Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 179 The Blue Holy Sword!


Several elders of the Lin family had extremely shocked looks in their eyes.

Before they even had time to rescue him, Lin Sheng was defeated by Su Chen with one punch and was seriously injured!

This was far beyond their expectations.

Although Lin Sheng is not a descendant of the Lin family, he is still a famous genius. His Taiyin Qi is extremely powerful and can freeze everything. There are not many people at the same level who can surpass him.

In this small Donglin Territory, Lin Sheng should be able to show a crushing force.

But who could have imagined that he would be defeated by a young man with only the Martial Master Realm!

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Lin Sheng let out an angry roar.


He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a faint blue sword appeared in his palm. The sword was soaked in blood, as if the seal had been released, and it glowed brightly in an instant.

A sword light that was extremely bright rose into the air, as if splitting the entire capital of Dali into two halves, before slashing down towards Su Chen in the sky.

"not good!"

From the Lin family

The expressions of many elders changed.

Lin Sheng was severely injured by Su Chen and was completely angered. He even burst out with the Blue Holy Sword.

The Blue Holy Sword is a one-time attack treasure. It is a self-defense treasure given to Lin Sheng by his family.

As long as the energy and blood are used to activate the power of the holy way sealed in it, the power is unparalleled, even the Martial Emperor can kill it with one sword.

With such a talent, Su Chen is probably an extremely powerful genius disciple among the Tiandao Sect. If he were to be killed, the Tiandao Sect would definitely be offended.

Even if the Lin family is not afraid of the Tiandao Sect, this is the Eastern Wasteland after all, and the Tiandao Sect and other seven martial arts holy places are the local snakes.

Their mission was to pick up Lin Ruowei. If they angered the Tiandao Sect, they would probably have troubles.

But the power of the Blue Holy Sword was too terrifying, and they were too late to rescue him.

"Su Chen, be careful!!"

Lin Ruowei's eyes also showed an extremely anxious look, and she shouted quickly.


But the light of the blue holy sword was so bright and dazzling that it cut through the world in an instant and enveloped Su Chen.

Lin Ruowei's face instantly turned extremely pale.


"Lin Sheng, if Su Chen makes any mistake, I will make you pay with blood!!"

Lin Ruowei suddenly looked at Lin Sheng, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Being stared at by Lin Ruowei, Lin Sheng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, but he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Just you? Su Chen is already dead. As a member of the Lin family, you actually Dare to make a lifelong secret with an ant? Wait for the punishment from the Discipline Hall!"

"Want to kill me? Are you worthy?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

The bright sword light in the sky dispersed, and the extremely cold power attached to the blue sword energy caused the entire royal capital to be filled with snow and covered with frost.

In Su Chen's place, there appeared a burly man with a golden glow all over his body, as if cast from gold, exuding an aura of immortality.

It's the Martial Emperor's puppet, the Golden Demon!

Su Chen sacrificed the Martial Emperor puppet the moment the Blue Holy Sword exploded.

That sword was too terrifying. It contained the power of the holy way and could destroy everything. With Su Chen's fighting power, even if he could

Next, they will also be hit hard.

The Martial Emperor's puppet was so hard that even the power of the Blue Holy Sword only left a sword mark on its body.

Su Chen walked out from behind the Golden Demon and stared at Lin Sheng, his eyes full of murderous intent that could not be concealed.


"How can it be?"

Lin Sheng and many elders of the Lin family were shocked.

They never thought that Su Chen could survive under the Blue Holy Sword.

That was the blue holy sword that could kill even the Martial Emperor. It was a powerful treasure refined by the Martial Saint of the Lin family, but it was actually blocked by Su Chen!

"That's... the Martial Emperor's puppet?!"

Suddenly, an elder from the Lin family exclaimed, his eyes full of shock.

He recognized the Golden Demon as a puppet of the Martial Emperor.

"The puppet of the Martial Emperor? The puppet of the Martial Emperor of the Tiangong Holy Land?"

Lin Sheng also trembled, and his eyes suddenly showed an extremely greedy look.

Produced by Tiangong Holy Land, it must be a high-quality product.

The Martial Emperor puppet of Tiangong Holy Land is worth a sky-high price even in Zhongzhou. If he can get this Martial Emperor,

The emperor's puppet, the security is greatly increased.

He did not expect that in this small Donglin Territory, there would be a puppet of the Martial Emperor from the Tiangong Holy Land.

"Boy, hand over the Martial Emperor's puppet, then kneel down and kowtow to confess your sins. I am magnanimous and can spare your life!"

Lin Sheng stared at the Golden Demon with blazing eyes and said to Su Chen.

"You want the Martial Emperor puppet? Are you thinking about shit?"

Su Chen sneered, and then the terrifying energy and blood all over his body erupted. Accompanied by an ancient dragon's roar, he suppressed Lin Sheng with his unparalleled punch marks.

Lin Sheng's blue holy sword almost killed him. Su Chen naturally had no intention of holding back Lin Sheng and wanted to kill him directly.

"Be bold!"

The expression of the elder of the Lin family changed, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted, and he flew towards Su Chen across the sky.

He knew how powerful Su Chen was in combat, so it was naturally impossible for him to let Su Chen kill Lin Sheng.

"Golden Demon!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, and the Golden Demon immediately rose into the air and punched the Lin family elder directly.


There was a huge earthquake in the void, and the elders of the Lin family were blown away by the Golden Demon's punch!

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