Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 127 You will suffer a bloody disaster today!

After leaving Wolong Mountain, Su Chen did not return directly south to the capital of Dali.

In order to kill him, Lei Dong promised to join the holy land, heaven-level martial arts and a reward of one million spiritual stones, not only because he wanted to avenge Lei Ming, but also for the Devouring True Fire in Su Chen.

Su Chen could imagine that even King Wu would be tempted by such a reward and couldn't help but hunt him down.

The news has spread. There may be many traps and dangers waiting for him on the road from Wolong Mountain to the capital of Dali.

Su Chen flew with his sword in the air, left Wolong Mountain and flew south for a while, then hid his aura and flew towards the east.

He was going to make a circle and then return to the capital of Dali.

"With my current fighting power, it is easy to kill the Martial King. If I add the Golden Eyes of Breaking the Illusion, the Seven Swords of Cutting Heaven and the Devouring True Fire, even the half-step Martial King can kill him! But if the real Martial King comes, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to kill him!”

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

After all, his cultivation is still a little weak.

With the level of cultivation of Wuzong, he can kill Wuzong like a dog. Even those talented disciples in the Holy Land of Martial Arts find it difficult to do so.


However, after reaching the level of Martial King, gathering the soul of martial arts and comprehending the power of heaven and earth, one's strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

With Su Chen's current fighting power, it is still very difficult for him to cross two realms and fight King Wu.

"I hope mother and little sister are okay!"

There was a hint of worry in Su Chen's eyes.

Although Liu Hanyan and Su Ling'er were both in the capital of Dali at the moment, and were protected by Liu Wenyan, the Dali royal family and the Shenwu Academy, they still could not completely reassure Su Chen.

After all, it was Lei Dong and the Nine Sun Divine Sect that he offended!

He knows better than anyone else how those high-ranking martial arts holy places have no lower limit and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals!

"We must return to the royal capital as soon as possible. Then we can take my mother and little sister with me and enter the Tiandao Sect with Master Luo Xuan, so that their safety can be guaranteed!"

Su Chen whispered to himself.

Although he offended Lei Dong this time, Su Chen did not regret it.

Not to mention the grievances between Jiuyang Divine Sect and Tiandao Sect, this time he obtained the Seven Heaven-cutting Swords and the Devouring True Fire in the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, which was an immeasurable blessing for Su Chen.


Su Chen was confident that his cultivation would skyrocket in the shortest possible time to cope with the next crisis.


At this moment, Su Chen noticed a mysterious and powerful aura, which locked him.

On top of a mountain peak in front, there were mist and mist, and ancient pines were green. An old man with white beard and hair, who looked kind and kind-hearted, was sitting cross-legged under the ancient pines.

That kind of danger comes from that old man!

Su Chen's eyes flashed with golden light, and his Delusion-breaking Eyes exploded, allowing him to instantly see clearly the old man's true cultivation level.

Half-step Martial King!

And... there is a cold and strange aura in the body!

Wind and Rain Tower!

Su Chen was sure almost instantly that this old man was from Fengyu Tower.

"My little friend, can you come down and talk for a while?"

The old man in white robe smiled slightly at Su Chen.

His eyes are old and deep, and his face is kind, which makes him easy to give people a friendly and good impression.

If Su Chen hadn't noticed the cold and strange aura in the old man's body with his PoWu Divine Eyes, he would have thought that he was an accomplished Taoist.

Su Chen's eyes moved, but his sword still fell on

On top of the mountain.

"This old man, what advice do you have?"

Su Chen pretended to be confused and bowed his hands.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the old man's true identity.

"Among Fengyu Tower, only the mysterious Fengyu Tower owner is a Martial King and is known as the King of Assassins! In addition, there are two deputy owners who are half-step Martial King. One is cold-blooded and murderous, and the other likes to pretend to be a god. , this old man in white robe is probably one of the two deputy building owners..."

Su Chen made a guess in his mind.

Although he has never met the two deputy owners of Fengyu Tower, he knows the news about Fengyu Tower very clearly.

"I see that my little friend's hall is dark, his eyes are dull, and the heaven is sinking. I am afraid that there will be a bloody disaster in the near future! I am a divine fortune teller, good at predicting heavenly secrets. Today, I have a fate with you, so I can make a hexagram for you for free. How about it? "

The old man in white robe smiled calmly.

There is an otherworldly aura about him, and he has used some kind of secret technique to hide his cultivation. His whole person seems to be integrated with the heaven and earth, and he has a superior attitude, which makes people easily feel unfathomable.

"A bloody disaster? Senior is right, I

I have been being hunted today, I wonder if there is a way to resolve it? "

Su Chen smiled bitterly.

"The solution is quite simple, it depends on whether you are willing, little friend!"

The old man in white robe smiled.

"Senior, please tell me!"

Su Chen pretended to be all ears.

"As long as you become my disciple, little friend, I will be able to resolve the bloody disaster for you. What do you think?"

The white-robed old man's eyes flashed and he smiled calmly.


Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's not impossible, but I have a question that I would like to ask senior to answer!"

"Come and see!"

The old man in white robe said.

"I don't know if senior, can you predict that you will suffer a bloody disaster today?"

Su Chen said respectfully.


The old man in white robe had a cold light flashing in his eyes.

At some point, Su Chen was no more than a few feet away from the white-robed old man.

Su Chen raised his head, with a half-smile on his lips, and a pair of majestic and mysterious golden eyes, from which a dazzling golden beam of light shot out, instantly shooting towards the old man in white robe!

The delusion-breaking divine light exploded!

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