Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 189 Wuliang Sword Sect, Black Dragon Demon King!

In the void, three men and two women emerged.

The men are extraordinarily handsome and the women are extremely beautiful. They all carry ancient swords and have extraordinary auras. All of them have reached the level of the King of Martial Arts.

"This black dragon demon king has a very strong aura. If we give it a little more time, maybe a demon king will appear in the Black Dragon Mountains!"

"Fortunately, Senior Sister Zichen discovered this place. If this is really the place where the Demon Dragon Demon Saint fell as recorded in ancient books, then we will make a lot of money!"

"That's right! Whether it's the Demon Saint's body or the Demon Saint's demon elixir, they are all supreme treasures, and bringing them back to the sect is also a great achievement! Senior Sister Zi Chen, shall we do it directly?"

The eyes of several young men and women were full of eagerness to try.

However, in the end, their eyes rested on the leading woman in purple.

The woman in purple clothes carries an ancient sword on her back and wears a purple dress. She has a graceful figure, black hair like a waterfall, and a flawless face exposed under the wind-blown black hair.

Especially a pair of eyes, as bright as the stars in the sky, occasionally shooting out

Its sharp edge is like a peerless sword, as if it can penetrate everything.

Her cultivation is also the most powerful among the five!

The three male disciples looked at her with eyes filled with admiration.

Their senior sister Zi Chen is a peerless genius in the sect!

At only twenty years old, he is already a strong man in the Martial King Realm. He has gathered supreme sword power and is extremely powerful. He is one of the most dazzling people in the sect.

"is her?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a strange look.

He recognized the purple-clothed woman at a glance.

A genius disciple of Wuliang Sword Sect, Zi Chen.

In Su Chen's previous life, when he was competing at the Seven Martial Arts Holy Lands in the Eastern Wasteland, he saw Zi Chen, who had peerless appearance and unparalleled swordsmanship, and shocked the world in a single battle.

He is one of the most dazzling geniuses in the Wuliang Sword Sect.

These five people seemed to be all disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Su Chen did not expect that they would also come to the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

"This black dragon demon king has a different bloodline and is extremely powerful. We must not

contempt! Follow me and kill him with all my strength. Don't alert other demon kings and the Black Dragon Ancient City! "

Zi Chen's eyes flashed with sharpness and he said lightly.


Several other people were shocked in their hearts, put away their casual expressions, and nodded.

In the Black Dragon Mountains, there is not only one demon king, the Black Dragon Demon King, not to mention that it is only a thousand miles away from the Black Dragon Ancient City, but there is a real Martial Emperor sitting there.

Their trip was considered a trial. Although they found the place where the Demonic Dragon Demon Saint was suspected to have died, if the news leaked out, they might be in big trouble.

The news about a demon saint may make the warriors in the entire Nether Dragon Territory excited!

Better to do it quickly!


A sharp edge flashed in Zi Chen's eyes, and the ancient sword behind him rose into the air, bursting with blazing brilliance. Like lightning, it slashed down from the void towards the Black Dragon Demon King below!


The few remaining disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect no longer concealed their auras. Powerful zhenqi fluctuations filled the air, and they all displayed powerful...

His martial arts skills surged toward the valley like a torrent.

Their target is the Black Dragon Demon King.

It's best to be able to kill with one strike with the power of thunder!

"The ants of the human race... are looking for death!!"

The moment Zi Chen made his move, the Black Dragon Demon King also noticed their aura, and his blood-red eyes were suddenly filled with evil aura, and he uttered human words.

After reaching the level of Demon King, you can refine the cross bones and speak human words.

And after breaking through the Demon King, he can even begin to transform.

Although the Black Dragon Demon King has not yet transformed, his intelligence is no different from that of ordinary people, and because the demon race is naturally strong in vitality and blood, its combat power is even more terrifying.


A bolt of black lightning suddenly shot out from its mouth, containing a destructive power, and it instantly collided with Zi Chen's sword.

The void roared, and the earth shook.

Black lightning and the huge sword exploded at the same time.


And the huge snake tail of the Black Dragon Demon King emerged from the deep pool, and with the power of sweeping thousands of armies, it suddenly whipped at the four disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect.


Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The weapons in the hands of the four disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect slashed at the Black Dragon Demon King, making the sound of gold and iron clashing, and sparks flying everywhere.

Not even the scales can be broken.


And the black dragon demon king drew his snake tail, which contained a huge amount of divine power, and directly flew the four of them away!

"What a powerful demon king!"

The four people's bodies were full of energy and blood, and their eyes showed extremely solemn looks.

The Black Dragon Demon King is more difficult to deal with than they imagined!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

At the same time, the beasts in the valley roared one after another, and the demon beasts under the Black Dragon Demon King also became furious, and started to kill the five Zi Chen people one by one.


Zi Chen shouted violently, and the sharp sword intent around him rose up, turning into purple sword light and falling from the sky, killing several powerful monsters in an instant.

At the same time, the sword lights gathered together, forming a sword array around Zi Chen. Thousands of sword lights poured in, drowning the Black Dragon Demon King!

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