Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 753: Sweeping the Demons

"Demon Lord Bai Tai, can't even resist a single move?"

Seeing Demon Lord Bai Cai fall under Chu Fengmian's sword like this, the other Demon Lords were all shocked.

They all knew the strength of Demon Lord Bai Cai clearly. Who would have thought that Chu Fengmian would be so powerful.

A person at the pinnacle of the life and death realm cannot even withstand his sword.

"Kill! Let's attack together. Even if this kid has three heads and six arms, he can't be our opponent together!"

The Demon Lord of Cathay roared madly, his murderous intent serious.

With this kind of qualification, if he is not killed today, he will be in serious trouble.

Even if Demon Lord Bai Cai dies, they still have seventeen Demon Lords. If they join forces, no matter how strong Chu Fengmian's hands are now, they will definitely die.

"This son will die today!"

The little Demon Lord sitting on the treasure car looked extremely gloomy when he saw that Chu Fengmian had killed Demon Lord Bai Cai so easily.

The Demon Lords present here are all geniuses of their Nine Demon City. The death of any one of them is a great loss to their Nine Demon City.


The little devil shouted angrily, and the treasure car he sat on suddenly moved.

On the carriage, the eight heavenly demons pulling it also started to move at the command of the little devil master, and the huge treasured carriage crashed directly towards Chu Fengmian.

These eight heavenly demons, each one no less than a warrior at the peak of the life and death realm, worked together to fully activate the power of this treasure car.

This kind of power is no less than a spiritual weapon comparable to the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

The Heavenly Demon Treasure Cart is originally the supreme treasure of the Nine Demons City. Once it is activated, the power it unleashes is enough to destroy everything.

After all, the little devil couldn't bear it anymore and took action.

With the help of the treasure chariot, the power of this little demon lord is beyond that of anyone present, much more powerful than the soul-locking demon lord and others.

The Demonic Treasure Car emitted such powerful power that it blasted directly towards Chu Fengmian.

The other Demon Lords also took action at the same time. The sky was full of demonic will, and countless martial arts skills fell from the sky, bombarding Chu Fengmian from all directions.

With all of them taking action together, I'm afraid there won't be any warrior in Guixu Tian who can resist.

In the face of powerful warriors, and in the face of so many strong men joining forces, they have to retreat three points.

Chu Fengmian stood proudly on the spot. Facing such a terrifying attack, his face remained calm. Suddenly he sneered and roared suddenly from Chu Fengmian's mouth.


This roar, like the roar of a war dragon, resounded, and most of the surrounding demonic energy immediately dissipated under this dragon roar.

"The ancient dragon emperor's body! All dragons surrender! All things are dragons!"

Chu Fengmian let out a long roar, and the power of the Dragon War Art was activated to the extreme in his body. All the power contained in the 30,000 drops of ancient Dragon War essence and blood burst out.

After Chu Fengmian survived the catastrophe of life and death, achieved the realm of life and death, and condensed the essence and blood of the ancient dragon, this was the first time that Chu Fengmian showed his true strength.

Chu Fengmian's momentum was rising steadily. In such a dangerous situation, Chu Fengmian's momentum climbed crazily. In one leap, it was even greater than the combined momentum of countless Demon Lords. .

"Break it for me!"

The fifty supreme sword energies beside Chu Fengmian, along with the dragon power on Chu Fengmian,

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

, suddenly roared one after another, and they all turned into ancient dragons.

In the sky, a group of dragons formed a formation, and countless martial arts and spiritual powers bombarded it, but they were unable to shake Chu Fengmian at all.

Under such an offensive, Chu Fengmian stood still, motionless, and was actually unscathed.

This scene made everyone unable to believe their eyes. Each of their Demon Lords was a well-known figure outside. Now that they join forces, they are unable to shake Chu Fengmian's defense.

All their spiritual power was shattered when hit by this formation, unable to impact Chu Fengmian's body.

"How is it possible? What kind of bloodline is this? The power of his bloodline is more terrifying than the bloodline of the Dragon King? The power of this bloodline is no less than that of the innate divine body, and even surpasses many innate divine bodies. There are still such people in the world Bloodline?"

A demon king shouted in surprise.

They originally thought that Chu Fengmian was of the Dragon King's bloodline at most, and that he was of the Dragon King's bloodline at the most.

But in front of him, the power displayed by Chu Fengmian, the power of this bloodline, the Dragon King bloodline, the Dragon King bloodline, in front of Chu Fengmian's bloodline, he was simply not worthy of carrying his shoes.

With a bloodline comparable to the innate divine body, they couldn't even figure out what kind of bloodline Chu Fengmian had.

"Beyond the Dragon King! This is the ancestor of the true dragon, the bloodline of the ancient war dragon!"

The little demon lord looked at the countless ancient war dragons surrounding Chu Fengmian and suddenly shouted loudly.

"What? Ancient fighting dragon!"

"Didn't the ancient war dragon disappear and become extinct in ancient times? There are few records in ancient books. How could this child have such a terrifying bloodline!"

"So what about the bloodline of the ancient war dragon? With so many of us attacking together, we don't believe that we can't break his defense. Let's bombard him together to see how long he can resist!"

The Demon Lord of Cathay roared wildly, and once again gathered countless spiritual powers, turning into a huge black demon in front of him, brewing power, and bombarded Chu Fengmian again.

"No matter how many ants there are, they can't shake the real dragon!"

Chu Fengmian said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Fengmian's figure took action at the same time.

"Hei Xuan! Sword out!"

Chu Fengmian whispered in celebration.

Countless sword lights came out directly from Chu Fengmian's body. Each sword light represented a spiritual sword. A total of one hundred thousand sword lights came out from Chu Fengmian's body.

Black Mysterious Sword Formation, fully activated.

One hundred thousand spiritual swords immediately formed a supreme killing formation beside Chu Fengmian.

All the Demon Lords around here are now locked by the Killing Formation and become its prey.

"What is this? Sword array! So many spiritual swords! One hundred thousand spiritual swords! Where did this kid get so many spiritual swords!"

A demon king looked at the sword formation around him and shouted in surprise.

Mid-grade spiritual swords are indeed nothing to them, but if they want to collect a hundred thousand swords like this, I am afraid only some large sects can do it.

For example, in their Nine Demon City, this mountain guarding formation is the only one that can rival the Black Mysterious Sword Formation.

But the mountain-protecting formation in Nine Demon City was put in place by the Nine Demon City with all its efforts, and it took countless years and accumulation.

Now that Chu Fengmian alone possessed such a terrifying sword array, how could they not be surprised?

"Just die!"

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