Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 184 Thunder Tribulation Wood!

Although the difference between Thunder Tribulation Wood and Thunder Strike Wood is only one word, they are worlds apart.

The lightning-struck wood is just an ordinary spiritual creature of heaven and earth. It is bathed in the power of thunder and has a very powerful effect on thunder-attribute skills.

But the Thunder Tribulation Wood is different. It is a top-notch natural material and earthly treasure.

The Thunder Tribulation Tree grows in the place where thunder originates. It absorbs the power of creation from heaven and earth. It contains a trace of the power of heavenly tribulation and is extremely terrifying.

The Thunder Tribulation Wood can be used to refine the Nine Turns of Thunder Tribulation Pill, which is said to be a god-less pill that can help the powerful Emperor Wu overcome the divine tribulation!

Su Chen didn't expect that he would meet Thunder Tribulation Wood here.

"Yes, it is the Thunder Tribulation Wood! This Thunder Tribulation Wood is a treasure that just arrived today. It was originally going to be sent to the headquarters for auction. If the Young Master wants it, I will sell it to the Young Master!"

The old man in gray robe smiled slightly.

"I want the Thunder Tribulation Wood, please give me a price!"

Su Chen said directly.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation contained in this Thunder Tribulation Wood also plays a great role in Su Chen's cultivation of the eternal chaos body, and he will naturally not let it go.

"This thunder calamity tree

, although it has no vitality, it is at least five thousand years old. It is extremely rare. Therefore, our Wanbao Merchant Association does not want spiritual stones, but only treasures of comparable value in exchange. I wonder if you have any, sir? "

The old man in gray robe looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen pondered for a moment, then a light flashed in his palm, and two treasures appeared.

"A heaven-level martial art, Shura Slash, and a seventh-level spiritual elixir, the Creation Pill, can save even a strong Martial Emperor as long as he has a breath!"

Su Chen said slowly.

"Seventh grade elixir?!"

The old man in gray robe was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of great excitement.

He quickly picked up the jade bottle and checked it, and confirmed that it was indeed the seventh-grade spiritual elixir, Shengsheng Good Fortune elixir. He breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were full of great joy.

"Sir, this Life and Creation Pill is enough to exchange for the Thunder Tribulation Wood. Please take back this Heavenly Level Martial Skill!"

The old man in gray robe also looked at Su Chen respectfully.

People who can easily take out heaven-level martial arts and seventh-level elixirs are definitely not ordinary people. Su Chen

It is very likely that he is a disciple of the Seven Martial Arts Holy Lands.

"Even if this heaven-level martial arts book is sold to the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, please give me some middle-grade spiritual stones. Of course, high-grade spiritual stones are the best!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is indeed fair in doing business. After all, Wanbao Pavilion is behind him, so he will not covet his heaven-level martial arts.

"Okay! Sir, I'm so glad. Since this is a heaven-level martial skill, I'll sell it for 100,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. How about it?"

The old man in gray robe said.


Su Chen nodded.

One hundred thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, even ten million low-grade spiritual stones, only the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can be so wealthy and come up with so many spiritual stones.

As for the high-grade spiritual stones, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce would naturally not be able to exchange them with Su Chen.

Su Chen took away the Thunder Tribulation Wood and 100,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, and left the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce under the respectful eyes of the gray-robed old man.

"Is he Su Chen?"

The old man in gray robe looked at Su Chen's leaving figure with a bright light in his eyes.

Previously, there was a portrait from Wanbao Pavilion, which showed a handsome young man.

Let the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in various places see this young man and take care of him.

The old man in gray robe suddenly thought of the scroll and confirmed Su Chen's identity.

"He should go to Tiandao Sect, right? In that case, I will make a good relationship with him on behalf of Wanbao Pavilion!"

The gray-robed old man thought to himself.

"Liu Qing!"

He shouted, and suddenly a middle-aged man in black robe came over.

"Great Elder!"

Liu Qing bowed respectfully.

The gray-robed old man's name is Wang Cang. He is the great elder of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in the Black Dragon Ancient City, and he has reached the peak of King Wu's cultivation.

"I have to leave for something. I will take over the Void Treasure Ship heading to the Sky Sea Region. You will temporarily take over as the Great Elder during this period!"

Wang Cang said calmly.


Liu Qing was shocked and said excitedly.

Although he didn't know why Wang Cang left, he also understood that Wang Cang was trying to support him.

After all, there are several elders like him in the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. Wang Cang asked him to temporarily take the position of the great elder, and the meaning of support is self-evident.

After Su Chen left Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, he did not

He left directly and wandered around a few streets in the west of the city.

There are many warriors setting up stalls here.

The Black Dragon Mountains stretch for thousands of miles. It is said that a black dragon once fell from the sky in ancient times and formed this ancient mountain range.

There are also legends that a god named Black Dragon fell during the battle between gods, and his body turned into the Black Dragon Mountains.

Some people even say that there was once an ancient holy land that was very prosperous for a while, and its gate was in the Black Dragon Mountains.

However, it has been so long ago that the origins of the Black Dragon Ancient City and the Black Dragon Mountain Range are no longer known. There are different opinions, and no one knows what the truth is.

"In my previous life, I heard that someone had obtained a kind of true fire of heaven and earth in the Black Dragon Mountains. Now that I have the opportunity to come here, maybe I can check it out!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

At that time, he had been brought to Tiandao Sect by Luo Xuan. He only heard that the real fire of heaven and earth was very strong, attracting countless strong men to show up to fight for it, and many people died.

Now that he has come to the Black Dragon Ancient City, he may be able to explore the traces of the real fire of heaven and earth!

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