Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 720: Defeated with a flip of the hand

"Senior Brother Gongsun, let me teach this ignorant boy a lesson. Kill him and draw out the supreme sword energy from him!"

This Gu Yue Canyon disciple suddenly escaped from the siege of the sword formation, and a black crescent moon suddenly condensed in his palm.

The power of this black crescent moon is so powerful that it seems that the surrounding space has turned into darkness under the shroud of this black crescent moon.

"Boy, don't you look down on our Guyue Canyon? Just this move, let me see how you can resist it!"

The face of the disciple of Guyue Canyon was extremely ferocious. With a movement of his body, he was in front of Chu Fengmian in an instant. The black crescent moon in his hand suddenly fell.

The strength of this disciple of Gu Yue Canyon is close to that of the man in green, and his realm has already passed through the catastrophe of life and death and reached the first level of life and death realm.

He looked at Chu Fengmian as if he were looking at a dead person.

In his opinion, how could a warrior who had not even reached the realm of life and death be enough to compete with him.

Under this move of his, Chu Fengmian was bound to die.

The few remaining disciples of Gu Yue Canyon glanced at Chu Fengmian, then all withdrew their gazes, and continued to fight against the supreme sword energy transformed into a sword formation.

The thoughts in their hearts were exactly the same. If a warrior from the Northern Territory dared to fight against their disciples from Guyue Canyon, Chu Fengmian would definitely lose within one move.

But the next moment, a scream suddenly sounded.

The owner of this scream was not Chu Fengmian, but the Guyue Canyon disciple.

Seeing the sudden bombardment of this black crescent moon, Chu Fengmian's expression did not even change at all. He just slowly raised his hand, and the ancient dragon bloodline in his body suddenly condensed. It suddenly transformed into the claws of a war dragon.

The claws of the war dragon directly crushed the black crescent moon on the spot. At the same time, with a sudden force, the disciple of Gu Yue Canyon was directly caught in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand.

In this confrontation, the person who lost was actually the Gu Yue Canyon disciple.

In the eyes of the disciples of Guyue Canyon, Chu Fengmian was just a nobody, someone who was not even qualified to attract their attention. Now he was able to defeat this person within one move.

"How could this happen? What method is this?"

The Gu Yue Canyon disciple who was held in Chu Fengmian's hand now had an extremely shocked expression on his face. His spiritual power suddenly surged, and he was trying to escape from Chu Fengmian's hand.

But no matter how much his spiritual power circulated, there was never a warrior in Chu Fengmian's hands who could escape from the trap.

"I said that you are just a waste in front of me. Do you really think that the seven major sect disciples can show off their power in front of me?"

Chu Fengmian said coldly. As soon as his mind moved, the pressure in his palm became stronger and stronger, directly shattering all the spiritual power of the disciple of Gu Yue Canyon, suppressing all his power, making him Now it is impossible to operate any spiritual power at all.

"Death! Only death can atone for what you have said!"

The moment Chu Fengmian opened his mouth, the power in his palm was directed towards the Guyue Canyon disciple and he suddenly slapped him.

His body began to expand crazily, and the waves of spiritual power impacted his body, even trying to burst his body.

"Senior Brother Gongsun, this is not good!"

When the other Gu Yue Canyon disciples saw this scene, their faces were stunned, and then they shouted anxiously.

"Let's kill this kid first!"

"Take action and save Junior Brother Su!"

Although the remaining disciples of Gu Yue Canyon are still in extreme shock.

They never dreamed that Chu Fengmian could suppress Junior Brother Su with just one move, but now at this extremely critical moment, they could not think anymore.

Another middle-aged disciple of Gu Yue Canyon jumped out of the sword formation.

He gave up dealing with those supreme sword energies and rushed directly towards Chu Fengmian. There seemed to be a dark vortex in the palm of his hand.

This dark whirlpool seemed to swallow up everything in the world, and suddenly it rushed towards Chu Fengmian.

This move is one of the secret techniques in Gu Yue Canyon. With one move, the opponent will be swallowed up directly and plunged into endless darkness. All he is waiting for is to be suppressed.

"Do you think you can come to save him? Today, none of you can even think of leaving alive. Since you are here to die, then I will kill you too!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the middle-aged Guyue Canyon disciple and snorted coldly.

His mind moved, and he roared suddenly. With this roar, the sound wave even directly transformed into a huge ancient war dragon.

This ancient war dragon dived directly into the dark vortex, and exploded in it the next moment.

A huge roar sounded, and the dark vortex was suddenly blown to pieces. Even the middle-aged Gu Yue Canyon disciple was knocked out and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"My move is filled with endless darkness. No one in the same realm can withstand it, let alone a kid who has not even survived the calamity of life and death. What is the origin of this person? In the Northern Territory , How could such a character appear?”

The moment he fought against Chu Fengmian, this Gu Yue Canyon disciple suddenly recognized Chu Fengmian's strength.

The power Chu Fengmian displayed was far beyond him.

When his move failed, he suddenly moved and turned into a ray of light, preparing to fall into the desert again.

But now, how could Chu Fengmian let him escape.

"Now that you're here, let's be this guy's companion!"

Although Chu Fengmian's voice was plain, it sounded frightening to the disciples of Gu Yue Canyon.

When he looked back, he saw a huge claw of a war dragon suddenly attacking him.


The Gu Yue Canyon disciple's escape light was pushed to the limit, but the speed of the War Dragon's Claw was ten times or a hundred times faster than his escape light.

Almost in an instant, the claws of the war dragon descended, roughly crushing all the spiritual barriers on his body, and directly falling into Chu Fengmian's hands.

Just like Junior Brother Su, now in Chu Fengmian's hands, as long as Chu Fengmian is willing to use a little force, it is enough to crush these two people to death.

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