Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 654 King Wu City

Meeting people from the Gongyang family this time can only be regarded as Chu Fengmian's accident. He saved them unintentionally, but was repaid with evil.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian was strong enough to kill these disciples of the Gongyang Family. Otherwise, if his strength had been slightly weaker, Chu Fengmian would have been a dead man by now.

This kind of martial arts family in the Northern Territory has countless forces. They may seem to be righteous, but they don't know what kind of people they are behind the scenes.

Even though the seven major sects were glamorous, they surrounded and killed the master of kendo in order to obtain an ancient kendo book.

"Killing these people really gives them an advantage."

Han Yueli stood aside and said with a secret regret.

Han Yueli also hated such villains who repaid kindness with hatred. Killing them like this would be an advantage for them.

"It doesn't matter, we don't have time to fight with these villains. Let's go to King Wu City first. Let's go."

Chu Fengmian stood up, jumped into the sky, turned into a ray of light, and flew directly towards King Wu's city.

"The Gongyang Family is also a famous martial arts family in the Northern Territory. There should be a lot of wealth in their Kongjie."

While Chu Fengmian was flying away from the light, he took out the empty ring and took away all the countless wealth in it. As for many spiritual weapons, Chu Fengmian integrated them into the sword formation to add strength to the sword formation. .

Two rays of escaping light passed through the air and arrived at the north of the Northern Territory.

There is a huge city near the sea, King Wu City.

Approaching King Wu City, Chu Fengmian observed that there were many Escapes like him around him. These people were also those who came to participate in the martial arts competition in King Wu City.

The moment Chu Fengmian noticed them, these people were also sizing up Chu Fengmian and the two, but most of their attention was focused on Han Yueli.

In the realm of life and death, the innate divine body is already eye-catching enough. In this martial arts competition, everyone is an enemy.

Many people looked at Han Yueli as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

But Han Yueli didn't care. She had a Xuanhan body and was already used to this kind of look.

When she first went to Beimang Sanctuary, there were many seed disciples who were jealous of Han Yueli's talent and wanted to teach her a lesson, but they were all changed by Han Yueli, so she decided to stay in Beimang. The majesty of Mang College.

In the face of hostility, all you have to do is defeat the opponent.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli fell directly in front of the city gate while swaggering.

This King Wu City has a total of three gates, the east gate and the west gate are the side gates, and only the south gate is the real gate.

Among the warriors who came to participate in this martial arts competition, there was no one who was not a proud man of heaven. Naturally, no one took the side door, so they all came to the south gate.

Suddenly, there was a rush of traffic in front of the front door, and countless warriors were rushing towards King Wu's city from all directions.

Among these people, many warriors did not come to participate in the martial arts competition, but only came to watch this triennial event.

Many dark horse geniuses have emerged in the martial arts tournaments over the years, and many of them have now become high-level leaders of major forces and big figures in the Northern Territory.

There are also many people who now want to see what kind of characters are born in this session.

"We are here to participate in a martial arts competition this time. There is no need to queue in front of this gate, we can just fly in."

Han Yueli said.

When they come to participate in the martial arts competition, they naturally do not need to queue up to enter. The queue in front of the south gate may not be enough to get in even if they queue up for a whole day and night.

When Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli arrived in front of King Wu's city, they flew directly towards King Wu's city without falling.

"Who are these two people? Why are they so arrogant?"

A warrior below saw the escaping light of Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli, flew in directly, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"You actually didn't line up and entered directly?"

"Idiot, those two people are obviously here to participate in the martial arts competition. Otherwise, who would dare to break into this King of Martial Arts City without permission."

Another warrior beside him said with some envy.

"When will I be qualified to participate in this martial arts competition?"

"Huh, in this martial arts competition, you have to be at least close to the geniuses on the North Territory Hundred Ranking List to participate. Just you, you won't be able to do it in your lifetime."

Ling a warrior said coldly.

Such discussions continue, and countless warriors are discussing who will win the championship in this martial arts competition, and who will suddenly come out and become a dark horse.

As soon as he entered King Wu's city, Chu Fengmian saw at a glance that there were hundreds of thousands of warriors among them. These warriors were almost all the talented and powerful people in the Northern Territory.

Most of these people are just here to watch the fun and are not qualified to participate.

Only about a thousand people are truly qualified to participate every year.

However, it is not easy to get the top ten rankings from among these thousand people. It is only possible if you have to be at least on the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate List, or even those in the front row of the Hundred Ultimate Ranking. ,make it happen.

Of course, there will indeed be special dark horses appearing in each session. In the last session, there was a disciple of the Earth Demon Sect named Poison Hand Demon Lord. From obscurity, he did not even go to the Northern Territory Hundreds. From the top of the list, to the third place in a sudden jump.

After that, he entered Guixu Tian and had great adventures. Now he has reached the high level of the life and death realm. His strength is enough to defeat even the people at the peak of the life and death realm. He has become a member of the Earth Demon Sect. Big shot.

The two points of becoming famous and the treasure of Guixu Tian stimulated countless geniuses in the Northern Territory to come to participate in this martial arts competition.

Even many genius disciples from hidden forces came to participate.

The martial arts conference can be regarded as the most lively event in the Northern Territory in the past three years.

"He who comes is stopped!"

Just when Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli flew into King Wu's city, two figures flew directly over, looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

"You two are here to participate in this martial arts competition. Do you have any evidence?"


Chu Fengmian didn't waste much time. In his empty ring, two metal plates appeared, with the word "King of Martial" engraved on them.

"It turns out that you two are Your Excellencies from Beimang College, please come in."

The two warriors glanced at each other and said respectfully, letting him go directly.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli entered this directly.

"Oh? There are quite a few people here this time."

Chu Fengmian glanced around and found many figures among them, as if he had seen them in Chu Fengmian's Beimang Sanctuary.

Lu Hua, the leader of the royal party, was among them, as well as many core disciples from the Beimang Sanctuary, who all came to participate this time.

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