Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 145 Extraterrestrial Demons!

"Your Majesty, did you really die in Su Chen's hands?"

Yan Zheng, the Ghost King of Mountains and Rivers, had an extremely shocked look in his eyes.

He originally thought that there would be a fierce battle between Su Chen and Yang Sha, and Yang Sha was extremely powerful. Even if Su Chen was extremely talented, it would not be easy to defeat Yang Sha.

But the result was beyond his expectation.

Yang Sha captured Su Chen's mother and little sister, which angered his Ni Lin, causing him to unleash his most powerful trump card and kill Yang Sha!

Even if Yan Zheng wanted to rescue him, he didn't have any chance.

"Take good care of mother!"

Su Chen touched Su Ling'er's little head, handed the unconscious Liu Hanyan to her, then slowly stood up and looked at Yan Zheng.

The sharp edge seems to be able to pierce through everything.

"Master Su Chen, please listen to my next words!"

Feeling the terrifying killing intent emanating from Su Chen's body, Yan Zheng, the Mountain and River Ghost King, quickly said to Su Chen.


Su Chen didn't respond, his eyes were still cold, and his blood was surging all over his body.

Killing intent arose, and he walked towards Yan Zheng, feeling a terrifying aura oppressing him.

Yang Sha has been killed by him, and the mountain and river ghost king Yan Zheng in front of him is also one of Yang Sha's people. Su Chen has no intention of letting Yan Zheng go, he wants to kill them all!

"Young Master Su Chen, I don't want to be your enemy. I have provided food and water to you and your sister these past few days!"

Yan Zheng said sincerely.

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly and looked at Su Ling'er.

Su Ling'er nodded quickly and said, "That's right, brother, thanks to this gentleman secretly providing food and water to my mother and me these past few days, otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to last this long!"

The chill in Su Chen's eyes eased slightly, but the evil aura around him was still terrifying, locking up all the energy in Yan Zheng's body.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Zheng said quickly: "Master Su Chen, may I ask if you are a disciple of Emperor Luo Xuan?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed and he nodded: "So what?"

"Master, please look!"

Yan Zheng's eyes lit up, and then a bright light bloomed in his palm, and an ethereal palm

The seal was released, causing the void to roar and vibrate.

"Tiandao Palm? Are you also a disciple of Tiandao Sect?"

Su Chen recognized that the martial arts skill performed by Yan Zheng was the Tiandao Palm of Tiandao Sect.

Only disciples of Tiandao Sect are qualified to practice.

"That's right! I am the outer disciple of the Tiandao Sect! When I was in Zhao Kingdom, I was rescued by Master Fengwen when I was in trouble. He accepted me as a registered disciple and passed on the Tiandao Palm and this outer sect order. !”

Yan Zheng nodded, as if to convince himself, a jade talisman appeared in the palm of his hand, with a cloud of steaming clouds and two large, simple and mysterious characters on it.

God's way!

"It is indeed an outer sect order! Uncle Feng Wen?"

The coldness in Su Chen's eyes gradually disappeared, and the evil energy around him dispersed.

He already believed Yan Zheng's words.

Feng Wen is the leader of Tiandao Sect and is Luo Xuan's senior brother. Su Chen also wants to call him uncle. He is not a disciple of Tiandao Sect and does not know his name at all.

Together with the Tiandao Palm and the Outer Sect Order, Su Chen confirmed Yan Zheng's identity.

He is indeed Tiandao Sect


"Master Su Chen, although I heard your name before, I didn't know that you had been accepted as a disciple by Fairy Luo Xuan. I didn't know until Yang Sha captured your daughter and your sister! If there is any offense, , please forgive me!”

Yan Zheng said sincerely.

This was also the reason why he had let Jun Ziling off before.

It's just that Yang Sha is too powerful and has a violent temper. If he didn't have enough confidence, he wouldn't dare to let Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er go easily.

Su Chen took a deep look at Yan Zheng and said calmly: "For the sake of protecting my mother and little sister secretly, if I don't kill you, you can leave!"

Although Yan Zheng is an outer disciple of Tiandao Sect.

But Su Chen didn't have a good impression of him either. He followed Yang Sha and acted as a swindler, and he didn't look like a kind person.

If he hadn't protected Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er, Su Chen would have killed him long ago!

The good reputation of Tiandao Sect cannot be tolerated by such people!

Yan Zheng saw Su Chen's expression and immediately guessed what he was thinking, and then sent a message to Su Chen: "

Mr. Su Chen, the reason why I am lurking next to Yang Sha in the Dalin Dynasty is because of the master's order! There is a problem with Linhuang, and it is very likely that it has something to do with evil spirits from outside the territory. Master ordered me to investigate! "

"Extraterritorial evil demon?!"

Su Chen was shocked, and there was a glint in his eyes.

This is an extremely distant name.

Extraterrestrial evil spirits are evil creatures that grow outside the Xuantian Realm.

Tens of thousands of years ago, foreign evil spirits invaded the Xuantian Realm, causing a monstrous massacre. Corpses were everywhere, endless creatures died, and their flesh and blood were devoured by the foreign evil spirits.

If it hadn't been for tens of thousands of years ago, an amazingly talented human warrior emperor appeared, leading countless powerful men to suppress the evil spirits outside the territory and clear the world, this world would have ceased to exist long ago.

However, after Su Chen became the Nine Dragons Martial Emperor in his previous life, he also discovered extraterrestrial evil spirits. He even fought against strong ones among the extraterrestrial evil spirits and killed them. He knew that extraterrestrial evil spirits were extremely difficult to deal with.

He did not expect that in this small Donglin Territory, he would hear news about evil spirits from outside the territory!

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