, then I will naturally save you! When I refine the Nirvana Golden Flame, you will be able to escape!"

Su Chen smiled indifferently.

Then, he urged a trace of martial arts soul to explore the Nirvana Golden Flame.


Molong's face changed, and he hurriedly stopped him.

This Nirvana Golden Flame is extremely terrifying. Even a Martial Saint would find it difficult to refine it easily. Su Chen is only at the Martial Honor Realm. If he refines the Nirvana Golden Flame rashly, he will most likely be burned to ashes by the Nirvana Golden Flame.

He did not expect Su Chen to be so bold and directly refine the Nirvana Golden Flame.

But the Demon Dragon was too late. Su Chen's martial arts soul had already enveloped the Nirvana Golden Flame.

"It's over! This human kid is going to die. My great Demon Dragon has to be buried with him. I am really unwilling..."

The demon dragon's eyes were full of despair.

In its view, Su Chen was dead.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


A simple and melodious voice sounded, and a simple tripod with three legs and two ears appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness between Su Chen's eyebrows. In an instant, it appeared on top of the Nirvana Golden Flame!

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