Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 152 The old emperor, the battle of emperors!

From the moment Su Chen broke through the formation to the moment Yan Zheng activated the Nine Heavens Moonlight, it was almost a matter of seconds.

Linhuang didn't react at all.

He didn't even expect that Su Chen would break his formation so quickly, and then the Nine Heavens Moonlight came, destroying countless demonic powers, and causing him to be severely injured.

Linhuang was extremely aggrieved.

He looked at Su Chen, Yan Zheng and Lin Ruowei with eyes full of murderous intent. He never expected that he would be seriously injured by these three ants.

Then, he punched out.

The unparalleled fist marks were blasted towards the Moonstone.


Although a large area of ​​magic light was melted by the power of the moonlight, the moonstone was still shattered by his punch!

"Yan Zheng, how dare you betray me?"

Linhuang stared at Yan Zheng, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Betrayal? The evil spirits from outside the territory will be killed by everyone!"

Yan Zheng sneered.

There was no fear in his eyes, but instead they were full of passion and expectation.

Why did he spend so much time and effort to kill Linhuang?

Isn't it just to achieve great achievements and have the opportunity to become an inner disciple or even a true disciple of Tiandao Sect?


In his eyes, the Linhuang in front of him was not the emperor of the Great Lin Dynasty, nor was he an alien demon, but a large amount of merit.

"Kill me? Just you three ants?"

Linhuang laughed angrily.


But at this moment, a blazing light shot into the sky not far away, and then a figure with an extremely terrifying aura appeared in the sky.

It was an extremely old man in black robes, filled with old age, as if he was about to die. He was holding a dragon-headed cane and his face was full of wrinkles.

But his eyes were extremely sharp and deep, as if he could see through everything.

And his cultivation level is also that of a Martial Emperor!

"Greetings to the old emperor, I am Yan Zheng, the military advisor of the Dalin Dynasty. Your majesty, Emperor Lin, has been seized by evil spirits from outside the territory and has taken over his body. I would like to ask the old emperor to take action to kill the evil spirits and give me, Dalin, a peaceful world!"

After Yan Zheng saw the old man in black robe, he immediately said respectfully.

This old emperor has lived for thousands of years. It is said that he is the biological son of the founding emperor of the Dalin Dynasty and the biggest trump card of the Dalin Dynasty.

He was naturally alarmed by the overwhelming evil power.

"Extraterritorial evil spirits...damn it!!"

The eyes of the old emperor

He was filled with overwhelming murderous intent, and he didn't even look at Yan Zheng. His eyes were fixed on Linhuang in front of him, and he was suppressed by the terrifying aura.

"Old guy, you're almost dead, and you still dare to come looking for death?"

Linhuang sneered.

He also knew about the old emperor, but he was very powerful, and his life was about to end, and he was in seclusion, so he didn't provoke him.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor discovered his aura and broke out.


The old emperor suddenly shouted loudly, his whole body boiling with murderous intent, and he rushed towards Linhuang directly.

"Old man, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Linhuang's eyes were extremely deep, and his whole body was exuding a monstrous demonic light, filled with evil aura, and he also moved towards the old emperor.

"Those three ants will be killed without mercy!"

He dropped a sentence to the three Martial King puppets.

Linhuang knew that Su Chen, Yan Zheng and Lin Ruowei had extraordinary fighting prowess, so he did not ask the three Martial King puppets to kill them, but only wanted to hold Su Chen and the others down.

After he has dealt with the old emperor, he will kill Su Chen and the other three.


Above the void, the two Martial Emperors have terrifying auras, harnessing the vast power of heaven and earth, and perform

Using powerful magical martial arts, they suddenly collided.

The powerful Martial Emperors practice heaven-level martial arts and techniques. They are able to control the power of heaven and earth, and possess unpredictable divine power in their movements.

The two martial emperors fought against each other, instantly alarming many powerful men in the imperial capital!

"That was...a battle between two emperors in the imperial city?"

"Hiss... Could it be that Emperor Wu invaded Dalin? The person who fought the battle seemed to be Emperor Lin. What happened?"

"Linhuang? Hehe, didn't you see that he was exuding a monstrous demonic energy? This Linhuang is probably possessed by a demon, and that old man seems to be the legendary old emperor!"

"Linhuang actually started a fight with the old emperor. This... is simply a mess!"

Many warriors in the imperial city looked at the two figures in the void, their eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty.

The Battle of Emperor Wu has not happened for many years.

Not to mention, one of the two people fighting was the contemporary Emperor Lin, and the other was the old Emperor from a thousand years ago. They actually started fighting?

However, the overwhelming evil power emanating from Linhuang's body made many people understand at a glance that something was wrong with Linhuang, as if he was possessed by a demon!

And the other one

On the side, the three puppets of King Wu rushed towards Su Chen, Yan Zheng and Lin Ruowei.

"Quick victory!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly struck out with his palm.


He slapped the puppet of King Wu, making a sound of gold and iron clashing, as if he had slapped it on hard gold and iron. Although the puppet of King Wu was knocked back, no traces were left on it at all. .

Almost invulnerable and invincible in defense!

"The puppet's weakness lies in its energy core!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

In his previous life, he had seen powerful puppets, even puppets in the Martial Emperor realm, which were capable of breaking mountains and rivers and destroying heaven and earth with just a single move.


Su Chen's eyes sparkled with golden clouds, and he instantly discovered the energy core of King Wu's puppet, which was three inches under his arm.


Su Chen punched out again, giving King Wu a powerful blow, and a beam of divine light shot out from his eyes, directly hitting the energy core.


The energy core exploded.

The look in the eyes of King Wu's puppet gradually dissipated, as if it turned into an iron lump, stopped instantly, and fell from the void.

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