Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 688: Sword Breaks the River

The collision of spiritual powers between these two people was enough to shake the entire arena.

The restrictions on the arena of this martial arts tournament are difficult for some warriors at the peak of life and death realm to shake.

The strength of Chu Fengmian and Ye Tianjun was almost beyond the realm of life and death.

What surprised everyone even more was that the realms of Chu Fengmian and Ye Tianjun were actually at the limit of the divine power realm. Neither of them had survived the catastrophe of life and death.

If you have not survived the catastrophe of life and death, you have reached the current level of strength, and your future prospects are limitless.

No matter who wins this battle, the winner will become an absolute big shot in the Northern Territory in the future.

While many are thinking.

On the stage.

The brief confrontation between the two men was over. Both of their bodies took a few steps back due to the burst of power.

In this brief confrontation, the two men were equally matched in strength.

Ye Tianjun took a few steps back to stabilize his figure, but his face showed a bit of sarcasm.

"Very good. I didn't expect you to be able to take over 30% of my power. It seems that I still underestimated you."

Thirty percent strength?

Hearing Ye Tianjun's words, the surrounding quiet stands suddenly caused an uproar.

The power of Ye Tianjun's punch just now was considered by everyone to be an extremely terrifying punch. It was incredible that Chu Fengmian could take it.

But listening to Ye Tianjun now, is this only 30% of Ye Tianjun's strength?

Thirty percent of the strength is so terrifying. To what extent is Ye Tianjun's true full strength?

Many of the warriors present realized that Ye Tianjun was able to hold such a supreme position in Beimang Academy, the largest sect in the Northern Territory, because of nothing else.

It's about strength. In a place full of geniuses like Beimang College, he is enough to be the king. His strength is self-evident.

Ye Tianjun may be the one who hides the deepest.

"If this is only 30% of Ye Tianjun's strength, then how can Chu Fengmian possibly compete with Ye Tianjun?"

"Chu Fengmian has had many adventures, and Ye Tianjun has also had many adventures. What's more, he is an innate divine body. He is invincible at the same level, and his talent exceeds that of anyone else."

"If Chu Fengmian has no other means, he will be unable to compete with Ye Tianjun."

In everyone's minds, the balance of this battle has tilted towards Ye Tianjun.

"Your strength is nothing more than that. You are indeed qualified to reach this point. However, it is your absolute misfortune to meet me. If you practice with concentration for ten years, it is really possible to grow to the point where you can compete with me, but it is a pity that you , you don’t have this chance.”

Ye Tianjun looked at Chu Fengmian, laughed and said.

"Boy, you are not so lucky today. Now it is impossible for you to escape even if you want to. You will definitely die today!"

At the same time as he opened his mouth, Ye Tianjun suddenly took a step forward, and saw that his momentum rose again. It was indeed several times stronger than before.

The 30% strength he just said is not false. The power that is bursting out now is indeed much stronger than just now.

Ye Tianjun suddenly stepped forward, all the power of chaos concentrated on his fist, and punched out again.

This punch was completely different from the one just now.

After this punch was fired, the spiritual power in it suddenly burst out on the ring and began to spread to the surroundings. Almost instantly, these spiritual powers turned into a long river of spiritual power, condensed from the power of chaos. long river.

This long river of chaos spreads to all corners of the arena, leaving no blind spots for hiding.

The spiritual power contained in Ye Tianjun's punch was enough to condense such a long river of chaos. Once a warrior fell into it, he would be impacted by the power of chaos at all times.

The entire arena was blocked, and there was no possibility of dodge.

To what extent do you need to have strong spiritual power to do this?

In this arena, there is no way to avoid this move, unless Chu Fengmian leaves the arena.

But once you leave the ring, it means admitting defeat.

With Chu Fengmian's character, how could it be possible?

"The River of Chaos! This is a powerful secret technique created by Lord Ye Tian. I don't know how many strong men have died in the hands of this technique."

Many warriors recognized Ye Tianjun's move.

Outside, Ye Tianjun used this move, and no one knew how many strong men died in it.

In this arena, there is no room to retreat. The power of this move is countless times more terrifying than outside.

"With this move, it seems that Lord Ye Tian has no intention of giving Chu Fengmian a chance."

"Ye Tianjun is so serious, Chu Fengmian has no chance at all."

Everyone looked at Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian now seemed to be forced into a desperate situation.

Unless Chu Fengmian really has the strength to contend with this chaotic river, otherwise, Chu Fengmian will definitely be defeated by this move.


Facing the barrage of this chaotic river, Chu Fengmian's expression remained unchanged, and he just said one word calmly.

In the palm of his hand, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of the body. The moment it came out of the body, the blade of the sword suddenly slashed towards the chaotic river.


The moment this sword edge appeared, it had the potential to create something new.

The sword light suddenly swept across and struck directly at the chaotic river. The chaotic river was torn open by Chu Fengmian's sword light.

In front of the chaotic river that Ye Tianjun concentrated all his strength on, Chu Fengmian's sword edge was actually enough to tear a hole.

Then, as the hole grew larger and larger, the long river of chaos was torn apart completely, and the countless chaotic powers in it were all broken and dissipated.

Chu Fengmian stood there without moving, even using the edge of his sword, he was able to resist Ye Tianjun's full strength so easily.

"How is that possible? The long river of chaos was torn apart by this man's sword!"

"Is this man's swordsmanship, as shown before, not the limit?"

"This kind of swordsmanship is so ancient. It should have been lost long ago. How did this person possess it?"

Seeing Chu Fengmian break through the chaotic river with one sword, many people stood up directly.

The moment Ye Tianjun showed his full strength, Chu Fengmian was already a dead man in everyone's hearts.

No one had ever thought that Chu Fengmian could actually compete with Ye Tianjun.

Chu Fengmian's strength was truly astonishing, especially Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship, which ranked first among the younger generation in the Northern Territory.

But in the face of absolute power, swordsmanship must be destroyed.

But Chu Fengmian actually swam upstream and tore apart the chaotic river with his sword. This result was the opposite of what everyone thought.

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