Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 639: Not strong enough?

"Huh? How come there is a man? Who are you?"

Only then did Elder Bingli notice Chu Fengmian. Seeing Chu Fengmian standing next to Han Yueli, he couldn't help but frown.

"Are you a disciple of our Beimang Holy Domain?"

Elder Bingli looked at Chu Fengmian and said with some uncertainty.

In this Beimang Sanctuary, there should be no other talents.

However, Chu Fengmian's appearance had no influence on her and was extremely unfamiliar.

"Master, he is my husband, Chu Fengmian."

Han Yueli spoke up and explained.

"It was because he was threatened by people from the Dragon Party that he went to the stage of life and death. That's why I left rashly. Please forgive me, Master."

"Your husband?"

Upon hearing this, Elder Bingli's expression changed and he became much more serious.

A pair of eyes scanned Chu Fengmian, seeming to look up and down Chu Fengmian.

It was not that Han Yueli had never mentioned Chu Fengmian in front of Elder Bingli, but at that time, in the eyes of Elder Bingli, this was just a joke.

We just met in the Northern Territory and came to Beimang College. Their status was very different. This relationship would be broken sooner or later, so I didn't take it to heart.

Now Chu Fengmian's sudden appearance also shocked Elder Bingli. Chu Fengmian's ability to come to Beimang Holy Domain means that Chu Fengmian's strength has reached the limit of divine power.

"Has your strength reached the limit of divine power?"

After confirming again, Elder Bingli still showed a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Elder Bingli also suddenly remembered that she had met Chu Fengmian during the previous disciple recruitment meeting.

But at that time, Chu Fengmian had not even entered the Divine Power Realm. He was just a little guy in the Wind Control Realm. In her opinion, he was just a lucky boy who passed the examination of Beimang College with good luck. , she didn't take it to heart at all.

But now, in just a few months, Chu Fengmian actually had the current strength and was promoted to a seed disciple, which also surprised her.

This kind of speed is simply astonishing. Unless you get a great chance, it is impossible to progress so fast.

"Disciple, you said that he was just taken to the stage of life and death by the Dragon Party people?"

Elder Bingli looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

"The people of the Dragon Party are nothing, but Long Weiyang still has some strength and is difficult to deal with. Yue Li can save you this time, but you have to be careful. With the character of the Dragon Party, he will come to you sooner or later. "

Elder Bingli advised.

In her opinion, Han Yueli should have taken action and saved Chu Fengmian.

Otherwise, with the style of the Dragon Party, Chu Fengmian would definitely be killed by them on the stage of life and death.

Hearing Elder Bingli's words, Han Yueli smiled and said.

"Master, don't worry, from today on, there is no longer a Dragon Party."

"There is no longer a Dragon Party? What do you mean? You killed all the Dragon Party members?"

Elder Bingli was stunned for a moment when he heard Han Yueli's words, and then spoke.

"But it doesn't matter. There is no one behind Long Weiyang. It's just that he has some relationship with the Dragon Clan. It is very likely that people from the Dragon Clan will come to trouble you in the future."

Elder Bingli thought it was Han Yueli who killed Long Weiyang, thinking about this.

"Long Weiyang is indeed dead, but the person who killed him was not his disciple, but him."

Han Yueli pointed at Chu Fengmian and suddenly said.

"Long Weiyang, you didn't kill him? Who was that?"

Elder Bingli was stunned for a moment, and then saw the direction Han Yueli was pointing.

"What? You said Long Weiyang was killed by him?"

When Elder Bingli spoke, he looked at Chu Fengmian in shock.

"Is it you who killed Long Weiyang?"

Elder Bingli's words were also full of disbelief.

Long Weiyang is the leader of the Dragon Party. In this Beimang Sanctuary, there are very few people who can truly defeat Long Weiyang, let alone kill Long Weiyang directly.

Elder Bingli originally thought that Han Yueli did it. With Han Yueli's current strength, it was not unusual for him to do this.

But Han Yueli actually said that Chu Fengmian killed Long Weiyang, which surprised Elder Bingli.


Chu Fengmian nodded, waved his hand, and a water mirror appeared in front of him.

This water mirror is exactly the scene of Chu Fengmian killing Long Weiyang.

Seeing is believing, Chu Fengmian didn't bother to explain anything.

It was only when he saw the scene of Long Weiyang finally dying in Chu Fengmian's hands in the water mirror that Elder Bingli calmed down.

The strength Chu Fengmian showed in it was really terrifying.

Especially when Long Weiyang was killed, it seemed that Long Weiyang was unable to fight back in the hands of Chu Fengmian. This kind of strength is a real giant in the Beimang Sanctuary.

Elder Bingli looked at Chu Fengmian. This time, her eyes were not as cold as before, but much calmer.

"Very good. The husband Yue Li is interested in is indeed not a waste. He who has such strength is enough to gain a foothold in the Beimang Holy Domain."

"By the way, Master, Master hurriedly called me back this time, but for the sake of the Sikong family?"

Han Yueli suddenly spoke.

"My disciple has refused countless times, but Sikong Hong still refuses to give up. He needs Master's help to refuse the marriage proposal."

"Yes, my master asked you to come back this time because it is Sikong's family's business."

Elder Bingli spoke slowly.

"The ancestor of the Sikong family, Sikong Jingsheng, has a good relationship with my master. This time he brought people here personally, so it's hard for me to come forward."

"It doesn't matter. If anyone from the Sikong family dares to come, I will beat him away."

Chu Fengmian said calmly.

"Whoever dares to take advantage of Han Yueli, a genius from a martial arts family, I will drive him away. If he still doesn't know how to move forward or retreat, I will kill him directly."

Chu Fengmian's words were extremely plain, but the words contained in them were true to his words, extremely determined, and extremely confident in his words.

"Fight him away? Boy, it seems you still don't know how powerful that boy from the Sikong family is."

Elder Bingli snorted coldly when he heard Chu Fengmian's words.

"You can kill Long Weiyang, your strength is indeed good, but Long Weiyang is still a warrior in the divine power realm after all. He has not survived the catastrophe of life and death. On the North Territory Hundred Jue List, Long Weiyang is only ranked 47th."

"And this Sikong family's Sikong Hong is now a genius who has survived the catastrophe of life and death. He has reached the second level of the life and death realm, and his strength has surpassed the high level of the life and death realm. He is ranked No. 1 on the Northern Territory Hundred Rankings. Thirty-five are far ahead of Long Weiyang.”

"You have a good intention, but to resolve this matter, you are not strong enough. There is no point in pushing forward now, so let's delay it for a while."

Elder Bingli said.

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