Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 757 Total Destruction

"How can this be?"

"He's not dead yet?"

The Demon Lord looked at everything in front of him, his face froze, and his eyes were about to fall off.

Chu Fengmian's figure stood proudly in front of everyone.

All he had on him was his clothes, which were a little messy, but there were no injuries on his body.

Under such an attack, Chu Fengmian only became a little embarrassed? Not even injured at all?

Is a warrior at the fourth level of the life and death realm enough to do all this?

Let alone the fourth level of the life and death realm, even if it is at the peak of the life and death realm, or even beyond life and death, if a warrior of the life-shattering realm comes and encounters such a siege, it is impossible for him to remain unscathed like Chu Fengmian.

"The power of creation is worthy of being one of the heavens and the earth."

Chu Fengmian silently muttered in his heart that he had gone through the catastrophe of life and death and swallowed countless thunders. The origins of these countless thunders and the power of creation were all swallowed up by the natal sword essence in his body.

The power of this natal sword element increased more than ten times. He had just activated the power of creation and felt the horror of it.

By condensing the power of creation, Chu Fengmian's sword strike just now was able to withstand the siege of everyone.

Now, the eight heavenly demons on the Little Demon Lord's Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart have been sacrificed, and most of their strength has been lost. They no longer have the capital to compete with Chu Fengmian.

As for those Demon Lords, in Chu Fengmian's opinion, they were no different from ants.

"Now, you too deserve to die!"

The corner of Chu Fengmian's mouth showed a bit of coldness. The siege of this crowd was just the time for Chu Fengmian to become familiar with the power of this breakthrough.

Now these people also deserve to die.

"A sword weighs ten thousand!"

Chu Fengmian gathered his spiritual power and positioned himself on the sword's edge. Suddenly, a sword light shot out in an instant.

This sword radiance divided into ten thousand rays. Ten thousand rays of sword radiance were slashed out at the same time. Each sword radiance was extremely sharp.

Almost every Demon Lord is locked by this sword light.

The most powerful sword light among them was heading towards the little demon lord, killing him.

This little devil must be killed today. He possesses the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart and is the greatest threat to Chu Fengmian.

The Little Demon Lord activated the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart and rushed forward. The umbrella on top of the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart suddenly opened and formed a colorful barrier to resist the sword energy.

The Heavenly Demon Treasure Chariot is a spiritual weapon capable of both offense and defense. This Luo Umbrella, taken alone, is a heaven-level spiritual weapon. It is no worse than the Xiantian Jade Ruyi that Chu Fengmian once encountered. It is even stronger. A lot.

However, as Luo Umbrella becomes stronger, Chu Fengmian's sword edge becomes even sharper.

The edge of his sword is full of sword intent and looks sternly at him. No spiritual weapon can resist it.


The moment this sword edge struck the seven-colored rays of light above, the seven-colored rays of light were unable to withstand it and immediately shattered.

In the aftermath of the scattered aftermath, the demon treasure car that the Little Demon Lord sat on with him was immediately knocked away.

The Little Demon Lord, now relying on the power of the Demon Treasure Cart, was unable to compete with Chu Fengmian and was directly forced back.

Even Chu Fengmian's sword was far from being able to withstand it.

The little demon lord was forced to retreat, which was just the beginning of Chu Fengmian's counterattack.

His countless sword rays were already heading towards all the demon lords, killing them. In an instant, the bodies of two of them were pierced by the sword rays.

All the blood and essence in his body was swallowed up by the sword light.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

, was directly collected into the body by Chu Fengmian, refined, and turned into his power.

"No, we have fought this man. We have fought to the death, but there is still a chance of survival! If we have to escape now, none of us can escape!"

A demon king roared loudly, this sword light is endless, if he breaks one, ten sword lights will come to kill him again.

It's impossible to resist it at all, so it's better to give it a try.

"Okay! Kill!"

The other demon lords also understood this. Suddenly, all the demon lords took action together, regardless of the sword light, and used all their methods one by one, using countless secret techniques.


Countless demonic thoughts condensed into a huge word "death" in the air. This word "death" was the condensation of all their power.

With this move, Chu Fengmian was completely killed.

"Fighting to the death? You are just a bunch of ants, and you still want to resist? Ridiculous!"

Chu Fengmian shouted coldly, and the sword in his hand moved again. A sword light rose into the sky and struck directly at the word "death".

This sword light came out to kill, and no one could block its edge. The word "death" was directly chopped into pieces under this sword edge.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the claws of the war dragon suddenly condensed and swept across the entire palace. All the demon kings were killed in front of the claws of the war dragon.

Their bodies turned into clouds of blood mist in the air, and all the blood essence was swallowed up by Chu Fengmian.

The essence and blood of more than a dozen Demon Lords were swallowed up by Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian felt that in his body, the ancient war dragon phantom condensed by the Dragon War Art seemed to be beginning to move again.

His realm is only one step away from breaking through again.

The Little Demon Lord was the only one left in the scene.

Relying on the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart, the Little Demon Lord was still able to withstand the countless sword rays, but now that most of his strength had been consumed, he could only rely on the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart to survive.

"Little Demon Lord, you must die today too!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the little demon lord with a murderous intent in his eyes. This little demon lord plotted against him and almost destroyed him and plunged him into a place of no return.

If Chu Fengmian had not survived the catastrophe of life and death, otherwise, under the siege of so many powerful men, Chu Fengmian would undoubtedly die.

Even so, Chu Fengmian experienced countless dangers and finally survived.

If the little demon lord is immortal, it is difficult to understand the hatred in Chu Fengmian's heart. What's more, this demon treasure car is absolutely a perfect car.

The strength of the little demon lord is at most a little stronger than Jian Cangqiong, and even not as strong as some stronger demon lords.

But with the help of this magic treasure car, he threatened Chu Fengmian countless times and almost killed Chu Fengmian.

The power of this Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart is self-evident. Today, this little demon lord will die, and Chu Fengmian will also get the Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart!

"One sword breaks the world!"

Chu Fengmian didn't stop, he gathered his spiritual power again, and with a huge sword energy, he immediately shot towards the little demon lord and killed him.

When he took action, he showed the true essence of the Nine Realms Swordsmanship. Without using such means, there was no way to break the Demonic Treasure Cart that the little Demon Lord was sitting on.

The Heavenly Demon Treasure Car is almost impossible for warriors in the life and death realm to break, but Chu Fengmian can. His attacks are already more powerful than many strong men in the life-shattering realm.

His sword was intended to break through the defense of the demon treasure car and kill the little demon lord directly.

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