Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 672 Entering the top ten

This sword light had already exhausted all Feng Wuxin's power.

All the spiritual energy in his body was integrated into this sword, so that the moment the sword was struck, Feng Wuxin's body fell to the ground as if he had lost all strength.

Only this 10,000-meter colorful sword light was left, falling from the sky and bombarding Chu Fengmian.

This sword was not Feng Wuxin's last sword. Even if he was defeated, he still had to challenge Chu Fengmian.

"Well done!"

Chu Fengmian whispered to himself.

Suddenly, the sword edge in his hand moved. The moment he waved the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in his hand, a dragon roar suddenly resounded.

A flash of sword light soared into the sky, and following Chu Fengmian's sword, it slashed towards the sky.


The sword light shot into the sky for a moment.

The seven-colored sword light suddenly trembled, and the sword skills of the two of them seemed to be integrated into the sword edge, intertwining and colliding with each other.

The next moment, the sword light that Chu Fengmian slashed out suddenly became extremely dazzling in an instant, and the real power in it was released in an instant.


The colorful sword light was directly beaten to pieces.

Feng Wuxin's body was directly thrown away as the colorful sword light shattered.

Chu Fengmian suddenly grabbed Feng Wuxin's body with his big hand, and then he fell safely into the ring.


Chu Fengmian looked at Feng Wuxin, smiled and said.

"I said, you can't be my opponent in the way of swordsmanship."

"I admire you. Your swordsmanship is indeed far superior to mine."

Feng Wuxin managed to stabilize his figure, looked at Chu Fengmian, and sighed.

"I thought that my swordsmanship was unrivaled in the Northern Territory, but I didn't expect that it would be far inferior to you."

Feng Wuxin suddenly waved his hand, and a jade talisman flew directly towards Chu Fengmian.

"This is my swordsmanship, as well as all the knowledge of swordsmanship. I, Feng Wuxin, do what I say. I lost this battle, but three years later, I will come and challenge you again!"

After leaving these words, Feng Wuxin jumped off the ring and immediately admitted defeat.


Chu Fengmian nodded calmly.

Although Feng Wuxin is arrogant, he does what he says. Such people are extremely rare among warriors.

At least when Feng Wuxin surrendered his swordsmanship just now, he did so willingly and not under coercion.

Three years later, if Feng Wuxin wanted to challenge, Chu Fengmian would give him the opportunity.

"Feng Wuxin was defeated."

"In the way of swordsmanship, there is actually someone who can surpass Feng Wuxin."

Seeing Feng Wuxin voluntarily admit defeat and leave from the ring, countless people below couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

They saw this battle clearly, and Feng Wuxin was convinced of his defeat.

In the way of swordsmanship, Chu Fengmian was indeed far superior to Feng Wuxin.

"This Chu Fengmian is the real evildoer. There has not been such a person in the Northern Territory for many years."

"Feng Wuxin has been defeated, who can stop this person?"

"It seems that all the rumors about this person are true. Only if he has received the inheritance from Saint Lord Beimang can he reach such a terrifying level of swordsmanship at such a young age."

"In the fight between the dragon and the tiger, there is Chu Fengmian and Ye Tianjun. The first two people in Beimang Academy belong to these two people."

There were exclamations one after another, and countless eyes looked at Chu Fengmian. There was no longer the ridicule before, but only admiration.

Only when you have strength can you be respected by others. Chu Fengmian's strength is no longer that of a newcomer and dark horse, but a true strong man who deserves respect from everyone.

"Feng Wuxin is defeated, but it's just right. If I leave the game early like this, I will be disappointed."

Zang Tian looked at Chu Fengmian and muttered coldly to himself.

The next battle is between Zangtian and an Earth Demon Sect disciple.

In this battle, there was almost no doubt that Zangtian would win.

Chu Fengmian was below, watching the battle.

Zangtian's victory was clean and neat, almost a crushing gesture, and he advanced again.

Nothing about the other party posed any threat to him, and it didn't even make him feel serious.

With most of the hidden strength, it is actually enough to do this.

A leapfrog challenge may not be a big deal to these Northern Territory geniuses, but to be able to do this while hiding most of their strength is a bit shocking.

This Zangtian, even Chu Fengmian, couldn't figure out his origin.

The battle that followed was nothing unexpected.

Ye Tianjun, Cold-faced Demon Lord, and Han Yueli also entered the top ten positions.

Only Feng Wuxin was defeated outside the top ten, which was quite a surprise.

However, the strength shown by Chu Fengmian indeed surpassed Feng Wuxin in the way of swordsmanship, and it was not due to any means used. No one was dissatisfied with his promotion.

Entering the top ten means you have obtained the qualification to return to the Xutian.

But the remaining battles are equally important. The remaining battles are not about the qualifications to return to Xutian, but about reputation. Who is the number one person in the Northern Territory in this martial arts tournament?

"The champion of this year should be born from the five people Chu Fengmian, Han Yueli, Zangtian, Feng Wuxin, and Cold-faced Demon Lord."

The old man from Tongtian Pavilion looked down and murmured.

"The championship this time should still belong to our Demon Sect."

Next to the old man of Tongtian Pavilion, the man in red, the Poison Hand Demon Lord, said coldly.

"No matter how strong these three guys from Beimang College are, they cannot be our opponents from the Earth Demon Sect."

"As for Zangtian, huh, a guy who hides his head but doesn't even dare to reveal his identity. There's no need to care about such a person."


The old man of Tongtian Pavilion said in surprise when he heard the words of the Poison Hand Demon Lord.

"Are you so confident that the cold-faced boy can defeat these people? Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli are not easy to deal with. That Ye Tianjun even got Ruyizi's cave, and his strength has skyrocketed, but there is no weak one. ”

"Just watch."

"These so-called geniuses are just stepping stones for our Demon Sect."

The Poison Hand Demon Lord didn't explain, he just said something coldly and continued to stand in the stands, looking down.

Below, I rested for about an hour.

It’s time to prepare for the final ring battle between the top ten.

The first ten arena battles are the final climax of this martial arts competition. Everyone wants to see who is the number one person in the Northern Territory this time.

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