Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 131 Donghai City, Sihai Pavilion!

Donghai City is located on the coast of the East China Sea.

It is an ancient city in the easternmost part of the Kingdom of Dali, close to the endless sea.

In fact, the name of Donglin Domain is because it is close to the vast East China Sea.

Donghai City is an extremely prosperous city.

This is the border between the Kingdom of Dali and several kingdoms, and it has trade relations with several surrounding large domains, so the business is very developed, with a permanent population of over one million.

It is often seen that a number of void treasure ships fly from all directions and land outside Donghai City. There are also huge merchant ships docked on the huge port.

Su Chen fell from the void outside Donghai City, put away the Junlin Sword, and walked.

After all, flying with a sword is too eye-catching.

"Donghai City is thousands of miles away from the capital of Dali. Even if you take the fastest void treasure ship, it will take about three days to arrive!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

The Void Treasure Ships of the Dali Kingdom are all monopolized by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Su Chen went to the ticket office of the Void Treasure Ship and was told that the nearest treasure ship would set off early tomorrow morning,

heading for the Dali Kingdom.

"Take the Void Treasure Ship back to the Kingdom tomorrow! Tonight is the end of Fengyu Tower!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he looked in a certain direction outside Donghai City.

The headquarters of Fengyu Tower is a secret to others, but to Su Chen, he has known it for a long time.

The headquarters of Fengyu Tower, one bright and one dark.

The bright place is located in Donghai City, responsible for summarizing intelligence from all over the country and assigning tasks.

The dark place is the real headquarters of Fengyu Tower, located outside Donghai City, in a small mountain village dozens of miles away.

Su Chen came to Donghai City this time, not only to borrow a passage to return to the Dali Kingdom, but also to wipe out Fengyu Tower.

"The most powerful owner of Fengyu Tower is probably still searching for my whereabouts. One of the deputy owners died in my hands. Only the remaining deputy owner can pose a threat to me, so we must fight quickly!" Su Chen thought in his heart. Fengyu Tower, a notorious assassin organization, has repeatedly assassinated Su Chen, and the owner even threatened to arrest Su Chen's family. This completely angered Su Chen. He has decided to uproot the entire Fengyu Tower today! Then, he walked into Donghai City with the crowd. ... Sihai Pavilion. This is a well-known large business in Donghai City, which deals in spiritual medicine, spiritual pills and spiritual weapons. On weekdays, there is a constant stream of visitors from all directions, and the business is very good. In the evening of this day, the sunset slowly fell. When Sihai Pavilion was about to close, a young figure walked into Sihai Pavilion. "Sir, our Sihai Pavilion is closed today. If you need it, please come back tomorrow!"

An old man in a black robe, who looked trembling, smiled at Su Chen.

"My dear, I want three catties of Qingxin Mingmu Quhuo Tea!"

Su Chen said lightly.

The old man in black robe glanced at Su Chen, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his turbid eyes. He responded: "There is Qingxin Mingmu Quhuo Tea, but not three catties, only three cents!"

Su Chen said: "Three cents is fine, you must pay tonight and arrive tomorrow!"

"Pay tonight, arrive tomorrow, you must pay three times the price, have you brought enough money?"

The old man in black robe looked at Su Chen deeply and continued.

"Of course the money is enough, when will the people come out?"

Su Chen looked indifferent, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said calmly.

"So it's the distinguished guest who has arrived. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please come in!"

The old man in black robe smiled, and then led Su Chen to the depths of Sihai Pavilion.

The conversation between Su Chen and him just now was the conversation between Fengyu Tower and Fengyu Tower.

Only the old customers of Fengyu Tower and those who have cooperated with Fengyu Tower before are qualified to know and appear in Sihai Pavilion.

This Sihai Tower is naturally the bright place of Fengyu Tower.

Su Chen looked calm, and walked with the old man in black robe all the way to the depths of Sihai Pavilion. Along the way, he had already felt the breath of more than a dozen assassins, each of them unfathomable, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark.

Finally, they stopped in front of a hall.

The old man in black robe motioned Su Chen to go in, and he turned and retreated.

In the hall, a middle-aged scholar with a folding fan and a feminine face bowed to Su Chen and said with a smile: "I don't know which force you are representing, little brother? What can I do for you?"

The middle-aged scholar has the cultivation of the ninth level of Wu Zun.

In Su Chen's perception, the middle-aged scholar was also the most powerful person in the Sihai Pavilion, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

"I came here because someone asked me to bring a message to Fengyu Tower!"

Su Chen smiled slightly.

"Oh? Please speak, little brother!"

The middle-aged scholar asked curiously.

"Fengyu Tower, there is a bloody disaster today!"

Su Chen said calmly.

"Hmm? Little brother, this joke is not funny! If you come to do business, my Sihai Pavilion will naturally welcome you, but if you want to come and make trouble, don't blame me for being rude!"

The middle-aged scholar's eyes flashed with cold light.


He waved his hand, and suddenly, in the hall, figures in black clothes appeared silently and strangely like shadows.

The extremely cold killing intent locked Su Chen in an instant!


Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he suddenly shouted loudly.


The Junlin Sword instantly soared into the sky, bursting with blazing light, and differentiated into hundreds of sword energy in the void, pouring down like a waterfall.

The sword of life and death explodes instantly!

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