Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 173 A thousand calamities!

Shenwu Academy.

On the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, Yuan Haoran sat cross-legged under an ancient pine, breathing in the air of heaven and earth, and his breath came out of the dust.


The void rippled like water waves, and two figures emerged from it.

It was Su Ling'er and Yun Xiang.

"Uncle Yuan, it seems that after taking the innate elixir, the old injuries in your body will soon be healed, and you will be able to break through to the realm of the Martial Emperor soon!"

Yun Xiang's eyes flashed and he smiled slightly at Yuan Haoran.

If outsiders heard this, they would definitely be extremely shocked. The dignified vice-president of Zhongzhou Xiantian Taoist Academy, a strong martial artist, actually called Yuan Haoran, his uncle.

"Thank you so much for me, Junior Sister Qin Yao!"

Yuan Haoran opened his eyes, with a hint of complex color in them.

"Yes! It's just...Uncle Master, do you really not want to go back to Xiantian Taoist Academy again?"

Yun Xiang sighed softly.

Uncle Yuan is burdened with too many things.

Yuan Haoran was once a disciple of Xiantian Taoist Academy. He was so magnificent and talented that many people even believed that Yuan Haoran would be the future dean of Xiantian Taoist Academy.

However, an accident caused Yuan Haoran to die

He was severely injured, his foundation was destroyed, and he was exiled to the Eastern Wasteland. He even fell into the world of mortals and lost his memory.

Later, Yuan Haoran was rescued by the previous generation leader of Tiandao Sect and became a disciple of Tiandao Sect. Because of a promise, he left Tiandao Sect and guarded the small Dali Kingdom for hundreds of years.

Looking at Yuan Haoran's thin face, Yun Xiang was filled with emotion.

The Yuan Haoran used to be radiant and radiant, making people look up to him, but now Yuan Haoran is old. If an old friend had not sent him an innate elixir to heal Yuan Haoran's injuries, I am afraid that he would have passed away completely in a short time.

It can be described as a trick of fate!

"Xiantian Taoist Academy? In my lifetime... maybe I won't have the chance to go back!"

Yuan Haoran said slowly, with some sadness in his eyes, as if he was remembering that pretty figure when he was young, chasing after him and calling him senior brother.

Now, it is already drifting away.

"Yunxiang, Ling'er possesses an innate Taoist body and has unparalleled talents. She will go to the Innate Taoist Academy with you. You must protect her! If possible, let Junior Sister Qin Yao be her master!"

Yuan Haoran said slowly.


Yunxiang respectfully agreed.

"Master, Ling'er is leaving. You, the old man, must take good care of yourself. When Ling'er completes his cultivation, he will come back to see you!"

Su Ling'er knelt respectfully in front of Yuan Haoran, her eyes were red, and she choked with sobs.

Although she became a disciple of Yuan Haoran not long ago, Yuan Haoran was very kind to her and made her very dependent on her. If Yuan Haoran had not insisted on it, she would not have left here.

"Chier, get up quickly. The vast world of Zhongzhou is where you want to go! Your talent cannot be buried here. I am still waiting for you to shock Xuantian!"

Yuan Haoran waved his sleeves, and an invisible force lifted Su Linger up and said softly.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Linger said seriously.

"Okay! Stop acting like a little girl and leave quickly!"

Yuan Haoran waved his hand, then looked at Yun Xiang and said, "Take good care of Ling'er. If anything happens to her, I won't let you go!"

"Uncle, please don't worry!"

Yunxiang replied respectfully.


Then, Yunxiang waved his sleeves, and the door to the void opened again. He took Su Ling'er with a look of reluctance,

He stepped into the gate of the void and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Zhongzhou... Xiantian Taoist Academy..."

Yuan Haoran's eyes were deep and vicissitudes, and he looked in the direction of Zhongzhou. A terrifying aura rose up around him. In an instant, the sea of ​​clouds surged, and the sky and the earth steamed. It was as if billions of sword lights fell from the sky, converging into an extremely terrifying aura around him. The realm of swords.


There seemed to be some kind of bottleneck in Yuan Haoran's body that was instantly broken, and his breath went straight into the ninth heaven, breaking through to a whole new realm in an instant!

Emperor Wu!

"Is that... the direction of the Shenwu Academy? Could it be... that Yuan Haoran broke through to the realm of the Martial Emperor?"

In the Liu Mansion, Su Chen felt something in his heart, and his eyes flickered as he looked in the direction of Shenwu Academy.

He could feel that the vast power of heaven and earth was gathering in the direction of Shenwu Academy, and that powerful pressure enveloped the world.

Someone has clearly broken through to the realm of the Martial Emperor!

Moreover, such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth is like the resurrection of the Emperor of Ten Thousand Swords, and it is definitely not an ordinary Martial Emperor's breakthrough.

Su Chen immediately thought of Yuan Haoran.

Dean of Shenwu Academy

, was also a former disciple of Tiandao Sect, and he seemed to be carrying many secrets, shrouded in layers of fog.

However, Su Chen remembered that in his previous life, Yuan Haoran finally sat in the Shenwu Academy. He did not break through to the realm of the Martial Emperor, but now he has broken through.

"Is it because of Ling'er or because of Yunxiang?"

Su Chen's heart moved slightly as he thought of Yun Xiang, the vice-president of Xiantian Taoist Academy.

In his previous life, Yunxiang did not come to the Eastern Wilderness, but he did come this time. It is probably because of Ling'er's innate Taoist body that Yuan Haoran broke through to the realm of the Martial Emperor.

Su Chen has already guessed the truth.

In the future, there have been some changes.

"No matter what the future holds, as long as I can have more and more powerful power, even surpassing the peak of my previous life, I will not be afraid of any conspiracy!"

Su Chen's eyes sparkled, and he thought to himself.

Then, he sat down in the secret room and began to practice.

In his body, gray calamity energy continued to flow through his body, tempering his body and making his aura stronger and stronger.

And there were a thousand calamity energy!

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