Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 680 The Holy Son is buried in heaven


The moment he saw Zangtian take action and use the Daxin Demon Art, Chu Fengmian suddenly understood who the person in front of him was.

This Zangtian is actually the Holy Son of the black market in Wusheng Kingdom. Unexpectedly, his destiny is actually Zangtian, and he has also come to the Northern Territory.

Even his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

What Zang Tian practiced before was the Heart-Killing Demon Art, which was actually a branch of the real Great Heart Demon Art.

But now, what Zang Tian is practicing is the complete Daxin Demon Art.

This Great Heart Demon Art is difficult to practice, but once it is mastered, it is absolutely domineering. Even powerful warriors have inner demons. If they are suddenly affected by the Great Heart Demon Art, they will lose their power.

In a battle between warriors of this level, even a momentary loss of power is enough to determine the absolute outcome.

This Zang Tian activated the Great Heart Demon Art, and now Han Yueli was affected all of a sudden, making her slightly sluggish.

At almost the same time, Zangtian's palm fell.

This palm of his was to completely kill Han Yueli.

Absolutely dangerous.

If this palm falls, if one does not use the strength to resist it, even a warrior from the Life-Breaking Realm will perish.

Chu Fengmian also didn't expect that Zangtian was so well hidden, and that he was actually the Holy Son in the black market.


When this palm fell, the sky was filled with roaring sounds, and it was already bombarding Han Yueli.

But at the next moment, a dragon roar suddenly sounded.

Under this dragon chant, Han Yueli's eyes suddenly became sober, as if she suddenly broke free from the control of the inner demon and woke up.

Facing the palm that was bombarded by Zangtian, she instantly used all her strength to block it suddenly, turning it into a barrier in front of her.

But this hastily assembled barrier was far from being able to resist Zangtian's power.

Under Zangtian's palm, the ice crystals in front of Han Yueli were shattered, and the remaining power of this palm also bombarded Han Yueli's body.


Han Yueli's figure flew directly out from the ring, and Chu Fengmian waved his hand and caught it directly.

"Fortunately, it's nothing serious."

After carefully observing Han Yueli's body, Chu Fengmian breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the restriction Chu Fengmian left on Han Yueli suddenly came into effect.

That dragon's roar awakened Han Yueli from her inner demons, and she hurriedly gathered her spiritual power to withstand Zangtian's blow.

Although he was knocked directly under the ring, Han Yueli's injuries were not serious.

If it weren't for that dragon's roar that made Han Yueli wake up, Han Yueli would probably have fallen into Zangtian's hands.

"Have a good rest and leave the rest to me."

Chu Fengmian looked at Han Yueli, and a spiritual power was injected into Han Yueli's body. This spiritual power contained the spiritual power of Jianmu and the power of the essence and blood of the ancient dragon, which was enough to repair her body.

The anger in Chu Fengmian's voice was already unbearable.

After Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli met, this was the first time that Han Yueli was beaten like this, only one step away from life or death.

The restrictions in this arena were so powerful that even if Chu Fengmian wanted to stop it, there was no way he could.

If Chu Fengmian hadn't left that restriction on Han Yueli's body just in case, Han Yueli would have been killed by Zang Tian.

This revenge must be avenged

At this moment, Zangtian was already a dead person in Chu Fengmian's heart.

"Zhangtian, I will kill you!"

Chu Fengmian looked at the arena and said coldly.

The meaning of these words is not a threat, but a declaration.

This is the greatest murderous intention Chu Fengmian has ever unleashed on a person.

Chu Fengmian was a person who valued love and justice, not to mention that the person he injured was Han Yueli, the person Chu Fengmian cherished the most in his life, and Chu Fengmian would definitely kill him in this burial place.

"If you have the ability, come on."

Zangtian looked at Chu Fengmian and said coldly.

"When I wanted to kill you, it was just like squeezing an ant to death. It's still the same now!"

After saying that, Zangtian moved, left the ring, and stood looking at Chu Fengmian.

This conversation also made everyone around him marvel. Many people could not have imagined that Chu Fengmian actually followed the mysterious Zangtian and actually had a grudge against him.

And apart from that, the most shocking thing is Zangtian’s strength.

Everyone knows Han Yueli's strength. After surviving the Thousand Thunder Emperor Tribulation, he is already qualified to compete for the top spot in this session.

But still in Zangtian's hands, he was defeated so completely, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

In the next battle, another disciple of the Feng family, the last martial arts family, Feng Kang, also entered the top four.

The position of the top four has been determined.

The next battle is to fight for the chance of the finals.

"The next battle will be between Chu Fengmian and Zangtian!"

The old man from Tongtian Pavilion spoke calmly from the stands.

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of countless people present.

Zangtian almost killed Han Yueli and had already formed a deadly feud with Chu Fengmian.

In particular, Chu Fengmian and Zang Tian were both super dark horses in this session, and they all wanted to see who was stronger and who was weaker among the two.

"Okay, it seems that this time, I finally have the opportunity to kill you with my own hands!"

Hearing this, Zangtian's face turned extremely gloomy. He looked at Chu Fengmian, his murderous intent undisguised.

"Chu Fengmian, today is the day of your death. Your opportunities will all belong to me. Even your woman will belong to me. Today is the day when I will be buried and become famous, and you are my stepping stone! "

Zangtian said coldly, and in one leap, he had arrived on the ring.

Chu Fengmian also came to the ring, followed Zangtian, and looked at each other.

Chu Fengmian's face looked extremely calm, except for the cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Those who know Chu Fengmian know that this is what Chu Fengmian really looks like with murderous intent.

He was not arrogant, but in his heart, Zangtian was a dead person, and he was going to die no matter what today.

Chu Fengmian said with a cold expression.

"There is so much nonsense. A dying person should think about his last words."

"It's a joke. It's not certain who lives and who dies today. Chu Fengmian, do you really think that I, Zangtian, am still the black market saint? You probably don't know my true identity. My true identity is from the Nine Demons City. Disciple, do you think you can compete with me? "

Zangtian looked at Chu Fengmian and suddenly laughed.

"Today, I will kill you. I heard that you also got a lot of opportunities in the Northern Territory. Just in time, I will kill you. All your opportunities will belong to me!"

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