Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 781: Breaking the Sky with One Sword


"How can this be?"

Seeing Gu Bai being forced back by Chu Fengmian.

Countless warriors in the crowd below were all wide-eyed and in an uproar.

Especially the group of disciples from Gu Yue Canyon, all of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

Gu Bai had just taken action, but he had no reservations, using all the unique skills of Gu Yue Canyon.

But in this way, he was actually repelled by Chu Fengmian with several moves.

Gu Bai's reputation in Tianyu Divine Realm is lower than that of Huang Shengjun, but he is also the pinnacle figure in Tianyu Divine Realm. Now being forced to retreat by an unknown boy is absolutely unimaginable.


Seeing Gu Bai being forced back, Chu Fengmian suddenly took action again, with another palm falling from the sky.

The claws of the war dragon fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, as if no force could compete with it.

Behind Chu Fengmian, dragons roared, making Chu Fengmian feel like he had transformed into a dragon emperor.

"Dragon martial arts? Boy, don't be arrogant! The ancient moon has come to bless me!"

From behind Gu Bai, the shadow of a black crescent moon suddenly appeared. The moment the black crescent moon appeared, Gu Bai's power and aura surged several times.

"The arrival of the ancient moon! This is the unique skill of the Ancient Moon Canyon. According to legend, there is an ancient moon in the world, which contains endless power. Only the secret technique of the Ancient Moon Canyon can use its power!"

"I thought this was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Some warriors were extremely surprised and somewhat unexpected when they saw the Gu Yue appear and shroud behind Gu Bai.

After all, the matter of Gu Yue is illusory.

But now the surge of power in Gu Bai's body cannot be fake. This is the best proof of Gu Yue's existence.

The Gu Yue enveloped him, unleashing all the strongest power in Gu Bai's body. This was Gu Bai's true strength.

Compared to Lu War God, Jian Zuhuang and others, they are not inferior.

"Boy, it's an honor for you to be able to force out my ancient moon power. Just die!"

Gu Bai snorted coldly, his face turned red, he was really angry.

Otherwise, he would not have used all his cards in order to deal with Chu Fengmian. He summoned the power of Gu Yue to completely kill Chu Fengmian.

"The power of the ancient moon?"

Seeing the change in Gu Bai's strength, he stood there with his hands behind his back, his expression seemingly unchanged.

Even if Gu Bai's strength is comparable to Jian Zuhuang, what about the Deer God of War?

Jian Zuhuang and Deer God of War both died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

This Gu Bai can only end up with the same fate.

"All the disciples of the seven major sects in Tianyu Divine Realm must die. On this rainbow staircase, I will kill you first!"

Chu Fengmian sneered, and his body moved again. The war dragon bloodline in his body was fully displayed at this moment, and the dragon roared continuously.

The spiritual power around Chu Fengmian all turned into real dragons.

In his hand, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of his body. With a strike of the sword, dragons flew around. Each real dragon was a sharp sword energy.

They all rushed towards Gu Bai's body and killed him.

"What? What kind of swordsmanship is this? You are the one who killed Jian Zuhuang and Lu War God for such big words?"

When Gu Bai heard Chu Fengmian's words, he suddenly understood Chu Fengmian's identity.

Previously, there were rumors that the God of War, Jian Zuhuang, was killed by a warrior. The warrior threatened to kill all the disciples of the seven major sects.

Now hearing this, Gu Bai suddenly knew the identity of Chu Fengmian. The rumored warrior was Chu Fengmian.

"Just in time, kid, you have also killed our disciples in Guyue Canyon. Today I just happen to kill you to bring out the evil in the seven major sects!"

As Gu Bai spoke, his voice suddenly became louder and shouted loudly.

"Huang Shengjun, Xingyun, Yaohai, are you going to sit back and ignore it? This person is the enemy of our seven major sects. Kill this person first, how about we fight for the treasure of Yunyu Heavenly Palace?"

When Gu Bai saw Chu Fengmian's sword energy coming towards him, he deeply understood in his heart that Chu Fengmian's strength was definitely not easy to deal with.

It was absolutely impossible for him to kill Chu Fengmian alone. Now he naturally wanted to unite with others to besiege Chu Fengmian.


Huang Shengjun was the first to agree without any hesitation. He had already regarded Chu Fengmian as a serious problem, and now was the best opportunity to surround and kill Chu Fengmian. Naturally, he would not refuse.

From under his feet, a huge road suddenly appeared.

It is the unique skill of the Huanggu Sect, the Huanggu Avenue.

The Desolate Saint Lord stood on this ancient avenue, as if he was deep in another space. It was extremely mysterious, and he contained the mysterious ancient power.

"The ancient torrent of chaos!"

When the Desolate Saint Lord took action, a steady stream of desolate ancient power washed down like a torrent, trying to wash away and suppress Chu Fengmian.

Yao Hai, who was next to him, hesitated for a moment and then took action in the same way.

Waves of purple miasma condensed around Yao Hai, turned into a purple spear, and stabbed directly towards Chu Fengmian.

Finally, Xingyun thought about it for a moment, and then he took the same action, suddenly activating the stars in the sky. One of the stars suddenly fell down under this motivation, and hit Chu Fengmian.

The powerful men from these seven major sects are now joining forces to besiege Chu Fengmian.

From the perspective of the people below, this result almost doesn’t need to be considered.

Among the powerful men from the seven major sects present, none of them were invincible in the realm of life and death. They were all geniuses whose strength was enough to shake the realm of life-shattering.

Now everyone is taking action together to besiege Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian will undoubtedly die.

"Boy, you are seeking your own death. Do you think we will let you go after you have killed so many disciples from our seven major sects? If you dare to become an enemy of our seven major sects, your doom has already been doomed!"

Gu Bai sneered disdainfully.

Gu Bai knows the strength of the four of them best. With this joint effort, let alone a warrior in the life and death realm, a warrior in the life-shattering realm may die if he is slightly negligent.

What's more, Chu Fengmian is only at the fifth level of life and death. If he tries to resist with a treasure car, the treasure car will be broken.

"act recklessly."

Hearing Gu Bai's arrogant voice, Chu Fengmian shouted coldly. Facing the four people joining forces, his face remained as calm as ever.

It seemed that this kind of attack was not even considered by Chu Fengmian.

What if the four of them join forces?

He, Chu Fengmian, had never been afraid of anything.

"Break the sky with one sword!"

Chu Fengmian let out a loud shout, and the sword in his hand came out of his body again.

This sword light suddenly shot out, turning into a ten-thousand-foot sword energy in the air. Facing these countless attacks, it suddenly slashed past.

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