Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 706: Departure to Return to Xutian

"In Guixu Tian, ​​there are countless opportunities, but there are also many dangers. If it is for some small adventures, it would be easy, but the truly big adventures also involve great dangers."

Saint Xuanbei nodded.

"In Guixu Tian, ​​we are not the only warriors from the Northern Territory. The geniuses from the other eight regions are all among them. Our Northern Territory, among the nine regions, can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches, such as those from the Middle Territory and the Tian Territory. Geniuses are truly terrifying people.”

"I once visited the Nine Regions when I was young. The geniuses in our Northern Region are incomparable to the geniuses of the seven real sects. Even Lord Ye Tian is only slightly famous among the seven sects. There are many geniuses, but none of them can be specially cultivated by the seven sects, so you still have to be careful when you go to Guixutian this time. "


Chu Fengmian nodded.

He could tell that this was Saint Xuanbei reminding him.

Chu Fengmian is now invincible among the younger generation in the Northern Territory and has no rivals, so Xuanbei Sage is reminding him to prevent him from causing a big disaster when he returns to Xutian.

However, Chu Fengmian naturally knew everything that Saint Xuanbei said. Ten thousand years ago, Chu Fengmian had set foot in most places in the Nine Domains.

Chu Fengmian's understanding of the seven major sects is far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

The more he understood the seven major sects, the more Chu Fengmian knew how powerful the seven major sects were. In fact, what Saint Xuanbei said was not an exaggeration at all.

Lord Ye Tian, ​​among the seven major sects, can only be regarded as outstanding, not invincible.

For example, the real geniuses among the seven major sects are definitely far more powerful than Ye Tianjun. Even Chu Fengmian is not sure that he will be able to defeat him.

But now Chu Fengmian has reached the top of the same realm, and is no less than anyone else.

In Chu Fengmian's heart, the genius of the monster may not be without the ability to fight.

The opening of Guixu Tian this time is enough to attract geniuses from the entire nine regions. If you want to get the treasures, you must go through countless competitions.

In Chu Fengmian's heart, he was extremely looking forward to fighting against countless talented and powerful people to further improve his strength.

Saint Xuanbei chatted with Chu Fengmian for a few more words, and then left directly.

On the other side, Han Yueli also went to find Elder Bingli and had a few words with him.

Half a day later, Han Yueli returned to the Wujian Peak.

"It's a long way to go to Guixutian, so we'd better hurry up and get there."

Chu Fengmian looked at Han Yueli and said.

Two rays of escaping light left directly from the Beimang Holy Land.

Gui Xutian is a unique space located outside the Nine Regions, but the entrance to Gui Xu Tian is from the Western Region among the Nine Regions.

The Western Region as a whole is very similar to the Northern Region.

However, the largest force in the Western Region was an extremely huge dynasty. The Final Dynasty and the entire Western Region belonged to the territory of the Final Dynasty.

Although there are other forces in the Western Region, they are far from being able to compete with the Zhongyan Dynasty and can only hide in the shadows.

The entrance to Guixu Tian is right on the border of the Final Dynasty of the Western Region.

As long as they go there, people from the seven major sects will wait for time to find the day when the Guixu Tian space is weakest, and open a passage to allow warriors to enter.

Therefore, there is only one day for the opening of Guixu Heaven, so you must arrive early.

If you miss it, you can only wait for three years.

Along the way, Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli were also constantly talking about Guixu Tian.

Before leaving, Saint Xuanbei told Chu Fengmian everything he knew. Saint Xuanbei also went to Guixutian when he was young, so he told Chu Fengmian a lot of things. .

This Guixu Tian is an extremely huge area. Although it is not as good as the Northern Territory, it is still much larger than countless countries.

The entire Guixu Tian is actually the ruins of an ancient sect. It seems that many sects once stood there, but for unknown reasons, they were eventually destroyed.

But some of the techniques and elixirs used by those sects have been retained.

Because Guixu Tian is a completely enclosed space, the skills and pills in it are all preserved intact, making it a treasure land containing countless treasures.

Among them, countless treasures are almost within reach.

However, although there are countless treasures hidden in Guixu Tian, ​​the dangers therein are comparable to countless dangerous places in the Nine Realms.

The biggest danger among them is actually the mountain-protecting monster beasts left by those sects.

The lifespan of monster beasts is much longer than that of warriors, so those sects were destroyed, but some monster beasts survived and thrived in Guixu Tian.

These monsters have also relied on the countless wealth left by the former sects to cultivate and grow. They have formed countless ethnic groups, and they have become a monster domain.

Countless warriors will fall into fierce battles with these monsters if they enter it, especially the countless treasures inside, which are extremely desired by not only warriors, but also by those monsters.

Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to obtain any treasure in Guixu Tian.

In addition to the monsters, another thing that is even more terrifying is the warriors who entered it together.

Entering Guixu Tian is equivalent to going to a completely different space. Everything that happens in Guixu Tian cannot be deduced even by powerful warriors.

Therefore, there is no need to cover up any killings, as other people will not know about it.

Therefore, this Guixu Tian can almost be called a no-no-no zone.

It is almost extremely common for the warriors who enter it to fight each other.

It can be said that most of the warriors who died there did not die at the hands of the monster clan, but at the hands of warriors who also entered.

It is much easier to directly plunder other people's wealth than to work hard to fight monsters.

There are even some rumors that in Guixu Tian, ​​warriors from some sects will unite to form small groups to plunder other warriors and divide the spoils.

In Guixu Tian, ​​warriors are more dangerous than monsters.

"Every warrior in the Nine Realms of Guixu Tian can only enter this once, and this is the only chance he can get adventures in it."

As the two of them traveled through the Northern Territory, Han Yueli started talking.

"It is said that there is a cold region in Guixu Tianzhong, which is rich in ice-based holy medicine. It is the most suitable place for me. I entered Guixu Tianzhong to go to this cold region to find out what it is."

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