Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 767 Deer God of War

"Why, boy, you have the ability to say that you want to kill all the disciples of our seven major sects, but why are you unable to do it? Now that I am in front of you, I want to see how you can kill me?"

Suddenly, a mysterious voice sounded. This voice seemed to come from all corners of the surroundings.

No one can tell where this sound comes from.

"You're just hiding, you rat. If you don't come out on your own, I'll catch you!"

Hearing this mysterious voice, Chu Fengmian didn't get angry. He just sneered and suddenly waved his hand, turning into the claws of a war dragon and grabbing it directly in the direction of the ice valley.

Under the claws of the war dragon, a golden figure suddenly appeared above the ice valley.

This was a man in gold clothes. He was caught with a claw. His face showed a bit of surprise, but he soon calmed down and showed a bit of a sneer.

"It seems that those who dare to kill our Holy King Sect are quite capable."

Every move of this golden figure contains the truth of supreme martial arts. Every movement is an extremely pure display of martial arts, just like a god of martial arts.

His figure was surrounded by a shadow of the Martial God.

"Here comes another master."

The moment he saw this golden figure, Chu Fengmian could tell that this person's strength was not inferior to that of Jian Zuhuang.

Especially his martial arts, he was the strongest among the younger generation that Chu Fengmian had ever seen.

"Holy King Sect, Deer God of War!"

When Han Yueli saw this figure, a trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes, and she spoke coldly.

"I was chased by people from your Holy King Sect just after I came to the Heavenly Feather God's Domain. Today, you still dare to chase me into this Ice Crack Valley."

"Oh? This Deer God of War also chased you? Don't be angry. I will kill every one of these ants that come today. Whoever dares to come will die."

Chu Fengmian was sitting on the treasure car. Hearing Han Yueli's words, he spoke slowly.

Although these words were spoken to Han Yueli, everyone present heard them clearly, and the murderous intent in them was not false at all.

"Hmph, a mayfly shakes a tree, it's not what you can do. Boy, you are confident, but if you are overconfident, you are arrogant."

Deer God of War said coldly, and his eyes suddenly looked to Jianzuhuang on the side.

"Jianzuhuang, I didn't expect that your Tianjian Sect would be forced to such an extent by a junior. You are not worthy of being equal to me."

"But because you and I are both disciples of the seven major sects, I can save you once today so that you can have a chance to come back and fight with me again."

As the Deer God of War spoke, he suddenly grabbed Jianzuhuang and wanted to take Jianzuhuang away.

"Presumptuous, Deer God of War? Who are you, a self-proclaimed God of War? You dare to take away people in front of me. If you want to come, this is the Jianzuhuang. It's just right. Then you will die with him, leaving you on Huangquan Road. I have company!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Fengmian suddenly took action. With a wave of his big hand, he suddenly struck towards the Deer God of War with one palm.

Today, Chu Fengmian's heart was already extremely angry. He wanted to start killing anyone who dared to save people. Chu Fengmian would kill anyone, not to mention the deer war god who once chased Han Yueli.

Due to emotions and reasons, this deer war god must die today.

"A kid who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth dares to attack me?"

Deer War God's eyes showed a bit of murderous intent, and he seemed a little surprised that Chu Fengmian dared to attack him directly.

In this Heavenly Feather God Realm, everyone knows the name of Deer War God. Countless warriors want to retreat when they see him. No one has ever dared to attack him directly.

But no matter how famous the Deer God of War is, he is just a dead person in front of Chu Fengmian. Anyone who is an enemy of Chu Fengmian, no matter how strong he is or how deep his background is, is still a dead person.

This deer war god is no exception.

He has now killed more than 20 Tianjian Sect disciples. All the essence and blood have been condensed by Chu Fengmian. He has condensed another 3,000 drops of ancient war dragon essence and blood, which has already condensed 36,000 drops of ancient war dragon essence. The dragon essence and blood may take a step further at any time.

From Chu Fengmian's point of view, this Deer God of War was just here to deliver essence and blood, and he would be killed and devoured by Chu Fengmian.

"The war dragon is furious!"

Chu Fengmian slashed his palm down in the air and turned into a sky-filled war dragon, which rushed up into the air and bombarded the Deer God of War.

"Dragon martial arts? It seems that the rumor that you obtained Yan Gu Long Emperor's cave is true. Yan Gu Long Emperor is worthy of being a figure who once stood at the top of the Nine Realms. An unknown boy can fly with his inheritance. soaring."

"It's a pity, kid. It's your greatest misfortune if you meet me today. I will kill you today, which can be regarded as revenge for my disciples of the Holy King Sect!"

When the Deer God of War saw Chu Fengmian taking action, he sneered, gathered his spiritual power, and punched suddenly into the air.

When he punched out, the Martial God that enveloped him was the same, gathering his strength and punching out.

It seemed like an ordinary punch, but it contained the true meaning of martial arts. The punch struck Chu Fengmian, as if it was going to penetrate Chu Fengmian.

All the dragons in the sky were destroyed by this punch.

"That's all."

The Deer God of War shouted coldly, gathered his spiritual power again, and punched Chu Fengmian again.

"If that's the case, then you die!"

The power of this punch was a bit stronger than the one just now. The power of the two punches merged into one and hit Chu Fengmian directly.


There was a loud noise, and the power of this punch hit Chu Fengmian directly, but at the moment it was three feet away from Chu Fengmian.

On the Dragon War Cart, the umbrella was opened, and the colorful rays of light shrouded it. The power of this punch was all resisted by the colorful rays of light, and it was impossible to shake the Dragon War Cart.

"Huh? It's actually enough to withstand my punch. What kind of spiritual weapon is this? A treasure car? A demon treasure car?"

The Deer God of War looked at the Dragon War Cart where Chu Fengmian was sitting, with faces filled with surprise and a bit of shock.

Even a heaven-level spiritual weapon would be hard-pressed to withstand his full strength, but facing the Dragon Treasure Chariot, his power was actually unable to shake it at all.

"Jian Zuhuang, no wonder you were defeated so miserably. This kid actually has such a treasure in his hands?"

Deer War God said with some surprise, and seemed to understand why Jian Zuhuang was defeated so miserably.

"Not only is the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart, but in this person's hand, there is also the Dragon Clan's most precious treasure, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword."

Jian Zuhuang also reminded him when he heard what Lu War God said.

"The Heavenly Demon Treasure Chariot and the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, these two are the most precious treasures among heaven-level spiritual weapons. How can this boy be so virtuous that he actually monopolizes them?"

When the Deer God of War heard these two names, his eyes showed a bit of greed.

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