Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 683 Stepping on the face

Chu Fengmian's sword suddenly shot up into the sky.

His move was a sword strike based on his latest understanding of Nine Realms Swordsmanship, tracing back to the origin of the sword.

The moment the sword edge came out of the body, the sword light actually dispersed all the demonic intent around him. With his sword, no demonic domain could exist in front of his sword edge.

"Three Thousand Swords World!"

The sword's edge shines.

The entire arena was surrounded by this sword edge.

With one sword, he cuts through the demonic will and shapes the world of swords.

Three thousand worlds are all sword domains.


These three thousand sword worlds, at the moment when they cut off the demonic will, condensed into one, and the power of the three thousand worlds was all integrated into one sword edge.

This sword represents Chu Fengmian's most powerful sword.


With an incomparable roar, the two sword blades suddenly collided in the air.

The pure power of Zhantian's sword was instantly overwhelmed.

Zangtian's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Under the edge of this sword, all his power was far from being able to withstand it.

No matter how powerful he is, he can only fight with swords.

Chu Fengmian is an invincible existence.

Invincible and never defeated.

The terrifying power shook Zang Tian away. The tiger's mouth on his hand was violently cracked, and countless blood flowed out.

"What? This Zangtian was defeated like this?"

"He swallowed the Heart Demon Dao Fruit, and his strength increased tenfold. He was able to beat Chu Fengmian into clay with just one move. How could he be defeated?"

Not even a respected warrior could believe what he saw with his eyes, and was shocked.

Previously, Zangtian had been able to defeat countless strong men without using the power of the Heart Demon Dao Fruit.

Zang Tian devoured the Heart Demon Dao Fruit, and his strength had increased dozens of times. Under such circumstances, in the eyes of everyone, Zang Tian was almost invincible.

Unless the old antique who transcends life and death takes action, no one can be his opponent.

But now, Zangtian, who was showing off his power just now, was actually defeated by Chu Fengmian with such a sword, which made countless onlookers stunned.

Is this Chu Fengmian's true strength?

Time and time again, they thought Chu Fengmian had reached his limit, but they never imagined that Chu Fengmian's limit was far beyond that.

In the arena.

"Impossible, what kind of swordsmanship is this? I have never seen anyone be crushed by powerful swordsmanship and absolute power!"

Zang Tian was blown away, and the demonic intent on his body showed up again.

This demonic intention once again condensed and blessed Zang Tian. With Zang Tian's character, he would never believe that he would actually be defeated by Chu Fengmian.

In order to deal with Chu Fengmian, he even swallowed the Heart Demon Dao Fruit that he prepared at the end.

It was just to completely defeat Chu Fengmian in front of everyone present and trample Chu Fengmian under his feet. Now, with all his strength, he was actually defeated by Chu Fengmian.

How could he endure the humiliation of being stepped on by Chu Fengmian again? He once again gathered countless demonic intentions, turned them into his power, and once again bombarded Chu Fengmian.

But the edge of his sword has not moved yet.

Chu Fengmian's speed was faster than him.

Chu Fengmian jumped up and suddenly arrived in front of Zang Tian. He waved his big hand and suddenly took a picture.

With this shot, the spiritual power on it even made a few dragon roars. The power of the fighting dragon was blessed on it, like the claws of the fighting dragon, hitting Zangtian's body heavily.


The demonic intention on Zangtian's body and the countless spiritual powers contained in Chu Fengmian's palm instantly clashed.

In an instant, there were thousands of confrontations, and the next moment, all the demonic intent on Zang Tian was shattered.

As Chu Fengmian's mind moved, he exerted force again, and Zangtian's body was directly struck to the ground by Chu Fengmian's palm.

The next moment, Chu Fengmian stepped directly on Zangtian's face.

This Zangtian, a genius of the Northern Territory and a disciple of the seven major sects, was now trampled directly under Chu Fengmian's feet.

This kind of humiliation is absolutely unbearable for any warrior. It is more painful than killing them, and much more humiliating than making them kneel down.

Especially in front of everyone, Zang Tian was directly defeated by Chu Fengmian on this stage and stepped on his face.

This matter will definitely spread throughout the entire Northern Territory within a day, and Zangtian will always become a joke in the Northern Territory.

"What a ruthless method!"

"This Zangtian wanted to kill Han Yueli before, so no one else can blame him."

"The disciples of the seven major sects are so humiliated, I'm afraid Nine Demon City will not let it go."

"This boy's character is really arrogant. He dares to humiliate people like this when facing people from the seven major sects."

Seeing Zangtian being trampled under Chu Fengmian's feet, countless people present took a breath.

This method is indeed extremely decisive and ruthless.

For geniuses like Zang Tian, ​​their dignity is more important than life. Now that Zang Tian is defeated and stepped on his face, it will cause him more pain than killing him.

What's more, Zangtian is still from Nine Demon City, one of the seven major sects.

What Chu Fengmian guessed was not only Zangtian's face, but also the face of Nine Demons City. If Nine Demons City knew this news, they would definitely not let it go.

Chu Fengmian was naturally very aware of this kind of thing, but facing Zangtian, Chu Fengmian wanted to completely humiliate him.

Killing him would be too cheap for him.

Chu Fengmian wanted to bring humiliation to this man, so he killed him.

"Damn it! Damn it! How dare you humiliate me like this? I will definitely kill you! I will kill all your friends and your women! I will extract your soul and refine it, and make you suffer endless pain forever!"

Zang Tian roared crazily, he had fallen into madness.

The glances directed at him made his heart feel extremely humiliated every moment. As a disciple of the Nine Demons City, how could he not be highly respected?

Even when he came to the Northern Territory, he was still the most apex figure, respected and feared by everyone.

Now, now that he was under the feet of Chu Fengmian, he suddenly fell into the clouds. He went from being in awe of everyone to being laughed at. How could he bear this contrast.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Under the humiliation, Zangtian's strength suddenly surged.

This kind of humiliation caused all the potential in his body to explode.

Zangtian now wishes to kill Chu Fengmian directly, no, he must defeat Chu Fengmian and let Chu Fengmian suffer all the humiliation and pain in the world, so that his current anger can be washed away.

His body was trampled under Chu Fengmian's feet. In an instant, he gathered his spiritual power and wanted to suddenly attack and kill Chu Fengmian.

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