Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 119 Sword cuts thunder!

"The fire that consumes the true fire is in his body, we must snatch it back before he can be refined! Su Chen...damn it!"

Lei Ming thought secretly in his heart, the murderous intent in his eyes was blazing, as if it had materialized.

The fire that consumes the true fire is extremely difficult to refine. Even for those with extraordinary talents, it takes a long time. He didn't think Su Chen could refine the true swallowing fire in such a short period of time.

However, Su Chen's powerful combat power still made him feel threatened.


Another collision, the void roared, and Su Chen and Lei Ming flew backwards at the same time.


Lei Ming shouted suddenly, and then black projectiles flew towards Su Chen from his palms.

At the same time, a purple-black sword appeared in his palm, intertwined with blazing thunder and evil energy, and slashed down towards Su Chen from the sky.


Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he could feel that the black projectiles contained extremely violent power fluctuations.

"Nine Sun Divine Sect's Explosive Flame Pill?"

Su Chen suddenly remembered the origin of the black projectile.

The Explosive Flame Pill is from the Nine Sun Divine Sect.

Secret treasure of sex.

But even a low-grade Explosive Flame Pill can kill a martial artist.

Lei Ming waved his hand and produced a dozen Explosive Flame Pills, and they looked very much like mid-grade Explosive Flame Pills, capable of severely damaging even Wu Zun.

It seemed that he was extremely afraid of Su Chen and wanted to kill Su Chen at all costs.

However, Su Chen did not dodge or evade, and continued to attack from the air.

boom! boom! boom!

The black explosive pill exploded in the void.

Terrifying power raged, and at the same time black flames rose up, like a sea of ​​fire, covering Su Chen and trying to burn him to ashes.

At the same time, Lei Ming's sharp sword light fell down, and the void was filled with vertical and horizontal sword energy, which was extremely sharp, forming a decisive blow.

More than a dozen Explosive Flame Pills exploded at the same time. With such power, even a strong man at the peak of Wu Zun would be severely injured even if he didn't die, let alone the powerful sword technique he used.

Su Chen will definitely die!


But at this moment, a black flame rose up in Su Chen's body.

That black flame will make Su

The dust was shrouded, containing an all-devouring power. The energy of the surrounding Explosive Flame Pills was strangely swallowed up by the black flames.

Even the shock wave from the explosion of the Explosive Flame Pill had no effect on Su Chen's powerful physical body.

"Sword of Life and Death!"

The sword intent rose in Su Chen's eyes, and the Junlin Sword appeared in front of him, then burst into blazing brilliance, and fell from the air towards Lei Ming with a sword strike.

"What?! actually refined the Devouring True Fire?!"

Lei Ming trembled, his eyes full of disbelief.

The black flame around Su Chen that could devour everything was the true devouring fire.

He never expected that Su Chen could refine the Devouring True Fire in such a short period of time, resulting in his dozens of Explosive Flame Pills not causing any harm to Su Chen at all.

But he had no time to think about it.

Su Chen's sword was extremely fast and contained a strange Taoist charm, which made Lei Ming's hair stand on end and felt a threat of death.


Thunder roars

With a cry, the power of the sword in his hand increased by several percent, and the blazing sword light collided fiercely with Su Chen's Junlin Sword!


The fierce sword light that filled the sky was swept away by a bright sword light at this moment.

Then, the sword in Lei Ming's hand made a crisp sound, and was cut in half by the Junlin Sword!


Blood light filled the air, blood spurted out from Lei Ling's chest, and the whole person suddenly flew out!

"Huh? There is a defensive treasure armor?"

There was a hint of surprise in Su Chen's eyes.

The Sword of Life and Death was extremely powerful and overbearing. One sword cut out life and death. Originally, Lei Ming should have been directly disemboweled and split in half by this sword.

But Lei Ming was wearing a powerful defensive armor.

In the end, although the defensive armor was broken by Su Chen, Lei Ming also escaped with his life!

But at this moment, Lei Ming was sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of fear.

Su Chen's sword was so amazing!

He simply could not imagine that there was such an amazing swordsmanship in this world, which made him have no idea at all.

He almost died under that sword without any resistance.


Su Chen's eyes were indifferent, he held the Junlin Sword in his hand, the sharp sword energy exploded, and he slashed down towards Lei Ming with another sword.

"No, save Brother Lei quickly!"

When Jiang Yunhe, the Ninth Prince and others saw this scene, their faces changed drastically, and their eyes were filled with extremely anxious looks.

They gave up on Jun Ziling instantly and charged at Su Chen at the same time.

If Lei Ming died here, then they would probably die too.

They were also filled with fear. They couldn't imagine why Su Chen had such terrifying combat power, and even Lei Ming was no match for him.


The sharp and bright sword light fell down, and the weapons in the hands of Jiang Yunhe, the Ninth Prince and the two great warriors were instantly cut off. They all coughed up blood at the same time and flew out!

But Su Chen's eyes were extremely indifferent, and he used his sword control skills, and the Jun Lin Sword flew away from his hand, reaching its peak.

In Lei Ming's horrified eyes, the Junlin Sword came across the sky, like a bolt of lightning, instantly piercing Lei Ming's eyebrows.

Nail him to the wall!

Thunder, die!

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