Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 761 Han Yueli News

"Young Master, have you fought against Jian Zuhuang?"

In the palace of the Nine Demon City, the Blood Demon Lord saw Chu Fengmian returning and asked in surprise.

Although he did not catch up and observe the battle, he could clearly feel the sword intent erupting from a distance.

In this Heavenly Feather God Realm, apart from Chu Fengmian, the only warrior who can possess such sword intent is Jian Zuhuang.

"Yes, when I was chasing the little demon lord, I happened to encounter the incarnation of Jian Zuhuang's sword intention."

Chu Fengmian said.

"But I have already killed his incarnation, and I have also killed the little demon lord."

"Young Master, did you kill the incarnation of Jian Zuhuang's sword intention?"

The Blood Demon Lord said in surprise.

In the Tianyu Divine Realm, he naturally knows everything about the reputation of Jianzuhuang, and he is deeply aware of the power of Jianzuhuang.

Even this incarnation of sword intent was much more powerful than many warriors at the peak of the life and death realm. Chu Fengmian actually killed this incarnation of sword intent.

The Blood Demon Lord thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"With Jian Zuhuang's character, if you kill his incarnation of sword intent, young master, he will definitely not let it go."

"It doesn't matter, since I'm enough to kill this incarnation, I won't be afraid at all if the original form of Jian Zuhuang comes."

Chu Fengmian spoke confidently.

He has now killed the little demon lord and countless demon lords, and all their essence and blood have been obtained by Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian feels that his current strength will soon be enough to take a further step.

What's more, now Chu Fengmian has obtained the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart. As long as Chu Fengmian can refine this Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart, it means that he has obtained a spiritual weapon that is comparable to the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

Chu Fengmian was not afraid when he finally encountered the true form of Jian Zuhuang.

"By the way, young master, I also got some news here."

The Blood Demon Lord suddenly spoke.

"It is said that a woman with an innate divine body has appeared in Tianyu Divine Realm. Now the seven major sects and countless forces in Tianyu Divine Realm are arresting this woman. I wonder what the young master means?"

"A woman with an innate divine body?"

When Chu Fengmian heard the news, his heart tightened and he asked.

"Do you know what kind of woman she is?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but according to rumors, this woman should be a sword cultivator with superb swordsmanship. She has killed many disciples of the seven major sects and is still being hunted by the seven major sects. On the run."

The Blood Demon Lord spoke respectfully.

"Jian Zuhuang of Tianjian Sect, Deer War God of Holy King Sect, and Huang Shengjun of Huanggu Sect, all want to get this girl now, seize the innate origin, break through the limit of life and death in one fell swoop, and step into the realm of broken life."

"Sword cultivator, innate divine body, female."

After hearing this, Chu Fengmian was almost sure of the identity of this woman, she should be Han Yueli.

Apart from this, it is almost impossible to find such a coincidence.

Now it seems that Han Yueli has also come to the Heavenly Feather God Realm, and he still doesn't know how he came into conflict with the people of the seven major sects.

The innate divine body is a huge treasure. Whoever can obtain the innate origin of it is a great blessing.

Now that Han Yueli has entered the Tianyu Divine Realm, it is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, Han Yueli is not without any strength now and can escape from the pursuit of the seven major sect disciples. It seems that Han Yueli has also received a lot of benefits in Guixu Tianzhong.

But even so, how can one person compete with the seven major sects?

No matter how strong Han Yueli is, he will be forced into a desperate situation.

"Do you know where that woman is?"

Chu Fengmian asked again.

"This subordinate doesn't know about this. This woman has been hiding all the way and her whereabouts are elusive. However, I will go to find out the information now."

The Blood Demon Lord answered.

"If you have any news about this person, come back and tell me immediately."

Chu Fengmian ordered.


The Blood Demon Lord replied, moved, and left directly to find out the news.

"Damn it, since people from the seven major sects dare to chase Han Yueli, well, it seems that if I don't take the initiative to kill them, they will come to provoke me."

Chu Fengmian's eyes were extremely cold. He didn't want to start killing immediately, but now it seems that the people of these seven sects really deserve to die.

Now that Chu Fengmian has passed through the catastrophe of life and death, Chu Fengmian will not be afraid of any warriors in the realm of life and death. Anyone who provokes Chu Fengmian, such as Sword Ancestor Huang or Deer God of War, will only die.

"But now, we have to find Han Yueli as soon as possible. Under the siege of the seven major sects, I don't know how long she can hold on."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

But now, with no clues, Chu Fengmian could only ask the Blood Demon Lord to go out and find out the news.

After all, in the Sky Feather God Realm, the Blood Demon Lord can be regarded as a local snake. He can find out information much faster than Chu Fengmian.

What's more, Chu Fengmian has another thing to do now.

Nowadays, Chu Fengmian is still suppressing the Demonic Treasure Cart. He must use spiritual power to suppress it continuously. If he does not refine the Demonic Treasure Cart, Chu Fengmian will be distracted every moment.

Now we must first refine this Heavenly Demonic Treasure Cart.

Chu Fengmian's mind quickly calmed down, and he prepared to refine the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart with all his heart.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart appeared in the palace. Around the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart, countless restrictions trapped him.

Otherwise, the magic treasure car will break away from Chu Fengmian and leave today.

Fortunately, the eight Heavenly Demons in the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart were now sacrificed and refined by the Little Demon Lord. It was when the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart was at its weakest that Chu Fengmian was able to subdue it so easily.

"Boom! Boom!"

But just when Tianmo Baoche was at his weakest, the power he displayed was also extremely terrifying. The waves of spiritual energy were so powerful that he was trying to break free from Chu Fengmian's hands.

"The Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart is indeed a spiritual weapon comparable to the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword! It has such power even if it loses its owner!"

Chu Fengmian couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, when Chu Fengmian received the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, because Chu Fengmian had the blood of ancient war dragons, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword felt close to Chu Fengmian himself.

That's why Chu Fengmian could collect the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword so easily.

But now, it is obvious that they cannot be compared to this magic treasure car.

This magic treasure car is an out-and-out magic weapon that has been passed down from the Nine Demon City tens of thousands of years ago. It is engraved with the marks of the previous demon lords of the Nine Demon City, and the demonic intention is overwhelming.

When Chu Fengmian wanted to take back the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart, the Demon Lord's mark on it was enough to erupt with terrifying power to fight against Chu Fengmian.

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