Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 657: The visitor is evil

Escaped and survived from the hands of a powerful man in a life-shattering realm.

Now let Chu Fengmian face the strong man in the life-shattering realm, and he is confident that he can survive, but this is because Chu Fengmian's body has been trained to be the ancient dragon king.

His body was extremely tough to begin with, and coupled with the recovery ability of Chu Fengmian's bloodline, Chu Fengmian could survive as long as he was not killed instantly. His vitality far exceeded that of ordinary warriors, and that was why he was so confident.

But Feng Wuxin was different. Feng Wuxin managed to escape because he was truly strong enough to compete with the strong men in the Life-Breaking Realm.

From this point of view, Feng Wuxin is even more terrifying.

Especially Feng Wuxin, who doesn't even have a special bloodline or an innate divine body. His strength is all due to his strength.

Now Chu Fengmian also wants to meet the number one in the North Territory Hundred Rankings to see what kind of person Feng Wuxin is.

Just when Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli were still thinking, several figures suddenly walked over. These figures came from whichever party they had just gathered at Beimang College.

There are five people in total, three men and two women, all core disciples of Beimang Academy.

Among them, Gu Aohan and Lu Qingping, the two core disciples who had seen Chu Fengmian take action around the platform of life and death, were also among them.

However, the leader of this group of people is a woman.

This woman has smooth muscles and a perfect figure. She always has a slight smile on her face.

But Chu Fengmian knew that this woman was obviously not as kind as she seemed. She was called Blood Rakshasa Yanbi in the Beimang Sanctuary.

According to legend, her body of ice muscles and jade bones were bathed in the blood of warriors.

"Everyone comes here, what are you doing?"

Chu Fengmian saw the five people coming and said calmly.

These people obviously couldn't come here just to see Chu Fengmian, they must have their own purposes.

The strength of these five people is not weak. They are all core disciples of Bei Mang Academy, and they are all people on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List.

Although for Chu Fengmian, he is not afraid of these people, and even fighting against them, Chu Fengmian is confident enough to win.

But now the opponent has a large number of people, especially in King Wu's city. Before this martial arts competition, all private fights are meaningless, so Chu Fengmian speaks so cautiously.

"It's nothing, I just want to invite you two to give up this martial arts competition."

Before the woman spoke, Gu Aohan next to her said coldly.

"In the martial arts competition, we are very likely to encounter each other, which will weaken the power of the academy in vain."

"You two are both newcomers. You should give up on this martial arts competition and come to participate in the next one. Then we will make way for you, for your convenience."

When Gu Aohan spoke, it looked like he was trying to persuade him, but it actually sounded like he was giving orders, with an arrogant and condescending look on his face.

They knew the strength of Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli, but now, with the five of them joining forces, fighting five against two, they were not afraid at all.

When they join forces, even the strong ones in the Life-Breaking Realm are not unable to compete. Of course, they can easily deal with Chu Fengmian.

Another core disciple, Lu Qingping said.

"I would like to ask you two to think about it. For the sake of the academy, I would also like to ask you to hand over your quota and give up this martial arts tournament."

"For the sake of the academy? Quit? Hand over your quota?"

When Chu Fengmian heard what these people said, his face turned cold.

It turns out that the person who came here is not good.

It seems that these core disciples have united now to let some powerful people from Beimang Academy withdraw first. In this way, the possibility of them entering the top ten will be much greater.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli, these two rising stars, were absolute thorns in their eyes.

So now these people came to negotiate with Chu Fengmian, hoping to get Chu Fengmian to hand over his quota.


Not to mention the five core disciples, even if the five supreme elders came to force Chu Fengmian, it would be wishful thinking.


Chu Fengmian said two words calmly.

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, the faces of the five core disciples became much colder.

It seems that he did not expect that Chu Fengmian would be so tough and not perfunctory. In front of the five of them, he was so decisive and without any mercy.

Among them, Gu Aohan said unceremoniously.

"Boy, how dare you! We came here to persuade you with good intentions, but you are so ignorant of praise!"

"If you provoke us, you won't be able to reach the top ten in this martial arts competition."

"Really? Who do you think you are, coming here to force me?"

Chu Fengmian's face instantly became much colder.

"Get out of here!"

Chu Fengmian spoke this time, using a lot of spiritual power in his words.

This word "Go" immediately shocked the five people, and they retreated continuously. Their eyes were full of fighting intent.

The atmosphere was solemn, almost like a battle, and it was enough to break out in an instant.


At this moment, the leading woman, Blood Rakshasa Yanbi, suddenly spoke.

"You two, are you really not planning to give us this face? Give up this martial arts competition, and we will ensure that you will be able to enter the top ten in the next one."


Chu Fengmian said coldly.

He, Chu Fengmian, has not yet fallen to the point of needing charity from others.

What's more, if you give up this martial arts tournament, you still have to wait for three years.

Three years is indeed not a long time for a warrior. Maybe many warriors will agree to this condition, but this does not mean that Chu Fengmian.

In three years, Chu Fengmian could no longer afford to waste time. Chu Fengmian's identity would most likely be known to the seven major sects at any time.

At that time, what Chu Fengmian had to face was endless pursuit.

He must improve his strength before this time to a point where he can compete with the seven major sects.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian couldn't afford to wait for three years, and he didn't need to wait.

Chu Fengmian's face was cold as he spoke word by word.

"If you don't leave, you will end up like Long Weiyang!"


Gu Aohan suddenly said angrily.

Just like Long Weiyang's fate, doesn't that mean they will perish.

They saw with their own eyes how Chu Fengmian killed Long Weiyang on the stage of life and death.


Yan Bi waved her hand and directly stopped Gu Aohan.

She glanced at Chu Fengmian and spoke calmly.

"let's go!"

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