Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 723: The Sword Qi is Difficult to Fight

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Being caught directly in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, the faces of the disciples of Gu Yue Canyon suddenly changed.

They had thought that they would encounter a crisis in Guixu Tian.

But they never imagined that they would be forced to this point by Chu Fengmian alone.

All five disciples of Gu Yue Canyon were defeated and suppressed in the hands of Chu Fengmian. This was something they could never imagine in their dreams.

But now, all this has happened, and they are not allowed to think about it. Now their thoughts are all thinking, and now they can escape from Chu Fengmian's hands.

They are all outstanding disciples in Gu Yue Canyon. They can be ranked in the top 20 in the Central Region Hundred Rankings. They came to Guixu Tian originally to get an opportunity. After leaving, they can travel across the nine regions.

But no one wants to die in vain at the hands of Chu Fengmian right now.

"What? Now that things have happened, do you want to ask for mercy?"

Chu Fengmian looked at the disciples of Ancient Moon Canyon coldly and said calmly.

"Didn't you want to kill Chu before? Where's the arrogance?"

"Brother Chu, we were wrong this time. How about I admit your mistake here?"

Gongsun Dao's expression changed. The previous ferocity was no longer visible on his face. What he now showed was a flattering expression and he spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"We are all disciples of the Nine Realms. In Guixu Tian, ​​fighting like this also hurts the harmony. How about this? How about giving all the seven supreme sword energies here to Brother Chu? What about the remaining supreme sword energies? , let’s also help Brother Chu collect it.”

Gongsun Dao said hurriedly.

Now that he was defeated by Chu Fengmian, a lot of the arrogance in his heart was immediately dispelled. He was not a stupid person. He naturally knew that if he was arrogant in front of Chu Fengmian again, he would really has fallen.

Gongsun Dao was not willing to come to Guixutian and die in the hands of an unknown boy like Chu Fengmian.

A disciple of Gu Yue Canyon also spoke directly.

"Yes, Brother Chu, we can discuss anything if there is anything."

"Let's discuss it? Do you think you still have the qualifications to be in my hands?"

Chu Fengmian said disdainfully.

These people wanted to kill Chu Fengmian before, but now they deserved to die. What's more, these people are still disciples of Guyue Canyon and members of the seven major sects.

For the disciples of the seven major sects, as long as they dare to provoke Chu Fengmian, they will die.

"You all die!"

Chu Fengmian didn't even raise his eyelids. He pinched the three people directly with his palms.

"Damn it, boy, you forced me to do this! Demon blood sacrifice! The blood god is coming!"

Seeing that Chu Fengmian took action without hesitation, the flattering look on Gongsun Dao's face was swept away and turned into extreme coldness. He suddenly took action and struck out with a palm.

The target of this bombardment was not Chu Fengmian, but the two Guyue Canyon disciples beside him.


These two Gu Yue Canyon disciples did not expect that at this time, Gongsun Dao would actually attack and kill them. They did not even have the slightest precaution. Under this palm, they were directly transformed into a ball of blood mist. The blood from the two men was drawn out at the same time, and turned into two blood gods with bright red bodies in front of Gongsun Dao.

"You little beast, die!"

Gongsun Dao's eyes were blood red. At this critical moment, he directly killed the two junior brothers and refined them into blood gods. He alternated his hands and used countless martial arts to directly bombard Chu Fengmian.

He planned to fight Chu Fengmian to the death.

"Does this attack also want to hurt me?"

Chu Fengmian watched helplessly as Gongsun Dao finished all this, his expression remained unchanged.

It seemed that any struggle Gongsun Dao had was meaningless in front of Chu Fengmian.

He looked at Gongsun Dao calmly, gathered the two blood gods, activated his spiritual power, and bombarded him.

It wasn't until the countless bombardments hit him that Chu Fengmian's mind suddenly moved. In the palm of his hand, a burst of spiritual power suddenly turned into a spiritual sword, and he killed him with one strike.


Under this sword, all the countless martial arts were destroyed.

This Gongsun Dao wanted to make the final resistance by killing his fellow disciples, but it was meaningless right in front of Chu Fengmian.

For a moment, this sword light shrouded Gongsun Dao's body.

Gongsun Dao and the two blood gods beside him almost screamed in agony, their bodies shattered one after another, and they all died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

At the same time, seven rays of light flew directly from Gongsun Dao's body.

The seven supreme sword energies that were collected by Gongsun Dao were now wanted to escape as Gongsun Dao fell.

The Supreme Sword Qi, after tens of thousands of years, has become conscious, unwilling to be subdued, and escaped directly. The rays of light seemed to want to join the forty-two Supreme Sword Qi.

A single Supreme Sword Qi is not terrifying, but several or dozens of Supreme Sword Qi, when concentrated, are enough to turn into an extremely terrifying existence.

They are enough to form a large formation, and even countless old antiques are helpless against them, especially if the seven supreme sword qi in front of them are combined with the remaining 42 supreme sword qi.

The power formed by the number of seven and seven and turned into a sword array is countless times more terrifying than it is now.

How could Chu Fengmian let these supreme sword energies leave?

"The power of the fighting dragon, suppress it!"

Behind Chu Fengmian, a huge shadow of an ancient war dragon rose into the sky, exuding supreme majesty and shrouding those supreme sword energies.

Although these seven supreme sword energies were united together, they were still far from being able to compete with the power of the war dragon. Each one of them was suppressed to death. Although they wanted to resist, they could no longer move forward.

"Collect it for me!"

Chu Fengmian waved his hand and suddenly grabbed the seven supreme sword energies.

The huge palm is about to cover these seven supreme sword energies, and it is about to be collected at the moment.

An extremely sharp sword light suddenly slashed over.


This sword light was extremely fast. At a glance, this sword light was the forty-two supreme sword energies condensed into one.

These supreme sword energies, combined together, produce swordsmanship that is definitely the most mysterious swordsmanship among the nine realms. Even Chu Fengmian has never understood the mystery of this.

These supreme sword qi, all shot together, obviously want to save all seven of the supreme sword qi.

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