Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 100 Junlin Sword, Heritage Stone!

Sword control is the method of controlling swords with gods.

Su Chen thought that the reason why Jun Ziling was able to obtain the inheritance of swordsmanship in the secret realm of Wolong Mountain was because she had mastered sword control, and sword control was the key to starting the inheritance.

In this case, if you want to pull out this ancient sword, you may not have to use your hands, but use your mental power to control the sword!

Su Chen's heart moved, and he immediately used the skill of sword control. A bright light bloomed in the center of his eyebrows. The martial soul surged out and turned into a huge spiritual hand, holding the ancient sword.


The ancient sword buzzed and trembled, emitting an earth-shattering dragon roar that caused the void in all directions to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, the rust on the ancient sword continued to fall off, and dazzling light burst out, and a dazzling divine sword appeared in front of Su Chen.


The ancient sword buzzed and trembled, then turned into a bright stream of light, and instantly flew in front of Su Chen, looking ancient and mysterious.

And the bronze door in front of me slowly opened!



In the bronze gate, the ancient and terrifying sword intent spurted out, raging like a raging sun, as if it wanted to destroy everything.

Su Chen's eyes were extremely solemn, and he could feel that this was definitely the sword intention left by an extraordinary and holy sword master, otherwise it would not be possible to live forever like this.

Although Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu tried their best to resist, their faces were extremely pale at the moment.


The ancient sword in front of Su Chen buzzed and trembled, and the sword intent burst out. Suddenly, the terrifying sword intent, like hundreds of rivers flowing back, poured into the ancient sword in an instant, and then calmed down.

At this moment, Su Chen also saw two words on the ancient sword.

King's arrival!

"This is actually the Junlin Sword?!"

Su Chen's heart was slightly shocked, and his eyes showed an extremely surprised look.

He glanced at Jun Ziling subconsciously.

In her previous life, Jun Ziling received the inheritance of supreme swordsmanship from the secret realm of Wolong Mountain. Later, she became the Sword Emperor and dominated the world. The unique magic weapon in her hand was the Junlin Sword!

The sword of Junlin lies in Jun Ziling

It shone brilliantly in his hands, even surpassing countless powerful unparalleled imperial weapons, and became a real artifact!

But now, the Junlin Sword fell into Su Chen's hands.

The moment Su Chen displayed his sword control skills, he had already left his mark on the Junlin Sword, and he became the true master of the Junlin Sword!

This is a divine sword that can be promoted to an artifact in the future!

"Do you control the sword with a god? Su Chen, with such a powerful sword spirit here, could it be that there is a sword inheritance from a powerful person? Let's go in and take a look!"

Jun Ziling didn't think too much. She looked at the opened bronze door in front of her, her eyes full of eagerness to try.

"Let's go!"

Su Chen nodded.

Together with Jun Ziling, he stepped into the bronze door.

Zhao Xu's eyes changed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Su Chen spared his life, and he could have just left.

But looking at the bronze door in front of him, he felt a little reluctant, so he finally gritted his teeth and walked in.

Among the bronze doors, a simple

underground palace.

It seemed like no one had been here for countless years, exuding an aura of decay and obsolescence.

However, Su Chen and Jun Ziling felt a hint of danger.

In front of them was an ancient altar.

Sitting on the altar was a young man wearing a purple and gold robe, with a cold and arrogant face, eyes as sharp as lightning, and holding a scabbard in his hand.

However, his forehead was pierced by a black arrow, and he was obviously dead.

"The body of the Holy Spirit, immortal for thousands of years, is indeed a martial saint!"

Su Chen slowly spoke.

The young man in front of him looks lifelike, but there is no breath of life at all. The center of his eyebrows has been pierced. It is obvious that the martial arts spirit has also been wiped out, leaving only a body.

However, the powerful pressure of the holy way still made Su Chen, Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu feel strong pressure.

However, Su Chen subconsciously thought that the Martial Saint in front of him was probably not the Yanlong Martial Saint.

"In this secret realm of Wolong Mountain, besides Yanlong Martial Saint, there are actually

Another Martial Saint? "

Su Chen was shocked.

He originally thought that Jun Ziling had received the inheritance of swordsmanship from Yanlong Martial Saint, but now it seems that he was wrong.

There are actually two Martial Saints in this secret realm!

"That's...the inheritance stone?!"

At this moment, Zhao Xu exclaimed, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.

Following his gaze, both Su Chen and Jun Ziling saw two items placed in front of the Martial Saint's body.

A stone as black as ink, covered with strange veins, like a heart.

A page of rusty black iron.

Zhao Xu's eyes fell on the stone at this moment, full of fire.

That is the inheritance stone left by the powerful Martial Saint!

However, Su Chen's eyes swept across the black stone at this moment, and was attracted by the rusty black iron page.

"Could that be..."

Su Chen's heart moved, and his eyes instantly became sharp and bright.

Cloud seal script!

Four words appeared in his mind.

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