Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 621 Drawing the Sword

The moment Chu Fengmian opened his mouth, the sword in his hand moved.

The swordsmanship contained in this sword's edge was already different from all Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship before.

Ordinary swordsmanship, no matter how perfect it is, will always have flaws, but Chu Fengmian's sword is based on countless swordsmanship recorded in ancient swordsmanship books, plus Chu Fengmian's own experience.

A sword technique created.

This nine-domain swordsmanship has no weaknesses and is a truly invincible swordsmanship.

"His! His! His!"

As soon as the sword fell, the sword blade suddenly struck Lu Hua.

This sword doesn't seem to be too fancy, it just goes to the core, and the target is Lu Hua himself.

Although it seemed easy to dodge, this sword had completely locked Lu Hua's aura. Even if Lu Hua fled to the ends of the earth, he would still be enveloped and killed by this sword.

Lu Hua could also feel the terror of Chu Fengmian's sword.

This kind of sudden burst of power from a seemingly ordinary sword is the most terrifying.

As soon as his body moved, countless thunderbolts around him were released all at once. This thunderbolt turned into a huge armor, covering Lu Hua.

At the same time, countless thunderbolts condensed under his feet and turned into a huge thunder ship, which was a thousand meters long and wide.

Lu Hua stood on the boat and activated the power of the thundering giant ship. He suddenly won over and then slammed into it with a sword.


This giant thunder ship faced Chu Fengmian's sword and was cut open almost instantly.

Although this giant thunder ship was formed by Lu Hua's thunder, its tenacity was no less than that of earth-level spiritual weapons.

But now, it was cut smoothly, and it was obvious that even this thundering giant ship could not stop Chu Fengmian's sword light at all.

The sharpness of the sword's edge was astonishing.

After cutting off the giant thunder ship, the power of this sword was no less, and it was directed towards Lu Hua again, killing him.


Lu Hua didn't seem to have expected that Chu Fengmian's sword would be so powerful. A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

This expression was seen in the eyes of countless seed disciples present, and they all exclaimed in amazement.

It had been a long time since Lu Hua had been serious. This time in front of Chu Fengmian, Lu Hua had no choice but to be serious.

"Chu Fengmian, your strength is indeed good. Even in a single fight, it may be extremely difficult for me to deal with you!"

Lu Hua looked at Chu Fengmian and said coldly, suddenly changing the subject.

"But this is the Beimang Sanctuary. It is absolutely impossible for you to deal with me with your own strength!"

"Disciples of the Royal Party, set up the formation!"

Lu Hua suddenly roared, and among the crowd of onlookers, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared and fell onto the stage of life and death at the same time.

These people are all seed disciples in Beimang Holy Domain and disciples of King Lu Hua's party.

These dozen royal disciples appeared, waving their hands repeatedly, and suddenly formed a huge formation, and the center of this formation was Lu Hua.

Lu Hua was in the great formation. His strength began to increase steadily, and the thunderbolts on his body became five or six times thicker.

Lu Hua suddenly grabbed hold, and the endless thunder struck at him. Chu Fengmian's sword edge was completely swallowed up by the endless thunder.

Just talking about Lu Hua's strength alone, it is indeed even somewhat inferior to Chu Fengmian.

But Lu Hua was not alone, he was also the leader of the royal party.

These dozen royal disciples appeared at the same time, and all their power was given to Lu Hua, causing Lu Hua's strength to skyrocket several times.

Now this battle is no longer just a confrontation between Chu Fengmian and Lu Hua, but a confrontation between Chu Fengmian and the entire royal party.

"Chu Fengmian, no matter how strong you are, you can't compete with our entire royal party!"

The aura on Lu Hua's body was rising steadily, and he laughed suddenly.

"Thunder Prison!"

Countless thunders suddenly fell, and the appearance of these thunders turned into a huge cage.

Chu Fengmian was directly surrounded.

"You think joining forces with a group of ants is enough to fight against me?"

Looking at Lu Hua, Chu Fengmian suddenly sneered repeatedly, his eyes filled with disdain.

It is true that if there are too many ants, they will kill an elephant, but if there are too many ants, it is impossible for them to kill a real dragon.

In the face of absolute power, no matter how many people come together, it means nothing.

"In this case, I will completely destroy your royal party! Let's see what other trump cards you have!"

Chu Fengmian's body moved again.

The Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in his hand suddenly moved, and the dragon power and sword intent merged into one, turning into a sharp sword edge that swept around.

The thunder prison condensed around it was completely shattered and cut off almost instantly.

Chu Fengmian's body escaped from the Thunder Prison and rushed directly into the sky. Holding the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, he suddenly slashed towards Lu Hua.


The blade of the sword flashed, and Chu Fengmian's sword energy turned into a hot ray of light, directly killing Lu Hua.

"Destroy our royal party? Chu Fengmian, you are so arrogant! No one in this Beimang Holy Domain dares to speak so brazenly, not even Lord Ye Tian, ​​but you alone dare to say such things? "

Lu Hua smiled coldly.

"You don't understand that your power is just an ant in front of our royal party. How can one person compete with a force even when his power is getting stronger!"

"I want to kill you now. It's easy. I will defeat you first! I will also let you understand the strength of our royal party!"

Lu Hua stood on the thunder ship and looked at Chu Fengmian like an emperor in the thunder.

Around him, more than a dozen royal disciples gathered their spiritual power and injected all their power into Lu Hua's body, causing Lu Hua's strength to skyrocket.

With a wave of his big hand, thunder fell from the sky, and Chu Fengmian's sword light collided crazily in the air.

"Really? No one can destroy your royal party? So today Chu is going to destroy your royal party!"

Chu Fengmian laughed repeatedly.

"Kill me? It's ridiculous. You idiots like you want to kill me? I'll break all the thunder!"

As Chu Fengmian spoke, his sword light had already fallen.

The sword's light was like a ray of light, and it collided with countless thunderbolts in the air.

Countless thunderbolts were swallowed up by the sword light.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian's body suddenly moved and turned into a very fast figure, rushing towards Lu Hua in one leap.

The sword in his hand suddenly fell.

Two updates today, and then another update after I wake up.

I've been on the train all day today, I'm exhausted, and I'm finally home.

I went to bed at around two o'clock in the morning, got up at seven o'clock to take the train and the subway, and arrived home at night. I was really tired.

But I finally got home and everything was fine.

Starting from the 20th, there will be a minimum of six updates every day, with crazy updates.

I'll start updating after I wake up.

Updates are unstable during this period, so I can only ask for your understanding, and all the debt will be repaid.

Still looking for the free novel "Nine Realms Sword Emperor"


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