Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 798: Golden Bamboo

Western Region, Guixu City.

In the month since Guixu Heaven was opened, many powerful men from various major forces outside Guixu City have not left. They are all quietly waiting for the warriors in Guixu Heaven to leave.

Especially the strong men from the seven major sects are all waiting outside and chatting. Many of the strong men have a bit of impatience in their brows.

"Guixu Heaven is about to close, why hasn't anyone come out yet?"

A strong man from the Tianjian Sect, who possesses the fierce sword intent, looked at Gui Xutian with a somewhat nervous look on his face.

The crack in Guixu Tian is already getting smaller and smaller, and it is very likely that it will close in another hour or two.

But now, none of the disciples of their Tianjian Sect have come out of Guixu Tian.

It is good that some of the warriors who entered Guixu Heaven would die there, but this person did not appear, which was definitely enough to make them feel extremely strange.

Since the opening of Guixu Tian, ​​such a thing has never happened.

"Not only the people from your Tianjian Sect, but also the people from our Huanggu Sect didn't come out either."

Next to the strong man from the Sword Sect that day, another warrior spoke.

"I wonder what happened to Guixu Tian this time? Could it be that some ancient heritage treasure was opened? That's why they didn't come out?"

"But not even a single person showed up."

The warriors from the seven major sects are all talking about this.

But in addition to the seven major sects, many disciples from other forces came out.

Just among the disciples from their seven major sects, no one came out.


Just as everyone was talking, a ray of light suddenly flew out.

"Escape so quickly!"

"Who is this person?"

Some people looked at him one after another. The speed of escaping light was far greater than that of ordinary life and death warriors.

"Is it Chu Fengmian? The number one person on the Northern Territory Hundred Rankings!"

A strong man suddenly recognized Chu Fengmian's identity and shouted loudly.

"No. 1 on the Northern Territory's Top 100 Rankings? A newcomer? He actually has such an escaping light?"

"This person must have had a great opportunity in Guixu Heaven!"

A newcomer who has just entered Guixu Tian in this year has such an escaping light, which definitely means that Chu Fengmian has received a lot of opportunities in Guixu Tian.

However, Chu Fengmian's escaping light flashed by without stopping, and quickly left Guixu City.

Chu Fengmian had already sensed that there were many strong men hidden around Guixu Tian. These hidden strong men looked at Chu Fengmian with some murderous intent.

Chu Fengmian's strength greatly increased after leaving Guixu Tianzhong in this way, which directly means that Chu Fengmian must have obtained considerable benefits from Guixu Tian.

The ordinary man is not guilty of carrying the jade. Many of these warriors are trying to kill Chu Fengmian. Although Chu Fengmian is from Beimang Academy, the power behind many of these strong men is no less than From Beimang College.

They wanted to kill Chu Fengmian, so naturally they would not be afraid of the forces behind Chu Fengmian.

Although the strength of these people is not Chu Fengmian's opponent, if there is a conflict with these people, his true strength will inevitably be exposed. To avoid trouble, it is better to leave now.

"Master Demon General, don't we kill this person?"

Outside Guixu City, several figures' eyes flickered, watching Chu Fengmian leaving, one of them couldn't help but said.

"This man has killed countless geniuses from our Demon Sect, and now he has had quite an adventure in Guixu Heaven. If we don't kill him, he will eventually become a big problem."

"This is the Western Region after all, so it's difficult to take action. When we get to the Northern Region, we have plenty of ways to deal with him."

The demon general from the Earth Demon Sect snorted coldly and said.

"This boy is now a serious problem for our Earth Demon Sect. The sect leader has already made a plan. When this person returns to the Northern Territory, he will die!"

While talking, the group of Earth Demon Sect warriors left one after another.

And the other side.

Chu Fengmian flew all the way to Dongsheng City, a city in the northern region.

Dongsheng City is not far from Guixu City, and there is a teleportation array that can lead to other cities. The Western Region is so big, and with Chu Fengmian's current strength, it is extremely difficult to cross it by air.

Therefore, we can only go to a city first and use the teleportation circle before we can return to the Northern Territory.

Dongsheng City is not that big, it is equivalent to a remote place on the other side of the once Wusheng Kingdom. There are a few saints, and they are the strongest among them.

"Stop, anyone entering the city needs to pay a low-grade spiritual stone."

Chu Fengmian landed in front of the gate of Dongsheng City, and several warriors surrounded him. One of the warriors named "" said.


Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and he took out a low-grade spirit stone from the empty ring, and threw it directly to the warrior, and he walked directly into Dongsheng City.

With his current strength, if he showed his momentum, it would be impossible for these little guards to dare to stop Chu Fengmian.

Even the Lord of Dongsheng City must treat Chu Fengmian with utmost respect.

But it was just a low-grade spirit stone, which was nothing to Chu Fengmian's wealth. Chu Fengmian didn't bother to bother and just paid the spirit stone and entered it.

Entering Dongsheng City, bursts of shouting sounds rang from my ears.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, all selling elixirs, spiritual weapons, etc. There are also some stalls next to them. Most of the owners of these stalls are weak warriors.

I accidentally got some things and sold them in exchange for some elixirs and spiritual stones used for cultivation.

Chu Fengmian glanced at these things that were being bought and sold, but he didn't have any interest in them anymore. Any of the heavenly wonders he had in the sky ring now was thousands of times better than the things these people were buying and selling. times.

Chu Fengmian had nothing to do, so he just took a look.

"Well? This is a good thing."

Chu Fengmian glanced over and suddenly saw three golden bamboos on a stall.

These three golden bamboos all have golden spots on their leaves.

"Pure Golden Bamboo, a good thing."

Chu Fengmian moved his feet and walked towards this stall. The owner of this stall was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She was not very strong and was only in the realm of physical training.

Even in this Dongsheng City, he is not considered a genius, he can only be regarded as having mediocre qualifications.

The only eye-catching thing is that this woman's appearance, although she is dressed in ordinary clothes, has a noble temperament, and she seems to have an extremely noble bloodline.

"How can I sell these three golden bamboos?"

Chu Fengmian walked to the stall and asked directly.


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