Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 701 Strong Return

The Poison Hand Demon Lord is considered the most famous figure in the entire Northern Territory.

The top three in the last martial arts competition also entered Gui Xutian and got a lot of benefits from Gui Xutian.

As long as such a character is given some time, it is almost certain that he will cross the barrier of life and death, step onto the steps of life and death, and become an ancestor.

But now he should not have provoked Chu Fengmian to the point where he died on the spot.

"Chu Fengmian, are we going back to King Wu City?"

Han Yueli stood aside and spoke to Chu Fengmian.

"After a while, we can set off to Guixutian."

Han Yueli knew clearly that Chu Fengmian took her away rashly just to lure the poisonous devil into taking the bait. Now that he had accomplished this, he naturally wanted to leave.

It's just that there is still a period of time before Guixu Tian opens. During this period, where will the two of them go?

Going back to Beimang College was originally the best choice, but now that Chu Fengmian killed Ye Tianjun, returning to Beimang College is also a dangerous thing.

The Ye family behind Ye Tianjun is deeply hidden in Beimang College, but everything in Beimang College has never been separated from the shadow of the Ye family. Chu Fengmian will also have countless troubles when he returns to Beimang College.

"No, let's go back to Beimang College."

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment and then said.

"Now that I have won the first place in the martial arts competition, I have made great achievements. Now that I have returned to Beimang Academy, it is absolutely impossible for the Ye family to kill me. Otherwise, Ye Mu would not have risked his life. Such a risk, you want to kill me from above the ring.”

Chu Fengmian spoke in a low voice.

Ancestor Ye Mu chose to kill Chu Fengmian in this arena in a martial arts tournament, which was an extremely risky act in itself.

Even if he is an ancestor in the realm of immortality, it is impossible for him to completely ignore the pressure from Tongtian Pavilion.

If he could wait until Chu Fengmian returned to Beimang College to deal with Chu Fengmian, he would not have to bear so much pressure to kill Chu Fengmian.

Now that Chu Fengmian is hiding at the top of the martial arts competition, he has made great contributions to Beimang College. The ancestor of Beimang College cannot let Chu Fengmian die in the hands of the Ye family now.

Returning to Beimang College now seems dangerous, but in fact it is the best step.

Han Yueli nodded after hearing Chu Fengmian's words, but still reminded him.

"Okay, but you have to be careful. If Ye Mu dares to take action in the martial arts competition, he may not be safe in Beimang Academy."

"That's natural."

Chu Fengmian said.

Chu Fengmian never relaxed his vigilance when dealing with enemies.

The reason why he chose to return to Beimang Academy now, in addition to this reason, Chu Fengmian's current promotion to the Black Mysterious Sword Formation was also one of the decisions that made him make a choice in his heart.

Although the current Black Mysterious Sword Formation cannot really compete with those old antiques that transcend life and death, there is still no problem if it is delayed for a while.

Once something unexpected happens, Chu Fengmian will use the Black Mysterious Sword Formation to delay time so that he can escape unscathed.

"Let's go, go back now."

While talking, Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli turned into a ray of light and flew all the way towards Beimang College.

The journey was not far, but it took two days. During these two days, Chu Fengmian also used the power of his blood to continuously heal Han Yueli's injuries.

Han Yueli's recovery from the injuries sustained by Zang Tian has also been completed.

In two days, the two escaping lights returned directly to Beimang College. They did not stop all the way to Beimang College, and directly passed through the void and entered the Beimang Holy Land.

In these two days, everything that happened in the martial arts competition began to spread in the Northern Territory.

Chu Fengmian's name is already known and engraved in the hearts of all warriors in the entire Northern Territory.

Killing Ye Tianjun, defeating the cold-faced devil, Feng Wuxin, and even surviving from the hands of the ancestor Ye Mu. Any of these things are enough to be regarded as earth-shattering. Now they are all in Chu Fengmian's hands. Happened to one.

The number one person in the Northern Territory of this younger generation.

No one dares to refute this title.

Even the entire Beimang Sanctuary has become more lively than ever. Beimang Academy has not won the first place in the martial arts competition for several times. Now that Chu Fengmian has won the championship, they are all talking about it. .


In Beimang Sanctuary.

The sky above suddenly split open, and two rays of light suddenly flew into it.

"who is it?"

"Escape so quickly!"

Many Beimang Academy disciples raised their heads and looked over, extremely surprised. The speed of escaping light was really too fast.

"With this speed, could it be Chu Fengmian?"

"It must be Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli!"

Many people were surprised for a while, and then they realized who the owner of the escape light was.

Only Chu Fengmian can now return to Beimang Holy Land from the outside at such a speed and swagger.

However, many of the disciples looked a little surprised when they saw Chu Fengmian's escaping light.

Now that Chu Fengmian had killed Ye Tianjun, he still dared to come back?

They had also heard about Chu Fengmian's fight with Ancestor Ye Mu. During the discussion, many people felt that Chu Fengmian should at least hide outside for a while, at least to survive the catastrophe of life and death. Only then will I choose to come back.

Unexpectedly, Chu Fengmian would come back regardless of everything, as if it was a threat from Patriarch Ye Mu, but he ignored it at all.

On a mountain peak in Beimang Sanctuary, in a huge palace.

A white-haired old man is sitting in the palace, practicing with his eyes closed. This white-haired old man looks old, but the vitality in him is much more vigorous than that of a young man. He even looks like he has A bit rejuvenated.

This is obviously a figure who transcends life and death. He is a real antique and ancestor in Beimang College.


Outside the palace, a figure came quickly from outside.

"Ancestor Ye Mu, Chu Fengmian has returned to the academy."

This figure is none other than Xi Zhi, who was once one of the core disciples of the Holy Party. This Xi Zhi also achieved top ten rankings in the martial arts competition and has now returned to Beimang Academy ahead of schedule.

When he saw Chu Fengmian returning to Beimang College, he hurried over to report.

"That little beast actually dares to come back!"

Ancestor Ye Mu's closed eyes suddenly opened, a pair of eyes full of anger.

"I didn't kill this son when we were in King Wu City. Now he dares to come back. I will kill him! Let's go!"

Ancestor Yemu stood up this night, broke through the space directly, and took Xi Zhi with him to step into the space.

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