Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 739: Confrontation of Ten Thousand Swords

Brother Jian's words made the people present suddenly become extremely quiet.

All the warriors in Tianyu City went crazy and were frightened when they heard this sentence.

Chu Fengmian actually killed not only the disciples of the Holy King Sect, but also the disciples of the Tianjian Sect?

Among the seven major sects, provoking one of them almost means a dead end.

But now, Chu Fengmian not only provoked the Holy King Sect, but also the Tianjian Sect, and also killed the disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

This is no longer arrogance, but madness, something only a madman can do.

"What does this guy want to do? Does he want to poke a hole in Tiandu?"

A warrior looked at Chu Fengmian and saw that he was a lawless figure.

In the countless years since Guixu Tian was opened, nothing like this has ever happened.

"Why, Jian Cangqiong, your Tianjian Sect disciples were also killed by this kid?"

Senior Brother Pan Chun was a little surprised when he heard Jian Cangqiong's words.

He originally thought that what Chu Fengmian said about killing all the disciples of the seven major sects was just a arrogance.

But now it seems that it is not certain, at least all the disciples of Tianjian Sect died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

"Hmph, this kid just took advantage of my junior brother to be alone and succeeded in a sneak attack. If I hadn't been there at the time, I would have killed this kid on the spot and cut him into pieces!"

Jian Cangqiong said coldly.

"Ten thousand pieces of corpses? What a big tone, it's just Chu's defeated generals. The disciples of the seven major sects, trying to kill you in front of me is no different from trampling a few ants to death. Who will take action today? , I’ll kill whoever it is first!”

Chu Fengmian stood with his hands behind his hands, looked at the sword Cangqiong, and said with a big smile.

Every word he said was arrogant to the extreme.

But in front of him, Chu Fengmian did have the qualifications to be arrogant, and he did not flinch when facing two of the seven major sects.

This kind of domineering power is unimaginable to most warriors.


Jian Cangqiong shouted loudly, completely angrily. Chu Fengmian's words about his subordinates being defeated simply pierced the back of his heart, making him extremely angry.

He used the Thousand Miles Killing Sword before, intending to kill Chu Fengmian from the air, but he was easily defused by Chu Fengmian, which made him laugh.

This has always been a supreme humiliation in Jian Cangqiong's heart.

He, Jian Cangqiong, is the number one person on the Hundred Jue List in the Central Region, and his status is even higher than Gongsun Dao.

In the Central Region, where martial arts is the most prosperous among the Nine Regions, there are truly invincible creatures, super strong men, and existences that everyone respects.

But he failed in front of Chu Fengmian, especially in front of other Tianjian Sect disciples.

This has always been regarded as the greatest shame by him. During this period, Jian Cangqiong wanted to kill Chu Fengmian every moment to wash away this shame.

Now that he was directly exposed in front of everyone, Jian Cangqiong was ashamed and angry. He was extremely angry.

"Dare to kill my Tianjian Sect disciple, it is a heinous crime, everyone will be punished, today I will kill you first to pay homage to my junior brother's spirit in heaven!"

While speaking, Jian Cangqiong suddenly took action, and all the aura on his body was revealed.

The realm of Jian Cangqiong is even higher than that of Panchun, and it is the eighth level of the realm of life and death.

The spiritual sword in his hand erupted with sword light.

The spiritual sword in Sword Cangqiong's hand is a heaven-level spiritual weapon, especially since he was originally an extremely powerful sword cultivator.

This spiritual sword, in his hand, is enough to explode with the most powerful power.

The sword light flashed, and the sword Qianqiong suddenly fell. Although it was just one sword, at the moment when it was struck, thousands of sword energy suddenly came out at the same time.

Cutting out one sword is like ten thousand swords.

"A sword weighs ten thousand! This is an extremely advanced level of swordsmanship! One sword strike can be worth ten thousand swords. This is a situation that countless swordsman masters in the legend find it difficult to comprehend. Only some old antiques from the Tianjian Sect understand that this sword Cangqiong’s swordsmanship has actually come this far!”

Seeing Jian Cangqiong's sword, many warriors exclaimed in surprise.

A sword weighing ten thousand is enough to be regarded as a legendary realm in the way of swordsmanship.

Only some old antiques can understand the realm of swordsmanship. Many of the warriors present saw this realm for the first time.

"Jian Cangqiong is truly a swordsman prodigy that is rare to see in a thousand years. This sword alone is enough to prove his fame!"

Countless warriors marveled and looked at where Chu Fengmian was.

I want to see how Chu Fengmian should respond to this sword.

Especially Chu Fengmian, who is also a sword cultivator, this is a real sword cultivator battle.

"A sword of ten thousand weight is good, but your sword of ten thousand weight has not yet reached the great success. Among the ten thousand swords, there are still one thousand that are empty."

Chu Fengmian looked at the sword struck by Jian Cangqiong and said calmly.


Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Jian Cangqiong's expression was suddenly shocked.

His Ten Thousand Weight Sword has not yet reached its peak. Among the Ten Thousand Weight Sword Qi, thousands of them are empty. This matter has only been known to him.

Even among the closest warriors around him, no one knew about it, but Chu Fengmian could actually tell it at a glance.

However, after being shocked, numerous sneers appeared on Jian Cangqiong's face again.

"So what if a thousand is empty? Let me see how you can resist this sword!"

In Jian Cangqiong's heart, he was extremely confident. As a sword cultivator, he naturally understood which step the sword had reached in the way of swordsmanship.

Understanding that a sword weighs ten thousand times is enough to represent a swordsman who has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Even if it's a thousand dollars, it's still the pinnacle.

However, this hurdle will never be a match for Jian Cangqiong.

"How to resist? Even this Qian Weixu sword can't block it, so what qualifications do you have to become a sword cultivator?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Jian Cangqiong with disdain.

The sword in his hand also moved.

As soon as the sword fell, countless sword energy suddenly emerged under Chu Fengmian's sword edge.

One hundred ways, one thousand ways, ten thousand ways.

The sword Qi that Chu Fengmian unleashed under this sword was also numerous.

The sword Chu Fengmian used was also as powerful as a sword of ten thousand weight.

Even Wanjian, Wanzhen.

No sword energy is false.

These ten thousand sword qi swept through the air, and countless sword qi were in the air, fighting madly.

"His! His!"

Sword energy filled the sky, and they were fighting from the air. The warriors in Tianyu City were all frightened.

Although Chu Fengmian and Jian Cangqiong were both warriors in the realm of life and death.

But the battle between them was far beyond the imagination of countless warriors present. If it was affected to any extent, it would be an absolute death.

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